Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

As soon as she left, Wei Qiutong, who didn't even have invitations, naturally couldn't stay any longer. He quickly followed Changle's footsteps and hurried away.

Su Kui sipped the refreshing fruit wine, "I'm sorry everyone, today I made the ladies miss the joke. My house has recently brewed some particularly moisturizing beauty wine. , No respect. "

The implication is that it is a guest-by-guest order.

All the ladies were also very interesting, and they immediately got up and said goodbye.

But he was muttering secretly in his heart. This lord of the county was really cynical and moody day by day.

Sometimes speaking and doing things is entirely based on your mood, leaving no face at all. Sometimes, like now, she speaks very politely, and even makes people feel a bit affectionate from her lazy tone.


The Royal Palace, the Eastern Palace, the residence of the Prince.

"I'm mad, I'm mad !!"

A young girl dressed in a goose yellow palace shook her hands and feet, and kicked into the East Palace, disturbing a group of palace people waiting quietly at the door.

Crown Prince Qi Huaigang had a secret conversation with a group of staff from the study, and he ran into Changle, who was angry.

"What's wrong with this? What is it all about recklessly?"

When the youth attacked the purple robe, the black hair was **** by a purple gold dragon crown, like a jade tree, and the eyebrows were warm. Even when frowning and blaming, the tone is not serious.

Changle shrugged his neck for no reason, and his voice was a little low, "Brother! That Mu Yan is so mad at me today! You want to make the decision for me!"

Mu Yan?

The light and misty star eyes contain dark and sharp.

"Changle, my mother said that you are not allowed to provoke Mu Yan again."

Qi Huai sat down and poured himself a cup of tea slowly, reminding him lightly.

Changle knew she was right, but she couldn't swallow that anger, "Brother, do you know how naughty that Mu Yan is? Today she invited all the life-giving ladies and mourning ladies in the DPRK to summon her male pets to play the piano and dance, Really shameless !! "

this one?

Qi Huai's eyes were not salty or light, and he sipped tea. "Changle, if that's the case, you won't be alone. What Mu Yan wants to do has nothing to do with you, you just have to discipline yourself. Say What's the reason this time? "

Chang Le blushed, his eyes flustered, because he was guessed by his brother.

She pursed her lips and suddenly grabbed Qi Huai's sleeve, acting like a child, said coquettishly: "Brother, you must help me this time!"

Ever since Changle began to be sensible, she is ignorant and knows that her brother will be the one who will sit on the seat of 10,000 people in the future, not her elder brother.

Moreover, since I accidentally witnessed Qi Huai smiling like a spring breeze, but in the blink of an eye, he tenderly ordered the guard to pull the erroneous palace man to feed the dog. In Changle's heart, he gave birth to a lot of awe for the brother who loved her since childhood .

If you want to get close, you are always afraid.

Qi Huai was in a trance, and his black eyes grew deeper.

"Let's talk, you don't say it, and let Brother Huang help you?"

Changle's throat stalked, and had to slowly tell what happened during the day.

After she finished speaking, she patted the table wrongly and couldn't help but red eyes.

"What's wrong with me? He doesn't want to follow me, but he wants to follow the slutty and dirty woman!"

"Changle! Enough!"

Qi Huai frowned, interrupting her violently.

"How does the mother-in-law usually teach you? As a person in the royal family, every word and deed represents the face of the royal family. You are slutty and dirty, how does the mother teach you this way ?!"

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