In the silence of the crows, Fang'Chao' Zhou stabilized his mind and tried to calm down: "Master, I can explain that although this thing looks like that thing, in fact, it is not." The angry look at the master's eyes gradually weakened, "Master, do you believe it is just a hand warmer?"

Then he was locked up.

Fang Chaozhou looked at the full wall and sighed quietly. All the things on his body were taken away, and there was nothing left.

He can't do anything now, so he can only lie here in a daze.

However, luck was good, he was not punished to the water jail, so the master threw him into the stone jail.

I don't know how long to be detained.

When the big brother stuffed him in, his expression was complicated, and finally he sighed, patted him on the shoulder, and left without saying anything.

Fang Chao Zhou thought of this, sighed again, turned over, facing the other wall. Now I can only hope that the younger brother will explain to the master after he is conscious, so that he can go out. Otherwise, the master must think that he has bad intentions towards the younger brother. Also found the "medicine" Du Yunxi gave him to help Yang.

Although Du Yunxi took the initiative to stand up and said that it was him who gave it, Master's eyes looked at Du Yunxi as if he was watching his comrades, and he almost threw Du Yunxi into the stone prison together.

The eyes of those juniors and siblings looking at him were not very good. They all knew he had a hidden illness before, and they looked at him with sympathy, but now they look at him with complicated eyes.

They all seem to think he has a hidden illness, but they still can't hold back their love for the younger brother. They don't hesitate to take yang "medicine" and want to use tools to play with the younger brother.

The master only gave his "warm baby" a rude look, and then threw it away disgustingly, so he didn't see Li Yiye's name on it. Fang Chaozhou struggled, but still did not take the initiative to explain.

It is known that he is hiding a jade power of the same size as Li Yiye, is he still alive?

No, I can't say.

He wants a face.

After Fang Chao was bored in the stone prison for a whole day, someone finally came to see him. He saw the person coming and rushed over, grabbing the iron railing with spells, "Master, you are finally here. ! Did you let me out?"

The senior brother saw his second junior apprentice clutching the iron railing, and the whole person seemed to be lost as a puppy that hadn't gone out all day. He couldn't help but laughed, but he quickly reduced his smile and kept his face straight, "No, Second Junior Brother, I came here by Master's order."

When he finished speaking, he took out the pen, ink, paper, and inkstone from behind, and handed it to Fang Chaozhou from the gap, "Master asks you to write a letter of repentance."

Fang Chaozhou looked at what he was holding, and was taken aback for a moment. Seeing that the big brother turned around and was about to leave, he hurriedly shouted, "Big brother, what kind of regrets did Master let me write?"

Shouldn't Yushi be a warm baby?

Or shouldn't you accept the "medicine" for promoting Yang from the fifth junior brother?

Still shouldn't let the younger brother kiss him?

But the elder brother ignored him and left after handing the things, and didn't say when to come over and get the book of regret.

Fang Chaozhou sat down in mourning, and after a while, he began to play backgammon with himself. The big brother sent a lot of paper, and it's okay to waste a few sheets.

After another three days, Fang Chaozhou was so bored that grass was growing on his head, and finally he saw people again.

This time his master came.

After being imprisoned for four days, there was nothing, Fang Chaozhou now feels cordial to everyone, especially when he sees the master who can let him out, staring at each other eagerly, the master yells extremely lingeringly.

The master stood outside the iron railing, heard the words, and looked up at Fang Chaozhou, and the door of the stone prison opened instantly. Fang Chao Zhou was excited, but the expression on his face became more and more pitiful, it was like a little cabbage that no one wanted in the ground.

"Master, isn't the junior brother already well?"

Master walked in and saw the paper scattered on the ground at a glance. He lowered his eyes and looked at it. Fang Chaozhou saw that the situation was wrong and quickly blocked the paper.

His action made the visitor snorted, "It's pretty good to be able to play when locked up."

"I'm just idle and bored, and I can draw a picture at will." Fang Chaozhou quickly took out the book of regret in his arms and handed it to the other party, "Master, I have written the book of regret."

The master took it, hurriedly scanned, raised his eyes, and looked at Fang Chaozhou with a smile, "Is this the book of regret you wrote?"

"Well, isn't it good?" Fang Chaozhou couldn't help playing drums when he saw Master's expression like this.

The master snorted again, folded the book of regret, put it into his sleeve, and turned and walked out. Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Fang Chaozhou didn’t care too much, so he rushed up and hugged the other’s leg, "Master, let me go. I really want to die here. It’s too boring, or, Master, return the storage ring to me."

The house he wants is not this kind of house.

The master who was hugged by his leg moved a bit, but he couldn't break away from the Fang Chaozhou and couldn't help but look back at the young man who hugged his leg.

In the past few days, Fang Chaozhou was so bored and panicked, and his whole person was in embarrassment. At this time, he was afraid that the master would pull him away.

"Master, I will really die if I stay here again. Take me out."

The master looked down at Fang Chaozhou, and for a while, he reached out and pinched Fang Chaozhou's chin, "Okay."

Fang Chaozhou, who was suddenly pinched by his chin, was stunned. Master and his old man had never made such... ambiguous actions to him.

In the next moment, he felt the hand holding his chin strained slightly, "Little guy, you asked me to let me take you out. It's too late to regret it now."

This voice is no longer his master's voice.

Yes... it was Li Yiye's voice.

Fang Chaozhou's eyes widened suddenly, and before he could let go, he was dizzy.

When he woke up again, Fang Chaozhou found himself lying on a bed with a heavy veil hanging down beside the bed, and the rich aroma kept piercing his nose. He didn't have any strength and wanted to sit up, but he couldn't get enough energy. He could only lie down. The only thing he could move was his fingers, but he could only move slightly.

Where is this?

He seems to be taken out of the stone prison by Li Yiye, is this the Dark Soul Gate?

As soon as this thought sounded, Fang Chaozhou heard footsteps.

The sound went from far to near, and it was aggravating, the visitor deliberately amplified the footsteps, as if to deepen Fang Chaozhou's sense of fear.

In unknown places, with no strength, anyone will feel fear.

A slender hand lifted the layers of veil, and the face of the person came out.

Compared to the last time I met, Li Yiye's face was obviously paler, and even his lips were lighter, but the blackness between his brows became stronger, and that face looked more and more evil. He stood by the bed, quietly admiring the immobile Fang'chao' boat, then curled his lower lip, "Are you afraid?"

Fang Chaozhou said honestly: "Fear."

He now sees Li Yiye and thinks of the "warm baby". If Li Yiye wants to be indescribable to him, then he is not only blooming in his butt, but blood is going to flow into a river.

Li Yiye sat down by the bed and stretched out his hand to pinch Fang Chaozhou's face, first squeezed it loosely, and then slowly increased his strength. When he reached the back, Fang Chaozhou's face wrinkled with pain.

"Are you still afraid? I thought you were very courageous." He took out a piece of paper that Fang Chaozhou was extremely familiar with.

That is a book of regret written by Fang Chaozhou.

Li Yiye's eyes gradually became gloomy, "Who allowed you to kiss Xue Danrong?"

Fang Chaozhou's face was squeezed, and now he could only replied vaguely: "Tower...the nest..." He kissed me.

When Li Yiye heard this, he sneered, "The tone is aggrieved, he is crazy and wants to kiss you, and you are not crazy, don't you know how to resist?" He let go of Fang Chaozhou's face and turned to "Rubbed" the pinched cheek.

Based on the principle of frankness, leniency and resistance, Fang Chaozhou wrote about what happened when Xue Danrong fell into anger in the book of repentance. Of course, he specifically emphasized at the end that he was absolutely unimpressed with his younger brothers. Heart, how could I know that Li Yiye would pretend to be his master and cut this letter of regret.

"I resisted, and I also asked Big Brother to call Master over." Fang Chaozhou finished speaking and couldn't help avoiding Li Yiye's hand.

Li Yiye narrowed his eyes, his eyes became more cold, "What are you hiding?"

Fang Chao's boat froze, and after a while, he said weakly, "Cold."

Li Yiye raised his eyebrows and put his hand directly on Fang's Chaozhou's neck in the next instant. He stuck it, and smiled and asked, "Is it still cold?"

"'s not cold anymore." Fang Chaozhou forced a smile.

Now people are like a knife and I am a fish, he is still a good master, Li Yiye can not afford to provoke him.

Seeing Fang Chaozhou’s acquaintance, Li Yiye nodded slightly, and turned to the previous topic, "Are you really rebelling? If you rebellion, can he kiss you?" He paused, "It's still your surface Rebelling, in fact, you've long been very happy, right?"

Fang Chao Zhou saw that Li Yiye's eyes were getting worse and worse, and immediately said: "Heaven and Earth Mingjian, I don't have any non-discrimination for the younger brother, if there is, let me..."

What oath is better?

"Just let you what?" Li Yiye looked at him with a smile.

Fang Chao Zhou's eyes rolled around, and it took a long time before he said, "Let me thunder and blow away."

"I have heard a lot of this kind of oath. It's boring. Change one." Li Yiye bent down and stared at Fang Chaozhou's eyes. As soon as he got closer, Fang Chaozhou's body became stiff, "Let's do it. , If you have bad thoughts about Xue Danrong, you will only have to suffer in this life. "Fuck."

In the last two words, he spoke very clearly. At the end, his eyes still slid towards the side of the "chao" boat and "butt".

Fang Chaozhou got goosebumps all over by this look, but he still bit the bullet and swore the vicious oath. When this sentence came out, Li Yiye twitched his lips and changed the subject, "By the way, the things I gave you were taken by your master's old stuff, right?"

When he saw the "how do you know" in Fang Chaozhou's eyes, he casually said: "I still know if the things I give out are in the hands of the recipients, otherwise, how would I know that you are locked up? Depending on how much you like my stuff, it’s definitely not normal if you haven’t played for a few days."

Fang Chao Zhou was stunned, a little confused.

"But it's okay. I'll let you play it for real this time." Li Yiye smiled at Chaozhou's lips, and the three words hooligans were almost inscribed on his face. "You can play for as long as you want, I will stay with you. "

Fang Chaozhou didn't say a word for a while, he blinked his eyes, his face gradually became weird, and it took him a while before he stammered.

"Not so good."

He usually looks at the script for several hours.

Li Yiye stammered after seeing Fang Chaozhou, and smiled deeper, "Why not? It's better to play a fake than a real one."

He thought he could see the other person blushing, but he didn't know he heard the other person say.

"Really... can it be said that it is hot? Is it cold when you let go?"

Are magic repairs so magical?

This time, Li Yiye was stunned, but he hadn't even asked Fang's "Chao" boat what he meant, and a voice rang out first.

"Sect Master, you have something to report."

Li Yiye frowned and straightened up. He looked at Fang Chaozhou who was lying on the bed, dropped the sentence "You are waiting for me here", and got up and went out.

As soon as Li Yiye left, Fang Chaozhou immediately wanted to escape, but he had not recovered his strength. After struggling for a long time, he only moved from the middle of the bed to the side of the bed. When he was about to open the veil on his face, there was The face came in first.

The face was small, almost as big as a slap, and a pair of cat eyes were charming.

"It's you!" When the visitor saw the "chao" boat on the bed, he immediately said.

When Fang Chaozhou saw the little demon emerging from nowhere, he was happy, and immediately said, "Li Zhu, don't you want me to be your stepmother? You let me go now!"

He thought that Li Zhu would agree in one fell swoop, but he didn't know that Li Zhu listened to these words and looked at him up and down. The cat's eyes slid around and then reached out and pushed him into the bed, "Huh, When I'm an idiot, I haven't reported the revenge you gave me last time!"

With that said, Li Zhu bullied herself into bed.

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