After half a tea time.

Fang Chaozhou sat on the edge of the bed and carefully wiped the head of the cat in front of him with a wet towel. The white cat is very cooperative, does not struggle, just keeps purring. After Fang Chaozhou wiped its head, it took the initiative to rub its head against Fang Chaozhou's hands.

The white cat's excessive intimacy made Fang Chaozhou a little stunned. In his impression, all cats should be cold. Why is this cat more enthusiastic than a dog?

However, now is not the time to think about cats, he should think about where this is and how he can leave here.

The room he was in looked a little strange. Whether it was the floor tiles or the furnishings in the room, it was all white, including the cat in front of him.

Just when Fang Chaozhou wanted to get up and go out to look at the situation outside, someone came in first.

The footsteps were very quiet, the sound of soft-soled shoes falling on jade bricks.

Fang Chaozhou couldn't help but look at the place where the footsteps came from, and soon saw a figure, the person from yesterday. However, the other's face seemed even worse than yesterday.

Zhong Li Yueshui walked to the bed and handed the porcelain bowl in his hand to Fang Chaozhou. His voice did not fluctuate, "Drink this."

Fang Chaozhou glanced at the porcelain bowl. The bowl seemed to contain "medicine", but it had the smell of "medicine" as well as a **** smell.

"What is this?" he asked hesitantly.

""Medicine"." Zhong Liyue said coldly.

Fang Chaozhou paused, loosened the towel in his hand, and silently took the porcelain bowl from the opponent. He tried to take a sip and almost vomited. This thing is worse than the one you drank during the Tribulation. It is not only bitter, but also a fishy smell. The smell of that fishy smell makes people uncomfortable. Drinking it in, the stomach feels overwhelming.

Fang Chaozhou frowned and looked at the porcelain bowl in his hand, and then looked at Zhong Li Yueshui. Seeing that the other's eyes were cold, he finally pinched his nose and forcibly poured the "medicine" in the porcelain bowl. As soon as he poured it in, he raised his hand to cover his lips again to prevent himself from vomiting.

When he finally didn't want to vomit that much, as soon as he put down his hand, he heard the other person say: "After drinking, go to the "medicine" bath."

Fang Chaozhou was taken aback, he couldn't help looking at the man in front of him, "I..."

But before he finished speaking, the other party turned and walked out. Fang Chaozhou looked at the back of the other person leaving, and was even more stunned. At this moment, the white cat sitting on his lap screamed.

The white cat jumped off his lap, walked a few steps forward, and looked back at him, as if waiting for him.

Fang Chaozhou felt that he understood what the other party meant, so he propped up the bed with his hands and slowly stood up. He still doesn't feel very well. It's different from the original pain. Today's pain is a dull pain.

He didn't walk fast because of the pain. The white cat was really waiting for him. After walking a few steps, he stopped and waited for him. It led Fang Chaozhou out.

Fang Chao was so dizzy here yesterday that he almost didn't see anything. After leaving the house, he found that not only the inside of the house was white, but even the outside was white.

"Meow." The white cat in front found that Fang Chaozhou hadn't followed and ran back. Fang Chaozhou suppressed his astonishment and continued to follow the other party.

Walking along the promenade, the white cat stopped before a house with a wide open door, turned around and meowed to him. After the meow, it jumped over the high threshold and entered.

Seeing the other party enter, Fang Chaozhou couldn't help but look at the exit of the courtyard. If he escapes now, how high is his chance of success?

It seems to be zero. He seemed to be sitting on a bird yesterday and flew for a while before arriving here.

After discovering that the possibility of escape was zero, Fang Chaozhou resigned himself to his fate and entered the house. The cat was waiting for him at the screen. Seeing him come in, he went behind the screen.

Fang Chaozhou followed the screen and saw the big bath behind the screen and the man in white standing by the pool.

Zhong Li Yueshui looked at the "medicine" water in the pool, and for a while, he turned his eyes to Fang Chaozhou. There was no emotion in those pale brown "color" eyes, "Go in."

Fang Chaozhou heard the command and finally couldn't help it, "Can you answer me a question first?"

Zhong Li Yueshui's expression remained unchanged, "said."

"Who are you?" Fang Chaozhou actually wanted to ask yesterday.

"Zhong Li Yueshui."

Fang "Chao" Zhou heard the words and read the name again, "Zhong Li..." Suddenly paused, isn't this the name of Sect Master Tianshui? The legendary first person in the world?

Thinking of this, Fang Chaozhou couldn't help but stare at the man in front of him, looking down from the jade crown of the other party's hair, until it fell to the other party's silk shoes.

If the opponent is Zhong Li Yueshui, then he is his master by seniority.

Since it was his master, it was not what he had guessed.

Fang "Chao" Zhou breathed a sigh of relief. No wonder the other party helped him through the thunder tribulation, but why did the other party only help him through the thunder tribulation instead of Xue Danrong?

Is it because he was originally very smart, so does Zhong Li Yueshui like him more?

Well, it seems not.

Fang Chao Zhou recalled what the other party said during the next crossing. Zhong Li Yueshui seemed to feel that he was weaker, so he brought him over.

This "chao" boat was thinking about it, and Zhong Li Yueshui seemed to have lost his patience over there.

"Fang'chao' boat."

When Fang Chaozhou heard the name, he was taken aback, and then said, "Yes."

Sure enough, his identity has been completely exposed. In the face of Zhong Li Yueshui's power, his disguise skills must be useless.

"Go in."

Fang Chaozhou looked down at the white water in the bath, and then at Zhong Li Yueshui's face, before he took off his belt. When he took off his robe, he couldn't help but pause when he saw Li Yueshui hadn't left. He looked at each other, and saw that there was no sign of him going out. Then he looked at the cat under his feet. The cat also looked at him and didn't seem to be going out.

"Master, do I need someone to accompany me in the "medicine" bath?" Fang Chaozhou asked cautiously.

When the words fell, Zhong Li moved beyond the water, he walked out, before going out, he called out a name, "Tabai."

Hearing this sound, the white cat's tail at the foot of Fang Chao's boat threw it off the ground, but it still followed.


After Tubai went out, he saw the clock standing on the corridor not far from Yueshui, and also walked over. It squatted under the opponent's feet, raised its head, and meowed.

Zhong Li Yueshui ignored it, Tu Bai was a little anxious, stood up, pulled off Zhong Li Yueshui's trousers, and looked back.

That direction is the direction where Fang's "chao" boat is.

It not only pulled Zhongli Yueshui's trousers, but also meowed until it was picked up.

Zhong Li Yueshui hugged Tu Bai in his arms and cast his eyes to the boundless distance. Tubai found that he could speak without meowing, and he said directly, "Master Zhongli, why are you so indifferent to him? He finally returned to us."

No one answered this question.

Tubai became a little angry, and there was an irritable low growl in his throat, but soon he was wronged and lay in the arms of Zhong Li Yueshui, "Master Zhong Li, I really miss him, but I am also very angry. He is now I don’t like the smell on my body at all."

It paused for a while, and its tone became extremely vicious again, "I want to crush the person who made him smell like this, crush! All those who let me not see him, I will crush!"

Zhong Li Yueshui never answered Tu Bai's words, as if he hadn't heard it at all, he just looked into the distance. I don't know how long he has passed, he put Tubai down, "You go to the door and watch, you must soak for two hours before you can come out."

When Tubai heard it, he immediately asked, "Where is Master Zhongli going?"

"The "medicine" to be drunk after soaking the "medicine" bath has not been decocted yet." Zhong Li Yueshui finished saying this, then turned and left. Tubai watched the man leave, her ears slowly drooping. It hung its tail, walked slowly to the door of the bath room, and got down.

The wind at the end of autumn blew on it, and when it was resting, it should be the most comfortable time, but it doesn't feel comfortable at all now.

Tubai couldn't help turning his head to look at the door. It stood up, leaned close to the door, and finally lay down again next to the door panel, listening to the subtle sound from inside, its ears moved along with it.


Fang Chao didn't know how long it would take to soak, but even if he wanted to go out, he couldn't get out, because the bath was enchanted, and he couldn't break the enchantment at all, so he could only stay in it.

It wasn't until time slowly passed, that he noticed that the barrier had been unlocked, and then he left the bath.

There was a new dress next to the bath. Fang Chaozhou took a few glances and decided to wear his own clothes. However, he later realized that the storage in his hand was gone.

Without the storage ring, he is a pauper.

Fang "Chao" Zhou immediately returned to the bath to look for, but he searched the bottom of the water, not only the bottom, but also from entering the house to the poolside, he searched several times, but he did not see the storage ring.

When Fang Chaozhou wanted to put on his old clothes first and went out to find a storage ring, he found that the old clothes that were still on the screen had disappeared.

The current situation is that if he does not wear the new clothes placed here, he can only go out "naked".

Fang Chaozhou can only put on new clothes, which are white from the inside out, including shoes and socks.

After getting dressed, he walked to the door, before his hand touched the doorknob, he heard a meow outside.

Opening the door, Fang Chaozhou found the white cat crouching at the door. It was staring at him with a pair of watery mandarin duck eyes, and it instantly softened his heart when he stared at Fang Chaozhou. He couldn't help bending down to hug the other party. The other party did not resist, and even before he hugged it, his throat Make a gurgling sound.

When he took the "fur" fluffy into his arms, Fang Chaozhou couldn't help but hooked his lips. He slapped the "fur" while walking out, but after not taking a few steps, he saw the oncoming Zhongli approaching. More water.

Glancing at the porcelain bowl in the opponent's hand, Fang Chaozhou's newly raised lips collapsed again.


Once again drank a bowl of extremely fishy "medicine", Fang Chaozhou's stomach couldn't stand it. He stood up and wanted to rush out to vomit, but he could not rush out.

Because he just got up, he was frozen.

This must have set a time for a stick of incense, until Fang Chaozhou couldn't spit it out, and the hold technique on his body was unlocked.

When the fixation technique was released, Fang Chaozhou couldn't help looking at Zhong Li Yueshui who was casting the spell on him, "Master, you..." The next words, when they met the extremely cold eyes He swallowed back again.

This is the "medicine", it is right not to vomit.

Fang Chaozhou sat down again, but he couldn't help thinking of a lot of sweets. Thinking of sweets, he also thought of his storage ring. Just about to ask Zhong Li Yueshui if he saw his storage ring, the other party's hand stretched out first.

An oil paper bag was placed in front of him, and the fragrance came from it.

"Don't eat too much, at most two at a time."

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