Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!


With a low curse, he hit the steering wheel with a punch.

Jiangmao felt that he was really stunned. He actually had an impulse for his adopted niece that belonged to men and women only.

With a punch, the skin of the bone joints were all broken, and the blood stains of Yin Hong oozed out.

Aunt Jiang tilted her head and leaned back into the seat weakly, raising her hand to block her eyes.

He was quietly waiting for the unexpected impulse to go down.

The girl's smile appeared before him, with clean and clear eyebrows and a gesture of trust in him.

He actually--

"Tuk Tuk ..."

Suddenly, the car window was knocked, and Jiang Ma froze for a moment before turning slowly to look out the window.

The girl stooped, her two big eyes smiled like crescent moons, sweet and greasy, she opened her mouth, and Jiang Ao sat inside, not very clear.

He pursed his lips, moved his fingers slightly, and slowly rolled down the window.

The girl stuffed the packed lunch box in a soft and sweet voice. "Second Uncle, skipping breakfast in the morning is bad for your health. Even if you are busy, don't forget to eat ~!"

Jiang Ai's eyes glanced from her small, clean and clear face, and fell to her hands reaching into it, holding the lunch box. The fleshy little hands, with baby fat, and small nests on the fingers, looked very soft.

"Second Uncle?"

Su Kui saw Jiang's silence, and had to speak again, softly called.

"Huh?" After Jiang Wei was stunned, he took the lunch box silently. "Thank you A Yao, the second uncle knows."

But in my heart, there is another idea.

He found that instead of suppressing that thoughtful thought, he had a crazier thought.

If Yi Yao was not adopted by his parents as their niece, then, did he have a chance—

No, I can't think about it anymore.

The sun outside was very big, and soon the girl's face was scorching red. Su Kui waved her hand and stepped back two steps away. "Then I won't disturb the second uncle to work. Don't be late, the second uncle. "

With her hands behind her, her steps were as light as a butterfly, and she quickly entered the house.

Jiang Ao looked at her distant back in silence, started the engine, and drove away.

On this day, when he was dealing with official duties, he was always out of state.

Before leaving work, a phone call called him to go to a drinking party, Jiang Ao went straight to work and went to the appointment.

In the Ktv box, several well-dressed men sat on the sofa in twos and threes, and a few beautiful and gorgeous women snuggled up beside them.

Only Jiang's side was the quietest.

He drank from drink to drink, silently.

Until his friend Gong Qing couldn't stand it anymore, he grabbed his glass and slapped him and asked, "What's wrong, A Fei, are you going to borrow wine to ease your worries? The nightlife has just begun, if you are drunk Now, how do we play the next show? "

As soon as this remark came out, others nodded and said yes.

"Yes, without Jiang Shao, we are not happy to play!"

"Hahaha, in my opinion, is there something wrong with Jiang Shao? Otherwise, why not borrow wine here to calm down?"

"Yes, if you are unhappy, you might as well say it to the brothers and let the brothers give you the staff!"


Jiangmao smiled bitterly. Instead of grabbing a wine glass, he picked up the wine bottle and poured a sip.

Turning his head to look at Gong Qing, his eyes were dark in the dim light, "Gong Qing, you said, what if you like a girl who is much smaller than you?"

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