Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The man's eyes were drooping, his temperament was as cold as the lotus at the top of the snowy mountain, and he was surrounded by the hustle and bustle.

As if he himself, he has become a small world, like a fairy.

Changle has never seen such a good-looking man in his life. With just one glance, he lost his heart and lost his soul.


With a loud noise, in the dream of Changle's fantasy, like an annoying fly, she was suddenly pulled back from the delusion.

The beautiful moments that belonged to her disappeared all at once.

A bunch of flames burst into Changle's eyes and stared at Wei Qiutong, "What's so anxious, I have to call me now, the soul?"

Wei Qiutong was stunned. The huge humiliation caused her body to tremble. Soon, she suppressed the unwillingness in her heart and whispered: "The princess is not angry, Qiu Tong is all wrong. Forgive me. "

As for what I wanted to say before, it is no longer important.

She is still fledgling and is being crushed under the Wuzhi Mountain by her mother-in-law and sister-in-law. The biological mother only knows to cry at the mirror all day long, hoping that the bearded man will see her.

In addition to relying on herself, no one can rely on her in the big prime minister's house.

Therefore, even if she did nothing, she must grasp this life-saving straw. As long as she is still a celebrity in front of Princess Changle, then her mother-in-law dare not move her.

Changle hummed and turned to see the man again. At this moment, the woman in the seat suddenly heard a lazy, slightly charming voice: "Come on, let the lord bring you up for you Jinyiyushi, is it that you plan to use these old-fashioned tunes to pretend to be the master of the county? Everyone goes to the execution room to get three whips and counts as punishment! "

As Su Kui's words fell, a group of men who were playing the fiddle and dancing swords fell obediently, intending to retreat.

"Stop it! Mu Yan, are you going too far ?! What's wrong with them! These people are also human beings, and clearly did nothing wrong, why should you punish them ?!"

Changle filmed the case, and the flames in his eyes rose, almost to the point of ignorance.

In a hurry, she hurried towards the man in white who was already standing at the door and holding the piano with her eyes hanging, biting her lower lip, "Mu Yan, you can't do this!"

Changle kept repeating this sentence, Su Kui heard funny, her Daimei slightly picked, "Why? They are my slaves, life and death are decided by myself. Princess Changle, even if your power is greater, my lord It ’s your turn to intervene in government affairs! "

Every time I meet, it is **** for tat.

Changle stomped his feet and cried quickly, his cheeks flushed. She naturally doesn't care about other people's life and death, but how can that man be treated like humiliation?

Her eyes flickered in the direction of the man, who stood silently without saying a word. He didn't even give Changle a look.

Changle's hands clasped tightly on his side, "Mu Yan, what are you going to do to let them go?"

Su Kui narrowed her eyes, leaning lazily on the slump, the maid gently knocked her legs for her, and a pair of butterfly-like eyelashes rested above the autumn water-like eyes.

Yin Hong's moles are looming.

"Why should the princess turn such a big bend? I punished a male pet, not one day or two. Is this the first time you can't see it? It's so exciting. Before, I never saw that the princess was a compassionate person What about temperament— "

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