Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

As a result, he met Wuqiang halfway. He suddenly changed his tongue and said that he had eaten it.

Xiao Mo is not easy to say.

Xiaohe is surprised with Grandma Qing, is the five girls slanting? still is--


If they were what they thought, the five girls are so young and so insightful in their ability to make people feel horrible!

Seeing Su Kui insist, Xiao Mo didn't say anything, turned around and delivered it in person.


In the study, Huo Yanzhi finished talking with the Seventh Prince, and the two stepped out one after the other.

The seven princes smiled and followed each other, following Huo Yan.

Huo Yan frowned, "It's getting late, you should go back to the palace."

The seventh prince died Pi Lai said with a face: "Third Brother, otherwise you will take me here today! I haven't lived in the house for a long time!"


"Third Brother you have changed, you were not so ruthless before!" The Seventh Prince, regardless of Huo Yan's disagreement, stepped into the main hall first.

Huo Yanzhi: "..."

So staying is fake, is it true to want to see the little girl?

He went in and found that there was only a little girl.

He raised his eyebrows, "Where is Xiao Mo?" Then he swept the table empty and said that the good snacks didn't know where to go, and immediately frowned, "No snacks, what did Xiao Mo do?"

His tone was a little deep, causing the Seventh Prince to glance at him in surprise.

Then came to Su Kui, "What's your name, little girl? I heard they call you five girls, you are the five girls in the house? Why haven't I heard that there are five in this house before ..."

"Yuexingyuan, you talk too much."

Huo Yanzhi glanced at him coldly, and the Seventh Prince shut up immediately, daring not to say anything.

I think he is not afraid of the sky, but only the third brother. I don't know if he was enslaved by Huo Yan in his last life, so he was so scared in this life.

As long as he glared, the Seventh Prince would dare not speak.

Su Kui didn't care much, her voice was soft and soft, and lovable.

"I didn't come out very much before. His Royal Highness had never heard of me. My name is Huo Yan, and His Royal Highness called me--"

"How about I call you Yan'er ?!"

Before Su Kui finished, the Seventh Prince interrupted her words with bright eyes.

Yaner ...

Su Kui is optional, just wanted to nod.

He heard a cold voice beside him again, "No."

"why not?!"

The Seventh Prince was dissatisfied, and he rolled his eyes. "It's just a name! My name is Yan'er, how kind!"

Huo Yanzhi poured a cup of hot tea without changing his color. He looked down at the tea leaves standing upright in the cup and said lightly: "If you call me my third brother, then Xiaowu should call you Qishu, it is inappropriate to call Yaner. , It ’s better to call Xiaowu. "

The seven princes are ignorant, and what kind of speech?

What the **** is uncle?

"I'm only a few years older than her !!"

"Seniors can't be messed up."

The seventh prince was wronged. "Isn't the elder called Xiaoming more friendly?" He wanted to struggle again.

Huo Yanzhi smiled, and refused seriously, "No, Xiaowu is more suitable."

Su Kui: "???

The seventh prince was wronged: "Okay! Little five is small five."

Turning his head and saying nothing, "Yan'er, I will take you to the Royal Palace someday! You must have not been to the Royal Palace. I will tell you that the winter scenery in the Royal Garden is so beautiful ..."

Huo Yanzhi's temple jumped straight, unbearable.

"Zhu Yan !!"


"Send the Seventh Prince back to the palace !!"

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