Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

It can only be said that Su Kui was lucky, and Nie Kai quickly replied to Su Kui.

Notify her to audition.

The audition took place in a well-known brokerage company building. The enemy's road was narrow. As soon as I got on the elevator, I met a few familiar faces.

Lu Chong, Xu Yanan, and the little policeman who was teased by Su Kui.

"Yo? What are you doing here?"

Lu Chong raised his eyebrows and smiled badly: "Will it be a crush on me, secretly trailing me here?"

Xu Yanan gave Lu Chong a glance, his eyes complex and strange.

Su Kui rolled her eyes and looked disdainful. "You don't look at yourself in the mirror. I'm looking for the younger brother. The old bacon is stinky and hard. It's moldy. May like you! "

"Smelly girl, do you understand what it means to respect elders?"

Lu Chong emptied Su Kui and was bitten by her teeth.

Su Kui walked in and pressed the floor to be audited, and the elevator door closed slowly in front of him.

"Seriously, what are you doing here?"

"Audience," Su Kui's big eyes turned straight, his eyes glanced at the poster posted inside the elevator.

"Yo? Audition?" Lu Chong laughed and looked at the little girl who only reached his chest. "This is going to be a big star? Come and tell me which mirror you are trying to test."

"I want you to control!"

Su Kui didn't hear the ridicule in Lu Chong's tone. She pursed her mouth and glared at him angrily.

This man always likes to fight against her.


The elevator door opened, Su Kui lifted his foot and left.

"Hey, wait a minute."

Suddenly Lu Chong grabbed Su Kui and took her out.

Seeing this, Xu Yanan said displeasedly: "Lu team! We have to hurry back to the game, you ..."

"I got it. You guys have to go back to the team first. I have something to tell this girl!" Lu Chongtou waved his hand and didn't return.

Xu Yanan pursed his lips.

Su Kui turned his head back slightly, and his energetic eyes fell in the elevator, on the woman in the police uniform, until the elevator door closed slowly in front of her.

Lu Chong let go of her and put her hands on her hips, "I said you are really enough to cause trouble, you can be touched everywhere!"

And there is no good thing when it happens!

After hearing this, Su Kui raised his face and retorted, "I still want to say, it's not a good thing to meet you! Then you say, what are you doing here!"

Lu Chong shook his head, looking serious.

"Tan Xiaomiao, I'm seriously telling you that you'd better be careful when you go out recently. And-if this audition can be slowed down, it's better."

"You give me a reason!"

Lu Chong's thin lips tightened, and his eyes were dull. "Two more deceased people have appeared recently, and there is one. It is this company's small flower that is as old as you. Both died before the death ... "

One more thing, Lu Chong never told Su Kui, but now, he had to say it.

"Moreover, Han Bin was also violated before he died, and then was killed!"

After the little flower was violated, the criminals dropped it from the top floor. In such a high building, the corpses were destroyed.


Su Kui frowned, "Are you serious?"

For Lu Chong's words, she still believed somewhat.

If all the same criminals do, then the night Lu Chong sent her back a few days ago-

The black shadow she discovered may not be an illusion.

"Of course, anyway, you recently reminded your friends to be very careful. Moreover, it is best to move out of that place as soon as possible. If you are short of money, you can tell me."

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