Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Retreat. I heard that you were a painter before entering the house. Tomorrow, after setting up your sister, come and paint a portrait for me."

If you don't stay with such a beautiful face, you don't know if you have any thoughts in the future.

Xiao Ran bowed his head, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

He thought she would not remember.

In fact, at the beginning, Xiao Ran felt good about Mu Yan. People are all visual animals, especially Mu Yan is too long to say that it is a disaster for the country and the people. The two first met in front of the booth, and Xiao Ran made a living by selling paintings, treating the only sister.

Mu Yan was then a famous beauty throughout the big week.

It's just that the beauty's reputation is not very good. In this age of men with three wives and four concubines, what she did was considered outlandish.

But because her father died in battle and her mother died in mourning, Mu Yan was directly sealed as the county master. Even, the emperor gave her very great rights, as long as she did not harm the country, did not think of rebellion. In this life, she can live whatever she wants.

Once met, Xiao Ran was unforgettable. Who knew that later, because he was really unable to afford his sister's medical expenses, he finally met Mu Yan when he finally embarked on the road of selling as a slave.

"Be my pet, I'll give you a hundred silver, how?"

The beauty stands tall, with a bun like a cloud, a red yarn covering the body, and a charming and elegant posture.

Selling as a slave, one person can get twelve silver. Like Xiao Ran, you can get twenty-two. But Mu Yan's opening was one hundred two. Xiao Ran didn't need to think about it at all, so he bowed to admit his life. "Thank you, Lord." Even with it, she also buried that good impression of Mu Yan.

After entering the house, he really became a male favorite and was always called to accompany him. But after three or two times, Mu Yan seemed to have forgotten him. He never looked for him again until he took the initiative to come to the door.

There are too many beautiful men in the prefecture's palace, versatile, every son, posture and temperament, every take out, is a dragon and phoenix among people.

But all because of Mu Yan alone, obediently stayed in this dark house.

Xiao Ran quickly retreated.

There were a few pots of dry ice in the room, but it wasn't so hot anymore.

Su Kui breathed lightly and waved his hand to make everyone retreat.

This is the only way to start to recall Mu Yan's everything.

Mu Yan, now twenty years old.

In her memory, she couldn't live until she was twenty-five years old. Even if Su Kui came now, she couldn't change it all.

Because, before she was born, in her mother ’s stomach, she was given a poison called Haitangxiao. People who got poisoned will become more and more beautiful as they grow older. It looks like a peony blooming till it is very thick.

When it reaches its peak, it is when it begins to decline.

In Mu Yan's heart, what she cares about most is her face. She has always known that she was in Begonia laugh, so she never aggrieved herself and did not want to live her life with regret.

But who knows, she didn't wait until she was twenty-five, and her only face that was valued was ruined.

The heroine of this world is a pure black lotus, an ancient native. From a servant girl, squatting in the back house, became the most important daughter of the prime minister.

Later, she will be married to the prince as the prince. The two had never dealt with it. The heroine hated Mu Yan, and Mu Yan couldn't look down on her pretentious attitude. She was completely black in her heart, but she made a hypocritical appearance.

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