Transmigrated into a Heartthrob Novel and Went OOC

Chapter 114: One hundred and fourteen

The golden-winged bird flew extremely fast, and it did not take long to fly out of the Tianshui Sect.

Speaking of gold-winged birds, we have to start from the fact that Fang's "chao" boat was turned into a tiger.

With the passage of time, Tubai was obviously a little anxious. Its tail tip fluttered on the couch, shaking again on the ground, even this time when the shaking was extremely severe, it could not help but stand up, and just stood up, It was anchored in the body.

Fang Chaozhou finally unlocked the spell on his body. He quickly got up and "touched" Tubai's head, "Tabai, I have to stop them, don't be angry, wait for me to return You take fish."

After speaking, he rushed out, but halfway through the unexpected, he encountered a big surprise.

"Big black!"

"Fang Chaozhou!"

One person and one "chicken" almost cried, and the gold-winged bird next to him tilted his head. Fang Chaozhou caught the brown horse chicken that flew into his arms, and while "touching" the opponent's feathers and "hair", he looked at the gold-winged bird not far away.

The golden-winged bird is very big, two people tall. A feather "hair" is as bright as gold, even brighter in the sun.

"How did you come up?" Fang Chaozhou asked the brown horse chicken.

The brown horse chickpeas were tearful, "I finally escaped from that bad old man and met this stupid bird. Fortunately, I conquered it with my own charm and made it willing to be my little brother. Then I asked him if he had seen you, and he brought me here."


Fang Chao Zhou looked at the petite brown horse chicken in his arms, and then looked at the gold-winged bird whose head needs to be straightened up in front of him. The brown horse chicken is not big enough.

But this is not the time to struggle.

"Xue Dan has merged into the demon, and is fighting with Zhong Li Yueshui. We must stop them." Fang Chaozhou explained the situation in one sentence, and flew forward with the brown horse chicken in his arms.

He didn't fly long before he felt a huge shadow shrouded in it, and when he looked up, he found that it was a golden-winged bird.

Gold-winged birds flew above them, flying while looking down at them. The gold-winged bird in flight grew bigger.

Fang Chaozhou looked at the golden-winged bird above, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, "Da Hei, it is your little brother, can you let it take us to the top of the mountain?"

The brown horse chicken immediately complied. It shouted to the golden-winged bird, and the golden-winged bird really swooped down and stopped in front of them. Fang Chao immediately took the brown horse chicken and sat on it. As soon as he sat firmly, the gold-winged bird flew into the air again. Its flying speed was not comparable to Fang Chao's boat. It felt like they had arrived in the blink of an eye. The top of Huali Mountain.

The top of the mountain was now in ruins, not only ruins, but also purgatory on earth.

The blood and water on the floor, the accumulation of corpses, the smell of blood is so nauseous.

Fang Chaozhou just arrived at the scene and happened to see Xue Danrong who was beaten into the air. He didn't hesitate to let the gold-winged bird fly over, and then use magic to bring people up instantly.


The brown horse chicken looked down tremblingly, and then pasted Fang Chao Zhou more tightly, but there was still a person lying in Fang Chao Zhou's arms, which was really obstructive.

"Fang Chaozhou, where are we going?" It said, and sneaked a kick at Xue Danrong.

Fang Chaozhou looked down and said, "Master was attacked. You should tell Zongmen." It's just that Xue Dan has merged into the demon and tried to kill Zhongli Yueshui. If Zongmen knew what Xue Danrong was doing, he would not Will he be locked up?

But it is better to be locked up than to die. Xue Danrong is now like this. He is out of breath but not in. It is better to send him back for treatment. Even if Zhong Li Yueshui is angry, he will not kill Xue Danrong.

He just took Xue Danrong out, but he was afraid that Zhong Li Yueshui would accidentally beat Xue Danrong to death.

"Golden-winged bird, go and point..." Fang Chaozhou's hand was suddenly clasped before he finished speaking.

"Don't go to Yizhifeng."

The person who was in a coma just now did not know when he woke up. Xue Danrong's eyes were foggy, and he fixedly looked at Fang Chao Zhou. Instead, he took Fang Chao Zhou into his arms with great strength. , Almost embedded Fang Chaozhou into his arms.

"Tsk tusk, when will you still show affection, where are you going now?" The brown horse chicken couldn't see it, and then secretly kicked Xue Danrong.

Fang Chaozhou was almost out of breath when he was hugged. Before he could speak, he heard Xue Danrong say, "Let the golden-winged bird go to Yizhifeng to report the letter, and we can go elsewhere."


Fang Chaozhou stood on the Broken Water Sword, looked at the direction the golden-winged bird was flying away, and turned his head to look at Xue Danrong, who was half hugging and half leaning against him. He and the Brown Horse Chicken both persuaded Xue Danrong to go to Zhifeng first, but Xue Danrong was very determined, even vomiting blood in the middle. Fang Chaozhou was afraid of getting angry with him, so he could only rely on him and help with spiritual power. Xue Danrong recovered from his injuries.

Although the water-breaking sword is not as fast as the golden-winged bird, it also flies extremely far in the time of a stick of incense. When he reached the top of the ruined temple, the Broken Water Sword finally stopped. As soon as Xue Danrong landed, he took Fang Chaozhou's hand and went into the ruined temple.

The brown horse chicken originally followed closely, but when he came to the entrance of the ruined temple, he was stopped.

Xue Danrong set a barrier to the ruined temple.

This ruined temple should have been a long time since no one has come to burn incense and pray for blessings. The clay statues in the temple have almost fallen off, gray and white, looking very ugly. There is an incense burner on the counter table in front of Di Gongxiang, but the incense burner only has ashes and burnt red lotus.

Xue Danrong stepped forward, put the incense burner on the ground, performed a cleansing technique, and then took out the thin quilt from the storage and spread it on the desk, and directly hugged Fang Chaozhou who asked "Why are you here?"

With this hug, Fang Chaozhou was startled, and even more startled when he found that Xue Danrong was **** his clothes, but soon he was a little angry. He grabbed Xue Danrong's hand, "When are you still thinking about Shuangxiu? Do you think you died fast enough."

Because Fang Chao Zhou was sitting on the desk, he was half a head taller than standing Xue Danrong.

Xue Danrong raised his eyes, his hands were trembling slightly, "Has been wiped out, today is the best opportunity to wipe out the remaining half, I am seriously injured, the vines in the sea of ​​your knowledge will definitely want to get into the sea of ​​my knowledge, I I thought at first that I could slowly remove the vines from my senior through double cultivation, but now I can't wait."

There is one thing that Fang Chaozhou didn't know. When he first appeared in Zhichunzhou, Xue Danrong had already aroused suspicion. After that, Xue Danrong designed to lure Fang Chaozhou into a boat and tried it with a celadon umbrella.

The celadon umbrella recognized the owner, and only the owner Fang Chaozhou could use it.

When the two of them first double repaired, Xue Danrong used his spiritual power to explore Fang's Chaozhou's sea of ​​consciousness and saw the vines inside. Different from what Fang Chaozhou himself saw, the sea of ​​consciousness that had just completed the double repair was now covered with vines.

When Xue Danrong appeared, the vines couldn't wait to get tangled up.

For vines, Xue Danrong is their "medicine".

In fact, the brown horse chicken's statement is wrong from beginning to end. It thinks that if the "chao" boat is short of water, then replenish it. In fact, all the water is replenished on the vines, and the vines will only become stronger after absorbing water , And then completely counterattack Fang Chaozhou. At the same time, in order to reduce Fang Chaozhou's vigilance, Vines put away the devilish energy so that Fang Chaozhou thought that this path was on the right path.

That's why Fang Chaozhou's seizures became more severe. He thought he was driving out the vines. In fact, the vines penetrated his body little by little, and finally completely controlled his master and occupied this body.

As for the Nascent Infant in Fang's Chaozhou Recognition Sea, it was indeed devouring vines, but it swallowed too slowly. It thought it could digest vines.

When Xue Danrong saw the vines of Manshihai, he naturally noticed the difference. He also thought of the vines that rolled Fang's Chaozhou into the ground five years ago. He flipped through the ancient books, and the book proposed two methods for this. One is to obtain a large amount of monster inner alchemy, raise it with blood, and then crush the inner alchemy into "medicine", and continue to drink "medicine" and " One month after the "medicine" bath, you can start to kill the monsters living in the body during the double cultivation. The second is to let another person raise the monsters for a long time, and take the initiative to lure the monsters over.

The second method is not applicable to all monsters, but it just so happens that the vines inside Fang Chaozhou. There are many vines, unlike other monsters, so the second method can be used.

Xue Danrong chose the second type. Every time he doubled repairs with Fang Chao, he would deliberately open up his knowledge of the sea and lure the vines to his side. When he came over, he immediately strangled. Fang Chaozhou stared at him in the second half of the journey, without knowing anything about it.

Although this method takes a little longer, but one after another one after another, it also counts more than half.

After hearing Xue Danrong’s explanation, Fang Chao Zhou immediately shook his head, “No, how are you in this state now...”

Before he could finish his words, his lips were covered.

The emotions in Xue Danrong's eyes were obscure and incomprehensible. The original eyes were filled with galaxy. Now his eyes have become stagnant water. Only when he sees Fang's "chao" boat will there be some waves.

"If I don't help the brother clear, the master will definitely come in the end. If I die, the brother will be with the master, it's fine, but I'm not dead, I don't want to give the brother to the master."

In the last sentence, his voice seemed to float from clenched teeth, and the black air between his brows became thicker.

After saying this, he released his hand and changed his lips.

The kiss came urgently, like the rain that came in late summer, showering all over, and it also carried a sadness, as if the kiss was over and this short summer was completely over.

Fang Chaozhou reached out his hand against Xue Danrong's shoulders, breathing slightly, "You are like this, and you still want to treat my illness. Are you afraid that you will die?"

There is a big hole obliquely behind the ruined temple, and a ray of sunlight just shuttles in from there. It falls on the front of the desk, illuminating the small piece, while the back is shrouded in darkness. The light was dim, and Xue Danrong's face became a little fuzzy. Only the red mole on the center of his eyebrows, like a scorching fire, seemed to burn people's hearts.

"My life is owed to senior brother, and now it is returned to senior brother." His voice was very soft, "I only hope that senior brother will remember me for a few more years."

At the end of the word, "birds enter the cage", "floating flowers and waves."


After the "storm and rain", the ruined temple was completely quiet.

I don't know how long it took, and finally there was a little noise. The lying young man had not opened his eyes. He had already raised his hand to cover his forehead and inhaled, but stopped halfway through his breath.

He slowly opened his eyes, and when he met the Lotus Noodle leaning on his shoulder, his body became stiff. He reached out and "touched" the other party's face in disbelief, not only "touching", but also squeezed a few hands so hard that the other party's cheeks turned pink before he could stop his hand.

The young man gritted his teeth and straightened up slightly, his mentality completely collapsed when he saw the place where he was connected.

I don't know how long it took. The young man finally sorted out the clothes of himself and the person on his body. He used his spiritual power to penetrate Xue Danrong's body and found that the spiritual power in the other party's body had been "chaotic", and even the sea of ​​knowledge was in an open state without a master.

Although Xue Danrong was not dead, he was not far from death.

The young man immediately got up and walked out, but when he got up, he couldn't help holding his waist down, his expression distorted. He walked to the entrance of the ruined temple and removed the barrier. I wanted to ask if the brown horse chicken could contact the golden-winged bird, but as soon as the barrier was removed, he saw the brown horse chicken riding on a golden bird. under.

Fang "Chao" boat: "..." Why does this golden "color" bird look so much like a small gold-winged bird?

The brown horse chicken with its head feathered into a mess looked up and saw Fang Chaozhou: "..."

It slammed its body and shook the golden bird away from it. Not only that, it also stepped angrily on each other's feet, "Silly bird, you said that I am a male, if you ride me again, I will burn you to death!"

When the words fell, it opened its mouth and spewed out a small flame.

When the golden bird saw the flame, his eyes lit up and he opened his mouth and swallowed the flame. After swallowing it, it came to cling to the brown horse chicken, but the brown horse chicken, which became angry and suddenly became several times larger, stepped into the mud.

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