Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

I have to say that Su Ya is really pretty fanciful.

Unconsciously, when she was in class, she was distracted until she began to fantasize about her being with Jiangmao, and Yi Yao was only promised to her.

Su Ya is very confident in herself, even if she has a bad reputation in school, there are still many boys like her.

And Su Ya thinks highly of herself and has been watching. Which boy is worth her choice.

The first is the evaluation of the background of the family.

But after contacting Yi Yao and knowing the top giants like that, then looking at these upstarts, the little boys who are not so stinky, Su Ya was a little bit dismissive.

She also wanted to live like Yi Yao, without worrying about food and clothing, and having a lot of money to squander.

Jiang Ai, who looks so handsome, is the object of fantasies for all girls. If she can soak up Jiang Ai, how much face should she have?

Su Ya put her hands on her chin and laughed silly.

As everyone knows, the head teacher has stood in front of her for five minutes.

Her deskmate had been trying to remind her to pull her by the corner of the clothes, and did not know whether Su Ya was too immersed in her imagination or deliberately acting silly, but she never found it.

The ring ruler in the hands of the head teacher knocked on Suya's desk, and made a dull sound, finally bringing Suya's thoughts out of the sky back to reality.

"Student Su, my class is so boring, so boring that you all start to be dazed ?? Still so enthralled, eh?"

A woman in a black dress had meticulous hair stuck behind her head, squinting, squinting, looking at Su Ya with a bad look.

Su Ya was able to recover. Some dissatisfaction had been disturbed, and the dream of the most anticipated link was disturbed, and he glared unpleasantly. As a result, when he looked up, the person he saw was the head teacher.

She stood up from the seat, pursed her lips and whispered, "Old, teacher, what's the matter?"

She was not yet clear that the head teacher had stood in front of her for five minutes.

Hearing what she said around her, she laughed suddenly.

God, this man Su Ya is really a wonderful flower! !

Amazing, really amazing!

I just don't know how the old witch will punish her!

A group of people who have seen Su Ya's discomfort for a long time are very happy, and look at Su Ya's embarrassed face with the eyes of a good play.

Hong Yu even took out a handful of melon seeds from the drawer. He was so happy, and turned to ask Su Ku if he wanted it.

Su Kui shook his head and glanced at Su Ya with only one glance, and then turned away with little interest.

Looking at Su Ya, it is better to read a few more pages.

Hong Yu continued to chatter in her ears, "Hey, the head teacher hates the people who are distracted in her class, Su Ya is miserable this time!"

Moreover, in front of the class teacher, Hong Yu was really curious. She asked Su Kui: "Yi Yao, guess what Su Ya was thinking in her mind, she was so absorbed."

Well this--

Su Kui's expression was dull, and he responded slowly: "It may be the thoughts of some little girls."

In fact, Su Kui already has a few in mind.

No wonder when she was in class, she always felt that if she seemed to have nothing to look at, it turned out to be Su Ya.

Reminiscent of the madness of the female classmates when they saw Jiangmao, then Su Kui was more certain about what Suya was thinking.

Especially just before, when Su Ya hadn't recovered when Suya was knocking on the table, Su Kui looked back at her.

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