Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

However, when I thought about it, the game was insignificant compared with the benefits she brought after she returned.

"Then do you look good?" Su Kui smiled. "I don't like to eat game. You see and see. If it's okay, I'll go back to class."

The girl opened her mouth in surprise. What happened?

It can be seen that Su Kui is not too close to this family.

The old lady's face was black. She glared at her son. Uncle Yi was wearing a simple face. He smiled and said, "Yaoyao, we are planning to pick you up this time. You are now It ’s too big. What ’s going on in someone ’s home, and we ’re not home to take care of you! ”

"Take care?"

Su Kui seemed to hear some funny jokes.

At this time, the school teacher rushed to hear the word and heard this sentence, looking at Su Kui in surprise.

Su Kui's face does not change color, a small face is flat and dull, neither anger nor joy of seeing his family.

"Grandma is not forgotten how I lived at home? At the age of six, other people go to school, and I don't have parents. I can't go to school because I'm a baby girl. You lose money! I ’m only six years old, I ’m going to wash everyone ’s clothes, I ca n’t finish meals, I do n’t have to eat dishes, I ’m going to be beaten hard, and you ’re going to be taken seriously ?"

She sneered, "I'm doing very well now, and I only have relatives from the Tang family. As for you, I'm sorry, I won't recognize you!"

Some people also recognized that Su Kui was the little princess of the Tang family.

No one can imagine that she was not born in the Tang family. No wonder she had a different surname. Moreover, hearing what she said in her mouth, when other teachers looked at Yi Yao's family again, they became contemptuous.

What time is it now? Both men and women are equal and can go to school! Why do girls lose money and can't go to school?

Moreover, at that time the child was so young, but let her do so many things. The child's hands and feet are unstable, and it is normal to do the wrong thing. If this is the case, he will be beaten.

I want to know what kind of life Xiao Yiyao lives in their home.

Liu Chunhua's cheeks were hot and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet. She was also very soft-hearted for a while, and the old lady said that as long as Yi Yao was taken back, the Tang family couldn't bear her and would definitely have to pay a lot of living expenses. By then, isn't this money theirs?

Think of the children at home who are still waiting for school, and Liu Chunhua gritted his teeth.

Who knows, this little niece is not a weak bully!

"Yaoyao ... Did you remember it wrong? Your grandma is the tofu heart of the knife mouth, how could you hit you?"

The eyes around her saw her cheeks hot, but it really made Su Kui continue to say so, they all lost their faces, how to take Su Kui back?

"Did you remember when you were young?"

The old lady's angry face was red and white. If the old man was pulling her hard behind her back, she rushed up with her temper and hit Su Kui's small face.

It's really bad!

In the mind of the old lady, even if she was not brought up, but as long as the surname is Yi, and the blood of their Yi family is in their bones, they are the people of their Yi family! You must listen to her!

"You are the bloodline of our Yi family, and the people of our Yi family are not dead yet! If you don't go back with us, can't you still live with outsiders ?!"

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