Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The girl panicked, and there was a trace of confusion in her eyes.

Just a little bit, she would fall unguarded.

"Five Uncles ..."

She looked at it tremblingly and shed tears in grievance.

Huo Yanzhi was annoyed and regretful. He felt impulsive for a while and forgot that the girl was still leaning on him and almost fell her.

Regrettably, why did he make this little girl cry again.

"Little Five ... I ..." Huo Yanzhi opened his mouth and his brain was blank.

Su Kui stomped, crying out of breath, "I hate Wushu, I don't like Wushu!"

"Little Five ..."

Huo Yan's eyes were black, watching the girl's mouth open and close, and she could hardly hear what she was talking about.

"No, Little Five ... There is a difference between men and women. If they are seen, they will have a bad reputation for you ..."

Go to your **** reputation!

Su Kui wiped her tears and gritted her teeth, "I don't want any reputation! You are my fifth uncle, what can't do! Good, you will preserve your reputation, I will go !!"

Having said that, she dropped her pen and seemed to run away in a gust of wind.

"Little Five--"

Huo Yan turned his head, followed two steps, and finally stopped helplessly.

What position does he have to coax her?

He is nothing but her uncle ...

The cold air poured in from the outside, and the man stood like a sculpture for a long time.

It wasn't until the sky gradually darkened that he could recover.


Su Kui returned to the yard here, and there were still tears on his face.

Seeing this, she couldn't help laughing at her.

[Just do it! 】

Su Kui raised her eyebrows, "Someone is willing to pet, what's wrong with it?"

The system was choked for a while, [What did you just do? 】

It is said that Su Kui was lying on the table and said lazily: "Our identity is a big problem after all in this era. I will soon be out of order. If it is not clear now, when will I have to wait until he can figure it out? Wait for me to marry someone? "

The system thinks too.

In Huo Yanzhi's heart, I am afraid that there is no reaction at all. Whether his own feelings for the host are affection or love.

Of course, maybe both.

However, he was unhappy with the knot one day, and the gap between them has always existed.

This way, the system will understand.


Winter came to spring, and as a result, I thought for half a year.

During the period Huo Xue's affairs settled.

With Huo Yan, the emperor could not really punish Hou Mansion.

But on the bright side there is still a penalty.

Huo Xue was sent to the temple on the mountain, ordered to take the practice, not allowed to go down the mountain in this life.

Wang Yangming was directly castrated, and he couldn't be a man in his life. He had always liked female sex, and now he couldn't make a man, and even a woman couldn't touch it, as much as his life.

Not long after the execution, he lay unhappy in bed all day, and soon died of a serious illness.

But who knows whether he died of his own illness, or some people let him die in order to let out a bad breath, it is unknown.

After all, as long as Wang Yangming and Huo Xue are still alive, they will remind everyone that the current six princes were cuckolded by their fiancee!

In addition to this, the eldest lady was also verbally warned by the queen, pointing out that she had no choice but to teach her daughter.

For the past six months, the old lady has lived with her tail in her hands every day, for fear of being caught by someone again.

She didn't mention anything about Huo Xue.

Who made her one of them?

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