Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kui narrowed her eyes and looked at the ornament of a white magnolia flower placed on the shelf. The whole body was snow-white and was carved from the fine white jade. It was beautiful and beautiful.

"There are many secrets in His Royal Highness. I really don't know the Royal Highness standing next to me, is it true?"

Suddenly she looked sideways, and her eyes fell on Qi Huai in a black robe.

Qi Huai, dressed in black robe, looked a little sharper.

"If the master of the county likes it, you can take away everything in the Jinghongyuan," he said, and suddenly he laughed, "including me--"

Su Kui said, "Okay, then, your Highness, Prince, don't regret it."

Her Yinhong plump lips curled up, and Qi Huai quietly looked at her, only to feel that there was an empty space in her heart, which seemed to be filled at once.

Very strange feeling.

Clearly before, when I saw Mu Yan, I didn't feel that way.

When Qi Huai opened the organ, the row of shelves slowly opened to both sides, revealing the dim environment inside.

Su Kui lifted his foot and walked down the stairs. There were long lights in the grooves on both sides of the wall. The candlelight shook slightly with the air flow, and the light was dim, and only the road under the foot could be seen. Farther away, you can't see clearly.

But it is enough for Su Kui to understand that here, as Qi Huai said, does exist.

In a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible to make such a big project.

Without alarming her.

So, who made this secret passage?

She lowered her eyes in contemplation, suddenly felt a pain in her sole, and suddenly fell uncontrollably forward.

"Be careful--"

Suddenly the waist was caught, and a familiar ambergris smell fell into his nose.

Su Kui swiftly raised her eyes, she leaned against the man's arms, her eyes raised to see his raised throat knot, and the pair of them hung down, staring quietly at her heavy black eyes.

"The ground in the underpass is uneven. The master should be careful."

The scent of candles merged with the ambergris, Su Kui sniffed his nose and looked up at him with a smile, "Is there not a Crown Prince?"

"Huh--" A short chuckle, with ease and joy.

Qi Huai reached out and gently plucked her strand of hair sticking to the corner of her lips behind her ears. "This is my second time to save the lord, I don't know how the lord can thank me?"


A beautiful woman's face looks hazy under the light, and it is particularly touching. Laughing, it's almost like trying to hook people's hearts and souls.

She opened her red lips lightly, breathing like a blue, standing close to Qi Huai on her feet, "His Royal Highness really want?"

Hot and humid breath hit the neck, and Qi Huai's tall body stiffened, and he had no time to retreat. The next second, the neckline was dragged arbitrarily by a small hand, while the other hand embraced his waist.

"His Highness is afraid?"


The pair of eyes like an abyss squinted, squinting in the dark, in the dark and unclear light, the danger imploded.

"I'm not afraid, the county chief should not give it a try? Only, the county master should not be afraid!"

He didn't do it, just afraid that it would scare her.

There are many of his eyeliners in this house. How can she hide his eyes from her actions? Even if she really wanted to, he would never allow those cheap pets to touch her!

The response to Qi Huai was the soft lips that suddenly attached thin lips.

Fengmu, in the dark, his pupils tightened slightly.

Not afraid, but exciting!

That kind of feeling, like a ghost wandering for thousands of years, finally found a home, no longer wandering.

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