Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kui was amused, and she put Pearl Hairpin into his arms and said, "It's so good! Take it to buy sugar. After studying hard, my sister is waiting for you to marry me!"

The staff shook their heads on the side, "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhung, this is a real disaster! Not even children.

However, no one has admitted. A group of decent people, just before, did not look at the woman downstairs, stunned?

The thoughts in my heart may be dirtier than anyone else.

While talking, all of a sudden, the young man wearing a dark blue brocade, suddenly put down the wine in his hand and walked out without looking back.

The aides were stunned for a moment, anxiously said: "His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness, where are you going?"

And Qi Huai, in a blink of an eye, there is no shadow, where to ignore the words of the staff.

Su Kui patted the child's face and asked him to find his mother. The child was so excited that he blushed and walked back three steps.

Su Kui kept watching him until he bumped into his mother's arms, excitedly chattering about what to say, and the chubby little hand pointed at Su Kui.

The woman wearing the coarse cloth towel was not very young, and she was only twenty-four or four. She was ten years older than her. Looking like it was thirty, she took the pearl hairpin in the child's hand and burst into tears in her eyes.

The child did not understand so much, he only knew that he saw the fairy.

"Ma'am, why are you crying? The fairy elder sister told me, she said that this gave me candy for food, study well in the future, she will marry me as a bride in the future!"


The woman was sighing and laughed at the childish words.

"Your child, at a young age, already thinking about the bride? Go and go, go back to school with the old lady!" As for the woman's words, it was just a joke.

Such an excellent woman, I don't know how many sons I want to be admired by.


When Su Kui saw the child go back with his mother, he looked back lightly. Of course, the things she gave cannot be snatched by others.

Most of the people around them were ordinary people. The original words of Su Kui made them blush. In the next scene, the jealous eyes were red.

That's what the master of the county uses. One piece, enough for an ordinary family to eat for life! However, it was just sent by the woman casually.

Thinking about this, they fell on Su Kui's head and stepped on the hairpin, and could not help being hot.

Su Kui lazily yawned, pulled out the last step with a bad taste, and played in his hands. The jewel tassels above, in the sunshine, Ye Ye exudes a precious light, which makes people coveted.

"Want?" She whispered, her tone soft and soft, like feathers.

"miss you!"

"Sovereign, give it to the Caomin!"

"There are old people and small children on the grass, and grass people need it even more!

Su Kuile looked at the ugly face of a group of people and was about to throw it away.

Behind the sudden hearing, there was a voice belonging to the youth. Such as gurgling streams, warm and pleasant.

"Huarong County Master, these are the beloved things of the daughter's family, how can you give them away casually? The County Lord still keeps it better.

Qi Huaiyou stepped out of the crowd and stood before the high-headed Malaysia.

When he heard the sound, Su Kui already knew who it was.

Her eyes were drooping and her eyelashes were fan-like, casting a light shadow under her eyelids.

"Your Highness said so, did you want me to shake this step?"

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