Transmigrated into a Heartthrob Novel and Went OOC

Chapter 118: One hundred and eighteenth

The three people have been detained for a long time, and now they find someone coming in, they are all a little nervous. Xiang Yuan is the calmest person in there, and he is also the only one among the three who has seen Fang Chaozhou himself. Although he has been in charge of the chores of the outer disciples over the years, in front of a little supervisor, he recognizes the disciples in the inner disciples, even if the other side does not know him.

He was not only a little surprised when he saw Fang Chaozhou, who had come back to life, merged with Xue Dan.

Xiang Yuan felt that he was imprisoned. It was a very strange thing. He and Xue Danrong had never had any contact with each other. This year, the other party asked him to give him a pill and dried fruits.

He still remembers when he was tied up, Xue Danrong at that time looked strange, whether in expression or behavior, as if he was in a demon. He also saw murderous in the opponent's eyes.

Seeing Xue Danrong and Fang Chaozhou appearing together, Xiang Yuan felt that something was wrong, so he didn't speak, so Yao Yucheng spoke first.

When Yao Yucheng was **** at the beginning, he was actually quite happy, because he thought Xue Danrong could not bear his hesitation, so he was angrily tied up, and then locked in a good place, and then he could not deal with outsiders. Things.

But he didn't expect that the place where he closed him was a broken cave, and he was not the only one closed.

He only knew one of the two people detained next to Xiang Yuan. When they first worshipped Tianshui Sect, Xiang Yuan was in charge of them.

At first, Yao Yucheng didn't give up, but also thought that Xue Danrong should take him away alone soon. He didn't know how to wait and wait. After waiting for more than a month, he didn't wait. Now it was finally time to wait, but Xue Danrong actually stood with another man.

Yao Yucheng realized that he was a little wrong, why Xue Danrong liked him, it was his wishful thinking. For more than a month, Xiang Yuan and the little bird next to him told him that Xue Danrong estimated that he was going to kill them.

Sure enough, A Niang was right, there is no big pie in the world, how could such a big beauty like Xue Danrong like him.

Yao Yucheng felt sad the more he thought about it, and couldn't help crying for a while.

Xiang Yuan suddenly heard the cry next to him. He was startled. He was afraid that Yao Yucheng would anger Xue Danrong. He immediately said, "What are you crying for?"

"I'm crying, I'm stupid, and I don't know what's going on with Big Brother Fang now? Big Brother Fang likes me so much. If he knows that I'm dead, he will definitely be sad. Maybe he won't be able to sleep for several days." Yao Yucheng is actually Crying for his impending death, but he felt that he was very cowardly when he said the reason directly, so he put the reason for crying on Fang Chaozhou.

Fang Chao Zhou had been disguised before, but this time he appeared in his true form. Yao Yucheng had never seen Fang Chao Zhou's true appearance, so naturally he could not recognize it. He just pulled the "Big Brother Fang" flag and cried vigorously, thinking that he would not cry now, he would not be able to cry if he died.

The more he cried, the more sad he became, and he yelled the three words "Big Brother Fang" upside down, while his Big Brother Fang was looking embarrassed at this time, and carefully looked at the black-clothed youth next to him.

Sure enough, there was a slight air-conditioning outside.

Fang Chaozhou didn't hesitate, grabbed Xue Danrong's wrist, and led the person out of the cave first.

After leaving the cave, Xue Danrong's expression did not improve, even the corners of his eyes were raised, squinting at him, his phoenix eyes were cold.

When Fang Chaozhou saw this, he could only smile, "I am not familiar with him, that is, when I changed my face to worship Tianshui Sect, he was just ahead of me."

But no matter how he explained, Xue Danrong still looked cold. Fang Chaozhou had no choice but to resort to the last move. He looked around and saw that there was no one, so he took the initiative to pull Xue Danrong over and kissed him.

This time, kiss on the corner of your lips.

Xue Danrong, who was kissed, seemed to be taken aback. He looked at Fang's Chaozhou, and suddenly turned his face away, but quickly turned back and said, "Three people."

He spoke without beginning or end, but Fang Chaozhou understood it all at once and understood it all at once.

Fang Chao Zhou felt speechless and amused, feeling that Xue Danrong was the kid who asked him for sweets.

The next two strokes, one kiss on the corner of the other side of the lips, and the last kiss just on the lips.

After the kiss, Xue Danrong’s hostility dissipated in an instant, but when Fang Chao felt almost comforted and could re-enter the cave, Xue Danrong pulled Fang Chao’s boat back and said, "Brother gave me a gift, I should also Give it back to brother."


Fang Chaozhou said that he had a thick skin, but now he realized that Xue Danrong's skin might be even thicker than his. The three kisses he sent out came back again, and the kisses that came back were no longer just a touch of water, overwhelming, and it was almost breathless.

The kid who wants candy is obviously a wolf with a big tail.

"Enough, enough." Fang Chaozhou pushed away the people who stuck to him. Xue Danrong was still very reluctant, twisted his eyebrows lightly, and looked straight at Fang Chaozhou's lips.

It seems to be a lot more popular than before, and I feel better kissed.

He stared at him nicely, staring at Fang Chao Zhou Du's face blushing, hurriedly took out the handkerchief, first wiped the suspicious marks on Xue Danrong's lips, and then wiped his lips casually.

"We can't delay too much time here. We have to decoct "medicine" when we go back. Wait for me outside, and I will let people go in." Fang Chao Zhou found that Xue Danrong's brows were tightened, and immediately added. I will come out soon. You count a hundred. I will definitely have come out before you count.

Since Xue Danrong became devil, he was reluctant to wear the original snow clothes. Fang Chaozhou took the snow clothes for him. He didn't even look at it, but only chose the black clothes. He was born white, and he was contrasted by the black "color", and he became more and more white, like a ball of snow.

"What if I count to a hundred and the brother hasn't come out yet?" he said.

Fang Chao Zhou felt that he was just letting himself go, how long could it take him, "Impossible, I'm sure it was out then, you can count now."

After speaking, he turned and headed to the cave, but a flash, he had reached the entrance of the cave.

Entering again, Yao Yucheng cried louder. He felt that Fang Chaozhou was here to kill him.

Fang Chao Zhou glanced at him, and decided to say to Xiang Yuan, who seemed the most calm, "I will unlock the spells on you now, and you will be able to leave later. It is not far from the Tianshui Sect. You store things. Is the ring on you? Is there a flying sword?"

Xiang Yuan had both surprise and doubt in his eyes, "Brother Fang, is that you?"

Fang Chaozhou didn't answer this question, only unlocked the spells on the three of them, and at the same time dropped a sentence, "You go back to the Tianshui Sect first, and after a while, Xue Danrong will go back to receive the punishment."

He thought about whether to wash away the memories of these three people about this period, but after thinking about it, he still did not do so. After all, Xue Danrong did wrong in this matter. Xue Danrong is now insane, so he can't control himself.

With Xue Danrong's original "sexuality", he would rather receive punishment than do things that wash the memory of others. A mistake is a mistake, and he should make up for it and accept punishment.

After solving the spell and removing the barrier of the cave, Fang Chaozhou hurriedly left the cave and went to the location where Xue Danrong was. As soon as he arrived, he heard the youth say--

"Brother, you are late, I have counted more than one hundred."

"Impossible, I just said a few words, and I said it at the fastest speed." Fang Chaozhou felt that there was no more than a hundred.

Xue Danrong's face sank suddenly, "Senior brother still talking to them?"

Fang "Chao" boat: "..."

In the original book, Xue Danrong has no object for a long time, is it to conceal the truth of his jealousy?

"I didn't say anything, I just said two sentences." Fang Chaozhou changed the subject, "Okay, we should go back. We can't miss the "medicine" in the afternoon."

He stretched out his hand to Xue Danrong.

Xue Danrong looked at the hand extended to him, his long eyelashes drooped, and slowly stretched out his hand, and then tightly held that hand.


After drinking the "medicine" in the afternoon, Fang Chaozhou took advantage of the darkness and prepared to go out to the hospital to get the "medicine" materials for the next few days. Xue Danrong went out today, but when he came back, he was not in good spirits. He fell asleep shortly after drinking the "medicine", which is why Fang Chaozhou could go out alone.

When going out, the sky was already lightly raining, Fang Chaozhou didn't want his clothes to get wet, so he took out the celadon umbrella from his storage ring. This umbrella fell into the underground demon realm with him, and didn't know how it got into Xue Danrong's hands.

Open the celadon umbrella, the rain patters on the umbrella surface, like rain hitting lotus leaves, but because it is late autumn, the rain looks a bit miserable. Fang Chaozhou went all the way to the medical hall, and the rain gradually increased. When he came out of the medical hall with a "medicine" bag, the rain had already become beads, and his clothes were wet by the floating rain.

Just when Fang Chaozhou wanted to go back quickly with a spell, he saw people not far away from under his umbrella.

The man was staring at him at this time, and the emotions in a pair of cats' eyes ranged from unbelievable to surprise.

After a while, Fang Chaozhou heard a loud shout——

"Stepmother, I finally saw you!"

At this time, the doctor of the medical clinic just came out, and he found that Fang'Chao' Zhou had dropped a pack of'medicine'. Seeing that the person hadn't left, he quickly walked over with the'medicine', but he didn't realize it, just walked to the door. , Just heard such a sentence.

The doctor of the medical clinic was stunned on the spot, and when he was hesitant to avoid it, he heard another sentence.

"Why are you here? What is the "medicine" in your hand? The abortion "medicine"? Abortion "medicine"? No! You can't drink abortion "medicine"! Even if this in your stomach is my father's, I won't I hate you."

Medical doctor: "!!!" He glanced at Fang Chaozhou's belly involuntarily.

Fang Chaozhou was keenly aware of the line of sight next to him, his expression stiff, but instead of covering his stomach, he put his hand behind to let the other party see more clearly, "Doctor, this person is a stupid, you don’t need to No matter what, how could a man get pregnant."

"No, there is a man in the world who is pregnant with a child. My master has seen one case. It is still a pair of twins. Unfortunately, I haven't met yet." The doctor of the medical clinic stared at Fang Chao again with a little excitement. Zhou's belly seems to want to see through it whether there is a child inside.

Fang "Chao" boat: "..."

Before he could speak, Li Zhu was already standing in front of him.

Li Zhu looked at Fang'Chao' Zhou, and then at Fang'Chao' Zhou's belly. He was angry, distressed, and happy. Qi Fang's "Chao" Zhou was pregnant again, and it was not his. I felt so distressed that Fang "Chao" was pregnant, and he had to get the "medicine" by himself. I was happy that I saw Fang "Chao" Zhou again.

He remembered the vows he had made over the past five years. He had sworn countless times that if he could see Fang's "Chao" again, he would be better than the other's "Chao", better than to himself, and would never be straight. Call the other person by their first name, he will call each other kindly.

The term "stepmother" seems not friendly enough, after all, there are many bad stepmothers in this world.

So in the next sentence, Li Zhu removed the word "after" without hesitation, and it was directly--

"Mother, I miss you so much."

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