Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Sure enough, even if Huo Yan is so arrogant, he still has to be a man with a tail in his head?

But gradually, with the other party's silence, Huo Xue began to notice what was wrong.

She looked up and met the girl sweetly, with an ironic look implied.

Huo Xue tried to find fear from her, but found nothing.

"Sister Sister is really naive ~ And, why should I be scared? After all, the person who did the bad thing is not me! Sister Sister would rather worry about her situation first, you don't feel anything wrong with your body ? "

Huo Xue certainly felt it, but she always thought she hadn't been drinking for a long time, so the amount of alcohol dropped. She didn't even think about it elsewhere, but as Su Kui's words fell, she began to perceive what a strange warm current in her body was!

"No-Huo Yan, you can't !!"

Her small face turned pale in an instant.

Su Kui turned his head innocently and blinked, "Why can't it? Only Xuzhou officials set fire, and the people were not allowed to light the lights?"

Sin can't live, if Huo Xuefei is not going to deal with her, Su Kui will not cure his own way with his own way!

"Enjoy it, big sister."

Su Kui looked at her disdainfully and turned to go out.

Huo Xue snorted and rushed out of the teeth, but the door closed in front of her.

"Huo Yan you bitch! Hurry up and let me out !!!"

The desire in the body is getting stronger and stronger. The most important thing is that she wants to go out, but feels that a hot body behind her hugs her tightly, making Huo Xue unable to move.

"Cousin, stay awake! Are you crazy ?!"

"Come here, come soon !!"

Huo Xue wants to cry without tears, her eyes are desperate.

She was wrong at the beginning. When she shouldn't be here, she deliberately dropped the maid.

Now there is no way to ask for help, the man behind him has lost his mind tortured by desire. She kept pulling her clothes, and at the same time, Huo Xue's medicine was getting stronger and stronger.

Do not--

She wanted to struggle, but in the end she couldn't help but hugged Wang Yangming and was deeply entangled with him.

The air in the room became stronger and stronger. There were blushing water sounds in the whole room, and the woman's sweet gasp.

As for Su Kui, is n’t she drunk? I had long slept in the Nuan Pavilion. Anything that happened outside has nothing to do with her!

In the end, a scream attracted everyone's attention.

It turned out that Huo Xue's maid hadn't waited for her girl for a long time to search everywhere, and finally learned that their girl had already rested in the Nuan Pavilion.

But the old lady at the front was already urging them, and they could only call on their heads.

Upon opening the door, I saw a scene of lewdness—

Huo Yanzhi was surrounded by a circle of people, including the seven princes.

Huo Yan's character is cold, tired of talking with people, so most of the talking is the seven princes.

Suddenly, there was a lot of noise around.

Huo Yan's heart flicked and looked at him with a frown.

Zhu Yan came over solemnly, bowing his head and whispering something in Huo Yan's ear.

In the next second, I saw a man who had been indifferent and calm, and suddenly stood up, suddenly with great momentum, and strode towards the place where the female dependents were.

The seventh prince froze for a moment, "Third Brother! Where are you going?"

There are women from the families of various officials there. Is it really appropriate to go there? !

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