Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The emperors of all dynasties were suspicious, and the queen's mother family had this custom since a century ago. On the neck under his hand, the tattoo of the coil snake is pierced, which represents the people of the Zhen family.

The result is now the iron proof that the queen wants to assassinate the emperor.

The queen never expected it to be so fast, and the fire burned itself. Shocked, she fell to her knees and fell to the ground without tears. "The emperor, the emperor's concubine is wrong! How can the concubine have such a malicious thought? Certainly someone is wronging the concubine and looking forward to the emperor. what!"

Mid-night palace banquet, where the audience was doing civil and military officials, all witnessed all this.

The old emperor was excited. When he saw the wrinkles in the corner of the queen's eyes and her tears, there was a moment of loosening. He raised his head and looked coldly at Prince Huai, "Prince, what do you have to say?"

The royal family is weak, even this prince is known as the most capable successor. However, the emperor did not like this kind of outstanding successor. As soon as you see him, you will think that after his death, this person will take his place.

Qi Huai calmly walked to the middle, stooped and said in a humble voice: "Children believe that the mother is wronged, do not know, hope the father emperor to investigate."

"A good insight!" The emperor sneered. He glanced at the queen and ordered to go down. "I remember that Zhen's tattoo added a special medicine. Just take some vinegar to wash it, and you can tell clearly. Really, come here, come with vinegar! "

On the spot, because of the dip, there was just vinegar, and someone soon brought it.

In fact, at this moment, the emperor still refused to believe that it was the queen who sent someone to assassinate him. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he was old and he didn't have a few years to live. The prince had a solid foundation. As long as there was no accident, the next emperor was none other than him.

There is really no need to take such a huge risk to send someone to assassinate him.

He did not doubt the prince, but looking at the calmness of Huai's face, his eyes were calm, and there was no slight panic. The emperor could not help but dispel the doubts in his heart.

The presence of the Queen's mother, Zhen, was naturally in the presence. When she heard this sentence, she was all terrified. The rest had to be pleased with them, and now they are also eager to get as far away as possible.

No way, this kind of thing, once contaminated, is the crime of decapitation!

The Zhen family discovered these people's small movements, sneered, and did not speak.

But I was secretly praying in my heart, hoping to wait for the vinegar to be poured, and there should be no changes to the tattoo. Otherwise, they just jumped into the Yellow River and could not wash it!

At first, it was to reassure the successive emperors that they did it for the first time. Tattoo the body under your hand for easy control. Moreover, the special potion added to the tattoo is known only to the owner of the Zhen family, and no one else knows.

The emperor knew this. Therefore, he deliberately called the **** to bring vinegar.

The **** quickly handed over the vinegar to the bodyguard. Under the eyes of the public, the man pulled away the collar of the black man who had lost his breath and poured it up violently.

Everyone's breath was held, staring at the tattoo intently.

One second, two seconds, three seconds ...

Everyone had different thoughts, all written on his face, Su Kui watched a lively.

While the queen was relieved, she suddenly exclaimed, like a huge rock, falling into the calm lake.

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