Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

This painting was painted directly for three days, and finally moved from the soft collapse of the front hall to her bedroom.

She didn't respond, but Xiao Ran made a big blush.

Su Kui looked like a ridiculous ridicule, "Xiao Ran, what are you thinking in your head?" No, there is something unsuitable for children?

However, after Xiao Ran finished painting, Su Kui looked at it, and did not expect Xiao Ran's painter to be so good. If it wasn't for Mu Yan, he entered the county's main palace. Over time, as long as he could get the opportunity, he would be able to fly into the sky.

In this way, Su Kui finally understood why Xiao Ran hated her.

Yes, until now, she still feels that Xiao Ran hates her.

However, that has nothing to do with her, this person still has to rely on her breath to live.

She was too lazy to ask Xiao Ranke once complained about the facts she had laid bare. She was drowsy all day long, where did she go to pay attention to what he was doing.

Only one sentence was repeated, "After I die, I will leave you with a sum of money. When that happens, you will take your sister with you, go where you want, and it will be my make up."

"The master of the county carefully said--"

Xiao Ran's voice was dry, and there was a touch of dark color under his eyes.

Once I talked about it casually, but what about twice or three times?

Xiao Ran dare not think about it.

After another three or two days, the weather turned cloudy and finally became cooler.

Ever since the emergence of the little lover being sneaked to death by the old emperor, Mu Yan has become a complete hedonist.

Just as Su Kui was bored, she simply sent an invitation and called a group of ladies to come to the county government.

Mu Yan was indeed laid-back, although she was unhappy, but she was favored by the old emperor, and no one dared not give her face.

The sound is in the ear, and the bamboos are bursting.

Su Kui sits in the high seat, and there are some small tables on both sides of the hall, and the ladies and ladies, sit on both sides.

In the middle are her various male pets, playing flute, dancing sword and writing poems.

"Sovereign, I haven't seen you in a few days. I always feel that you are even more beautiful than in the past. The courtier asked me courageously. I don't know if there is any special beauty method for the courtmaster. I also give it to the courtiers!"

The speaker was Sun, the wife of Shangshu, who sat in Su Kui's hands, smiled, covered her lips with a veil, and said softly.

Su Kui languidly raised her eyelids, some kind of sparkling water, charmingly flowing.

"Natural beauty is hard to give up. My wife asked me this question, but I really can't answer it. But if you like it, I will ask the next person to copy it to you, the curlew--"

With that said, she instructed the Curlew to take the recipe she used to bathe and wipe her face.

The snipe came back and forth very quickly, and the other ladies missed it, and said quickly: "The master of the county can not be so kind, since I gave Mrs. Sun, is it not ours?"

"The girl next to me is squeamish, if you want, go to Mrs. Sun to discuss it."

She could not offend anyone. There were no fifty but thirty. How many copies do I have to write if I copy them one by one?

Her own girl was loyal and she was naturally distressed.

The first to speak, the wife of the criminal servant of the punishment department, who was tempted by the wind, was a bit scornful, and his eyes showed anxiety. But she was a lord, even a princess in the palace, she never saw such a big shelf!

Seeing a lady who was good with Mrs. Shio, the punishment department, she quickly pulled her hand and motioned for her to converge. With a smile on his face, he said to Su Kui: "The lord said that we would go to Mrs. Sun to ask for a copy later, not to bother the lord."

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