Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

[Happy birthday to myself]

Huo Xue was baffled, and at first did not understand what the very passionate ladies around her meant.

She frowned, suspiciously: "What did Wushu do?"

The doubt in Huo Xue's eyes does not seem to be fake, but the other few people are talking about it. Are they looking for the wrong person?

Madam's face changed instantly.

Unfortunately, Huo Xue was too far away from her, and she couldn't call her now.

Can only let others question.

"Just look at this."

There was a lady who carried it with her. She carefully took it out of her purse and opened it to Huo Xue.

"Miss Huo, as the niece of the Five Lords, no matter how you say, you should also get first-hand?"

Huo Xue didn't understand it at all, until she saw this thing that had caused her to be imprisoned for half a month.

this is not--

What did Huo Yan make? !

It was given to Huo Qing before! If it weren't for this thing, how could she be punished by her father, and she knelt in the Buddhist hall for two days and nights, and her knees would be destroyed.

It's a pity that the old lady didn't know that she was distressed at all.

Huo Xue looked more and more uncomfortable.

Some people who follow her closely will naturally lose their hearts.

"I do not have."

Huo Xue gritted his teeth, Huo Yan didn't know how to discredit her in front of Wu Shu, and how could she give her this thing?

"Oh no……"

Others looked at each other in a strange way.

As the eldest daughter of the Huo family, can't even compare them with outsiders? You know, this thing was handed out by Huo Wuye.

Didn't even leave a copy for her family?

still is--

What are the other implications?

At this moment, they think a little bit more.

Although, in their minds, they only deal with her sister-in-law. But if this heir comes out, is it not taken seriously at all?

"No, no, not rouge gouache, opportunistic," Huo Xue frowned in disgust, "I'm not rare if there is anything great !!"

In the dark, he pinched his palm, almost bleeding.

"Just ask, what's wrong with you?"

Some people are dissatisfied, "That is, you don't want to grab it with us in the future, we like it!"

"Oh, yes, people claim to be noble, they don't look down on it."

But I was disdainful in my heart. Now the ladies and ladies of Man Yandu don't know how many people are waiting for the Rouge Pavilion to reopen, so as to grab the first one.

It is a pity that I have waited for half a month, but I still haven't.

Seeing that Huo Xue couldn't get through, the few of them spread out and stopped ignoring Huo Xue.

Huo Xue was originally not popular, but now it is so bad.

All this was seen by the wife of the Prime Minister's House, and a swift flash of light flashed through her eyes, with something in her mind.

When the banquet was over, Mrs. Prime Minister immediately called the car and went straight to the palace.

Her identity is regarded as the aunt of the Sixth Prince, and the concubine of the Sixth Prince, her sister.

As for what to say, it's not known--

Anyway, Huo Xue didn't realize anything yet. When she returned to her yard, she was furious.


"What's so great ?! Huo Yan, the little bitch, must you fight against me ?!"

With red eyes, she smashed everything that could be smashed in the house.

The old lady stood indifferently at the door, watching her smash.

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