Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

It's not annoying when the fish is pulled apart. Her eyes are still calm. She opens her long eyelashes and stares at Qi Qianshui's eyes, saying: "Qi Qianshui, sleep with me, just this time." Her hand extended Xu Xu stopped in mid-air, and the tone was too calm, as if this shameless word did not come out of her mouth.

Qi Weishui has lived in a virtual environment for many years, and has only traveled down the mountain in recent years. Where have I heard this kind of bullshit?

He frowned unpleasantly, scorned, "Foolish!" A delicate face swept across the delicate face, and quickly disappeared. The pale colored lips almost became a line, which showed that he was very dissatisfied with what he said.

"A woman, can you be a little ashamed ?!"

He was stunned by him, seeing him turn and walk away, lowering his eyes, and his extended hand finally slipped.

Lightly said: "I don't mean anything, just a little cold, then I have a rest."

Turned over the bed, closed his eyes face-in, the rain outside seemed to be against her, the more irritable, the more freely down.

She clutched the quilt, and suddenly there was an unknown fire in her heart. But I don't know where this fire came from. She was considered to have a relatively flat temperament. She had never been overjoyed and saddened. A state of mind like the present has never been seen in twenty years.

Is it because he came to Yangyang?

Is her lost memory related to these?

Suddenly, her thoughts sink, and behind her suddenly a warm body approaches, with a light scent of rosin, which is very good for calming.

Moxi slightly hooked her lips and pressed a few inches closer to the heat source.

Qi Qianshui stood straight and lay straight on the edge of the bed. Half of the body hung in the air, feeling her approach, frowning and whispering, "No come, sleep!"

"Pou ---" Xiao Xi couldn't help but smiled, aware of the strong sense of oppression radiating behind him, he couldn't help laughing, and grabbed a piece of his clothing corner to stop him from running into his anger and anger, and repeatedly said: "I don't Smile, just go to sleep, it's not too late. "

When I said it, I really didn't laugh, closed my eyes, stopped talking, and soon her ears began to breathe gently.

Qi weak water sighed helplessly, this woman really can not coax him as a child?

The long and narrow Phoenix eyes are clear in the dark, and they can't feel sleepy until the rainstorm rests outside and the belly is white.


The next day, the sky broke.

The warm sun rising into the room through the dilapidated windows filled the room.

Qi Qianshui opened his eyes in half a dream and half awake, and when he drew his eyes, he saw a face that was slightly powdery because of the heat. The skin was radiant, and it was like a warm jade in sufficient light. The eyelashes are thick and long, the nose is upright, and the plump lips are the kind of natural smile.

What made him panic even more was that I didn't know when, Mo Xi had actually curled into his arms. And he, naturally, embraced her posture with both hands.

His pupils squeezed slightly, and the next moment, escape seemed to jump out of bed, and a flash disappeared into the room.

After a few more days, the duck was aimless, just to swim in the mountains. Although the destination is Beijing, if you encounter a fun place, you must stop and visit.

It wasn't the time when Cui Pan came, he really missed the mandarin, only to leave the underworld that had not stepped out for hundreds of years, and hurried to see her in her breath.

However, the bright moonlight poured into the room like a gauze. In a room on the second floor of the inn, the night breeze flicked, and the two of them slept closed on the bed.

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