Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

His delicate face was indifferent, and his eyes seemed to condense into ice, so that people could not see through.

"Second Uncle?"

Jiang Ai was stunned, and her complex and dark eyes fell on her. After half a second, she turned upstairs without turning back, and entered her room.

The door closed tightly.

"What's wrong with him? Suddenly lost his temper." Shen Meng froze for a moment and helped her belly to walk over.

Su Kui was startled and saw that she was going upstairs and quickly stopped her. "Auntie, sit down and rest, I'll go and see the second uncle!"

After finishing talking, he helped Shen Meng back to rest again, and then walked over to pick up the beautifully packed gift box on the ground and walked towards Jiangmao's room.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk--"

"Second Uncle? Are you in there? Can I go in?"

The door was unlocked, Su Kui knocked, and looked inside through the door slit.

The curtains in Jiang's room were tightly closed, and no light could penetrate. He was lying on the bed in a state of depression, like a lifeless sculpture.

The unusual appearance makes Su Kui's mouth slightly pursed.

"The second uncle doesn't speak, then I'll go in?"

She waited quietly for a little while. Jiang Ai didn't refuse or agree, and still said nothing.

Su Kui gently pushed the door in.

Close the door again.

"Second Uncle?"

Jiang Ai's eyes moved slightly, his eyes slowly, his eyes fell on Su Kui, complex and long.

Another long silence.

Su Kui sucked her nose and jumped to Jiangmao, her hands on the bed, bent over to stare at his face, "Are Uncle Unhappy? But, why not be happy, today is my birthday.

"Does Yao want to marry someone?"

Without a head, Jiang Ai suddenly spit out this sentence.

He is already twenty-seven years old this year, and his family has long urged his wedding birthday. Even his grandfather has to talk to him every time he sees him.

But he had already cherished a little girl in his heart, and other rouge powders couldn't be seen.

"Ah?" Su Kui blinked, his eyes black and white, and flickered, "Why did Uncle ask this? Well, if you meet the right person, maybe it will."

She smiled, her small face was full of sweetness, and when she looked at Jiangmao, her eyes seemed to have stars.

Jiang Ai could not hear her intention, but only knew that when she heard this sentence, her heart seemed to be clenched by a big hand, and her breathing was stagnant, almost unable to breathe.

She said she would marry someone--

She will leave, leave this house, and leave him too!

Aunt Jiang closed his eyes in pain, and his hands clenched into fists burst into blue.

"What the **** are you thinking? If your uncle is not happy, A Yao can stay with you at the Tang family all his life."

The girl's hand was soft and warm, as slender as jade, and broke his fingers gently.

His fingers crossed the palm of his hand, and there was a burst of current. The gentle tone is like coaxing a child.

Jiangma suddenly raised an unknown fire, she just wanted to marry someone! Want to leave him, are you still coaxing him here?

Shouldn't she tell him the moment she fell in love and brought her boyfriend home?

He sat up from the bed violently, Su Kui was caught off guard and froze in place. The next second, the back of the head was tightly controlled, Su Kui opened his eyes wide.

At the next moment, a hot and soft thing was printed on the lips.


The girl's eyes were shocked, and her eyelashes were fan-like, quickly instigating, crossing Jiang Ao's nose.

Jiang Ai knew that he had made this step, and then he and Su Kui would never return to the past.

He closed his eyes and threw a desperation to deepen the kiss.

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