Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

And, looking at the current situation, is she in the detention center?

Then her current situation is very dangerous ...

Su Kui shook the handcuffs on his wrist, a pair of big eyes, full of cunning.

"Police officer, don't be angry, women get older when they are angry--"

"To shut up!"

The woman photographed on the table, "Tan Xiaomiao, don't show me tricks! Hurry up and explain the whole process you saw that night! Dare to bb again, believe it or not!


A strong fist, only a centimeter away from Su Kui's door.

She hid back and asked the system silently.

"System, did I kill someone?"

The sound of the system is cold and ruthless: [No. 】

Su Kui relieved, "How old am I now? And should you update this system? Memory transmission is so slow, I will be killed by you sooner or later!"

In the past, it would wait until the memory transfer was completed before the plane shuttle. And now, she hasn't accepted the memory, so she was sent here by the system.

Without memory, the other party just tortured her, and she couldn't answer the question.

The system pauses: [Sixteen years old, and my system is up to date, no need to update! After the memory is transferred, good luck! 】

After finishing talking, he quickly went offline.

Su Kui was silent for a while, digesting Tan Xiaomiao's memory, and raised his head with a smile.

"Police officer, but I really didn't kill anyone. If you have evidence to prove that Han Bin killed me, just send me to a labor camp or shoot it."

As a matter of course, she didn't care about the tone.

Xu Yanan got angry as soon as she saw that her dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, biting her teeth fiercely, hoping to rush up and beat her.

Girls of this rebellious period do not love themselves at all, and they like to provoke trouble.

If this girl is her sister, Xu Yanan would have been killed!

Her angry liver is about to explode, her fists clenched tightly, "Tan Xiaomiao, do you really plan to refuse cooperation?"

Suddenly she withdrew her foot on the chair and walked towards Su Kui with great force.

When the little policeman behind her saw her like this, she quickly grabbed her.

"Sister Xu, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive! Calm down. It's illegal to beat a suspect without evidence!"

Su Kui raised an eyebrow, and a pair of big cat pupils stared at the young policeman, "Wow, little brother, if you say that, if there is evidence, you can beat the prisoner at will? I really don't know, Our police station in Longcheng still has this custom? "

"Cutting your teeth!"

Of course Xu Yanan wouldn't go to beat a child, although the girl in front of him was really punished.

She sat in an angry position, hands around her chest, and asked the little policeman next to her angrily, "Is the boss back? If you come back, let him come over."

Hearing this sentence, the little policeman was busy: "The captain of the brigade has not returned yet, but he was sent to the branch by the director, and he does not know when he will return."


When Xu Yanan heard this sentence, he felt even more headache.

She pressed her eyebrows and finally asked, "Tan Xiaomiao, is it right that Han Bin is your boyfriend? Is he really dead when he is dead?"

Xu Yanan looked at the girl with her hands in handcuffs, bowing her head to pick her fingers, and asked patiently.

In all fairness, the girl looks good.

No, it should be very good. [The next chapter is a repeated chapter, do not buy it, replace it in the early morning! 】

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