Song Lianyi cursed those words in a low voice, and stood there for a long time before turning back to look at Fang Chaozhou.

I have to say that Li Yiye's magical form is really powerful. At least Fang Chaozhou looks almost the same as Xue Danrong in appearance, but his eyes are different.

With the same pair of phoenix eyes, Xue Danrong's eyes were as cold as ice and snow, and they turned away thousands of miles away, while Fang Chaozhou was very gentle, as if he had no temper at all.

Song Lianyi likes temperamental beauties, Fang Chaozhou is what he hates the most, and it is boring to torture.

But everyone was tied up, Song Lianyi also offended Li Yiye for this. Although he was not afraid of Li Yiye, since he paid the price, he should always collect something back.

Thinking of this, Song Lianyi walked back to Fang'Chao' Zhou, and pulled off the silk, "It's a long time tonight, let's take it slow."

He pulled the person into the room directly, because Fang Chaozhou couldn't open his mouth because of the mute technique, which made Song Lianyi a little more comfortable, as long as he didn't remember what the other party said.

Song Lianyi dragged the person to the beauty couch in the middle of the room, and then pushed him up. As soon as Fang Chaozhou was forced to lie down, he heard the sound of the organ. In the next instant, he found that his feet and hands were tied.

"This is a shark forging. It will adjust the elasticity according to the person being tied. The more you struggle, the tighter it will be tied." Song Lianyi's eyes lightly swept across the dark green tied to Fang's Chaozhou wrist. "Color" ribbon.

Fang's "chao" boat's skin was white, and the green "color" contrasted with each other, and it became more and more white. From a distance, it looked like snow from the branches and leaves, and it was too white and greasy.

Song Lianyi turned her eyes to look at Fang Chaozhou's ankle, picked up the shark ribbon with her fingers, and continued: "Once you tie it, the person who is tied can't untie it, unless someone is willing to help you. "

After the words were finished, he "showed" an innocent smile like a girl.

He seems to be suggesting Fang's "chao" boat.

Fang Chaozhou tried to move his hands, and as expected, he felt the forging belt tightened a lot at once, so he immediately stopped moving.

Song Lianyi saw Fang Chaozhou's movements, and the smile on her lips deepened, "This is just the beginning."

He got up and walked to the window sill, where there was a desk with a red lacquered wooden plate with seven or eight candles on it. Song Lianyi picked among several candles of different thicknesses, and finally chose a red candle that was about the length of an adult's forearm.

Fang Chaozhou, who was tied to the beauty couch, saw Song Lianyi walking back with a candle, his eyes widened. When Song Lianyi sat down beside him, Fang Chaozhou blinked twice. He lowered his eyes and shook his head quickly.

Song Lianyi saw Fang Chao's shook his head, and only felt that his heart was finally relieved. He was so angry that he couldn't get up and down, so he made up his mind to let Fang Chao's boat today. Enough suffering.

Thinking of this, his fingertips moved slightly, and the candle in his hand was lit.

"This is the candle of desire. After lighting it, the person who smells the fragrance will be drawn out of the greatest desire in his heart. Hope, if the candle oil is dropped on the body, it will be more interesting." Song Lianyi's long, white fingers tugged After living in the lace of Fang's Chaozhou's clothes, you only need to pull it gently, and the clothes will fall apart. "When you drop it on your body, your body will smell like candles. People who smell it will endure it. I couldn't help tearing open the clothes of the person who was dripped, and "lick" those things."

When the words were over, Song Lianyi loosened the lace on Fang Chaozhou's clothes, and put the candle on Fang Chaozhou's face.

Fang Chaozhou saw the candle suddenly moved above his head, and instantly realized what Song Lianyi wanted to do. He immediately closed his eyes, almost at the same time, when he closed his eyes, he felt a drop of hot oil dripping on him. Of the eyebrows.

Dead pervert!

Fang Chaozhou couldn't help but cursed Song Lianyi.

"You'd better not hide, hide, I just dropped it in the wrong place, then I have to start again." Song Lianyi said as she appreciated that the drop of hot oil instantly turned into a flower on her skin when it touched her skin. Small red "color" four-petal flower.

He curled his lower lip with satisfaction and moved the position of the red candle in his hand.

The second drop fell on Fang Chaozhou's earlobe.

The petals appeared, with the white earlobes, adding a touch of beauty.

The scent of Yu Candle smelled like sugar, sweet and greasy, and couldn’t help smelling it again. Fang Chaozhou frowned because of pain at first, but gradually he realized that he didn’t feel the pain anymore. Only the fragrance of candles.

Just when Song Lianyi was about to pull the laces of Fang's Chaozhou's clothes, there was a sudden movement outside, and he immediately stopped and turned his head to look at the door.

The movement outside only rang for a while and then stopped.

Song Lianyi stared at the door for a long time. He stood up, extinguished the candle, and walked to the door. As soon as he reached the door, a sword pierced the door and "forced" his face.

Song Lianyi saw the sword, but his eyes lit up suddenly. He stepped back gently, and his tone was sweet and greasy that could not be ignored, "Xue Danrong, you are looking for me."

"Bang——" there was a sound.

The door is rotten.

The person outside is Xue Danrong.

A piece of Lotus Beauty's face was cold and frosty, like the broken water sword in his hand. He caught a glimpse of Fang Chao's boat tied to the beauty couch, and instantly activated the spell, arranging two enchantments in one hand, and holding the water-breaking sword in the other, attacking Song Lianyi with the momentum of thunder.

Although Song Lianyi was a big pervert, every time he tried to pervert Xue Danrong, he failed. The reason was that his cultivation was not as good as Xue Danrong, and he was reluctant to kill Xue Danrong.

It was the same this time, and the two of them struggled, and Song Lianyi ultimately lost. Song Lianyi was clutching her chest, realizing that her consciousness was about to explode at this time, she couldn't help gritting her teeth. During the day of the game, Xue Danrong's attack was not so fierce, and now it seemed that she wanted his life.

After weighing the pros and cons, Song Lianyi no longer wanted to fight, and after using a blindfold, he broke Xue Danrong's barrier immediately and left here quickly.

Xue Danrong was able to find this, and Li Yiye estimated that he could, although he didn't know why Xue Danrong came first, but he wouldn't even want his life for a Fang's "Chao" boat, this time it would be a cheap opponent.

As for he assured that Fang Chaozhou left there and left it to Xue Danrong, because he did not think that Xue Danrong would allow Fang Chaozhou to cross the line.

It was the biggest desire in his heart at this time that wanted to be hooked. Xue Danrong naturally didn't like Fang Chaozhou, and Fang Chaozhou's current cultivation base was limited, it was impossible to bully Xue Danrong.

Of course, he had done it deliberately. Before leaving, he washed away the illusion art that Li Yiye had set on Fang Chaozhou.

Can't continue to torture, he has to make the other party a good shame.

Therefore, when Xue Danrong walked to the beauty couch and saw Fang Chaozhou's face clearly, the water-broken sword in his hand let out a hum.

And Fang Chao Zhou...

He has been poisoned by desire candles, and the greatest desire in his heart is hooked out at this time, so he--

Fell asleep.

In addition, Xue Danrong had just placed a barrier for Fang Chaozhou alone, so he didn't hear the sound of the two fighting, and he slept soundly.

Xue Danrong calmly looked at the sleeping face of the "chao" boat below. After a while, he lowered his eyes and scanned the silk satin on the wrist and feet of the "chao" boat below, and saw a flash of sword light. And off.

Fang Chaozhou was still lying, and he didn't know what happened.

Xue Danrong bent down. He was about to pick up Fang Chaozhou and take it back to the inn, but suddenly he smelled a very sweet scent at the tip of his nose, which seemed to drift into his bones. Xue Danrong's movements suddenly stopped, his nose fluttered, and the fragrance was emitted from Fang Chaozhou's body.

He saw the flower on Fang Chaozhou's eyebrows, enchanting and enchanting. There were more than one flower. The crimson flower on the white earlobe was hidden by the long hair, but it was looming.

Those long eyelashes that had always been indifferent, the long eyelashes flicked, and the upper and lower eyelids formed the heaven and the earth. The color of the sea surface in the cracks of the heaven and the earth turned dark and even began to surging. The deep sea beast hiding under the sea surface gradually became restless.

The hand he placed on Fang's Chaozhou's shoulder turned into a heavy grip with a light grasp. It was not until Xue Danrong saw Fang's Chaozhou frown uncomfortably, that he relieved some strength, but his hand did not hold. open.

I don't know how long it took, maybe only a moment, maybe a quarter of an hour, Xue Danrong leaned down.

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