When Fang Chaozhou's consciousness was completely awake, he was the only one left in the room.

He stared at the bed net for a while, then reached out and touched his "butt".

No more pain...

After Fang Chaozhou blinked, he raised his hand to cover his face. He thought that being beaten in the "butt" was already the most embarrassing thing, but he didn't expect even more embarrassing things to happen.

Zhong Li Yueshui is really...too despicable. If he likes the younger brother, and now he makes such a fuss, he has been given "medicine" in such a cryptic place by his love rival, how can he have the face to pursue the younger brother?

As expected, he is an old man who has not known how many years he has lived.

Fang Chaozhou sat up abruptly, no, he couldn't stay here anymore, he had better leave early, and if he stayed, his body and mind would be more devastated.

However, the matter of leaving cannot be mentioned today, he does not want to see the face of Zhong Li Yueshui for the time being.

Shame, too shame.

The next day, Fang "Chao" got up early, and on the way to Zhongli's Yueshui Courtyard, he tossed over the wording he thought of last night and recited several times silently.

But as soon as he arrived outside Zhongli Yueshui Courtyard, he accidentally saw Zhongli Yueshui, who was supposed to be in the room, standing in the courtyard at this time.

When Zhong Li Yueshui saw Fang's "Chao" boat, he opened his mouth first, "You came just right. I have something to leave Huali Mountain for a while."


Fang Chaozhou was stunned, and heard Zhong Li Yueshui continue.

"On the days I am away, you study through jade slips." He glanced at the pile of jade slips placed on the jade table next to him, "I will test your homework when I come back to see if you have practiced seriously."

Fang Chao Zhou followed Zhong Li Yueshui’s sight and saw the jade slips piled up as high as a hill, and he couldn’t speak, but Zhong Li Yueshui wanted to leave. This is a great thing. It’s a great thing to learn. It's better than seeing Zhongli Yueshui every day, so he nodded quickly, "Yes, Master."

Zhong Li Yueshui saw Fang Chaozhou’s lips that could hardly suppress a smile, and his eyebrows were twisted. He walked slowly in front of the other party and saw Fang Chaozhou's approach visibly froze. When he was in his body, he spoke coldly.

"Fang Chaozhou, are you happy that I am leaving?"

Because he was too close, Fang Chaozhou began to lose control of his dizziness again. He couldn't help but want to take two steps back, but just as he moved his steps, he heard Zhong Li Yueshui's increasingly cold voice.

"What's the return? Do you want to be punished?"

These words made Fang Chaozhou stop abruptly. He squeezed himself secretly before replying: "No...Yes, Master."

Zhong Li Yueshui looked at the young man who was too scared to move, but his eyes became more displeased, "Daibai will supervise your study during the days I am away. If I am lazy, I will come back with you one by one. Liquidation."

"Yes." Fang Chaozhou lowered his head more and more.


Zhong Li Yueshui left.

When Fang Chao Zhou saw that the back of the person disappeared completely, he sighed in relief, walked to the jade table, and flipped over the jade slip on it. Tubai followed, it jumped onto the table, and looked up at Fang Chaozhou, "Meow, you start learning quickly, or Master Zhongli will punish you again."

Although she said this, Tubai was eager to try her eyes.

Looking at the jade slip’s Fang Chaozhou, he didn’t see it. He picked up a jade slip at will. "Master has solved your forbidden words, then do you know where Master has gone? When will you return? "

"Meow, Master Zhongli has gone to the north. As for when he will return, I don't know." Tubai said.

The "Northern" in Tu's vernacular made Fang Chaozhou stunned. He raised his eyes to look at the white cat in front of him, "Northern? Is it the northern boundary of the mysterious land?"

"Meow, yeah."

After seeing the original Fang Chaozhou, he knew what Zhong Li Yueshui had done, so he went to rescue Xue Danrong.

In the original work, Xue Danrong went to the North Realm alone. The danger in the North Realm was far from what he thought. So Xue Danrong was trapped in the North Realm. Fortunately, he had a mandarin duck jade medallion.

The mandarin duck jade tiles are a pair, Xue Danrong crushed the piece on his body, and the other jade tile would also shatter, and the owner of the other piece was Zhong Li Yueshui.

The mandarin duck jade medal was given to Xue Danrong by Zhong Li Yueshui when he was young. Now Xue Danrong must be in danger and could not leave the northern border, so he crushed the jade medal.

After Zhong Li Yueshui noticed that the jade medallion on his body was broken, he hurriedly left Huali Mountain and went to rescue. In the original work, the Northern Chapter was Zhong Li Yueshui's first appearance.

That hero save the beauty, let Zhong Li Yueshui gain countless fans.

No wonder Zhong Li Yueshui's face was so bad just now, and something happened to his sweetheart, and he must be in a bad mood.

However, Fang Chaozhou couldn't remember how long it took Zhongli's trip to the north, if the other party came back, the six months had already expired.

But maybe "sex" is not great, so he started learning quickly.


Although there is no Zhongli Yueshui, there is still Tubai. Tubai is responsible. He stays next to Fang Chaozhou every day and night, but it does not urge Fang Chaozhou to hurry up and practice, instead, he will be there. When "Chao" Zhou was studying, he took the initiative to fall down in front of Fang "Chao" Zhou, spreading out his snow-white belly, his little fluffy claws curled up, and a pair of mandarin ducks staring roundly.

The meditating Fang Chaozhou:...

He squeezed tightly to "touch" the hand of the other's belly.

No, sucking a cat is wrong.

Seeing that Fang Chao's boat was not moving, Tubai blinked, got up, walked to Fang Chao's legs, fell down again with a "boom", and "showed" the fluffy little The belly even touched Fang Chaozhou's knee with a meat pad.

Fang Chaozhou pressed his lips restrained and tried to take his eyes away from the opponent's belly.

Tubai made a grunting sound. This time it got up and climbed onto Fang's "Chao"zhou's lap, and fell down again. For the third time, it "exposed" its "hairy" belly, which seemed to feel great. It was not over yet, it coquettishly rolled around on Fang Chaozhou's coiled legs, and meowed from time to time.

Fang Chao Zhou's mouth twitched. After a while, his hand was decisively placed on Tu Bai's stomach, but before a few "touches", Tu Bai suddenly twisted his body and got up, his ears erected. High, staring in one direction.

Fang Chaozhou saw its movements and followed its line of sight. Just hearing a bird chirping, the gold-winged bird that Zhongli jumped over the water circled above them, and one person fell from the sky.


Fang Chao Zhou stayed in Huali Mountain, and it had been a long time since he saw a living person except Zhong Li Yueshui. Now he saw an acquaintance and immediately shouted out, his tone was pleasantly surprised.

He quickly lifted Tubai from his legs and stood up.

When the master saw Fang Chaozhou, he twisted his eyebrows slightly, and there was obvious disgust in his eyes.

Fang Chaozhou saw the other person's eyes and suddenly remembered his confiscated "warm baby".

It seems that Master has not forgotten that matter.

"'Chao' Zhou, are you accustomed to living in Huali Mountain these days?" The master said.

Fang Chaozhou thought for a while before speaking, his tone of voice was very careful, "Master, I think I'm too disturbing Master's cleansing, or should I return to Yizhifeng?"

"Hui Yizhifeng is not in a hurry. The teacher came here to give you your letter." The master took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it to Fang Chaozhou. "This is from your father. , The sender said it was an urgent letter, so you should open it quickly."

Fang "Chao" Zhou was stunned before opening the received letter. He read too much textbooks and read the letters extremely fast. The beginning of the letter was a greeting. The original father asked him if he was in good health these days. Okay, I’m not happy in Tianshui Sect. I don’t have enough money. In the middle section, I talked about some major events in the imperial court. The person who wrote the letter at the end said that he was ill recently and asked Fang Chaozhou to have time to return to Beijing. .

Fang Chaozhou read the few words at the end several times before realizing the problem. The original father seemed to be very ill, so he specifically asked his son to go back.

The original timeline was around Xue Danrong, and during this period of time, the original body knew that Xue Danrong had gone to the north, and followed him secretly, but Xue Danrong noticed that someone was following, so he deliberately threw the original body away. , When the original body found Xue Danrong, Xue Danrong had been rescued by Zhong Li Yueshui.

When the original body returned to Tianshui Sect, he received the bad news that his father had passed away. This also added to the tragedy of the original body "color". The sweetheart was saved by others, and he didn't even have the last face of the father. See.

The original father emperor sent a letter.

The master in the original book did not give the original body that letter, probably because he was afraid of the original body's guilt.

""Chao" boat?" Master saw Fang "Chao" boat lingering, and couldn't help calling out.

After Fang Chaozhou returned to God, he immediately folded the letter and put it away, "Master, can I leave the Tianshui Sect for a while? My father is seriously ill, and I want to go back to the capital to see him."

They are cultivating immortals, and they should cut off the connection with the mundane world, but they are not so strict that they can't even take a look at their father's serious illness.

Countless monks from mortal homes have embarked on the road of cultivating immortals. Goodbye to their parents is the last of their parents.

When the master heard Fang Chao's words, he understood the content of the letter in his heart, so he nodded and handed Fang Chao's a storage ring, "This is when the teacher confiscated your storage ring. But I lost all the "mess" in it."

Tubai on the side heard the conversation between their master and apprentice, and suddenly "interrupted": "Fang Chaozhou, Master Zhong Li would be angry if he knew you left Huali Mountain."

Its voice caused Master's eyes to turn to it, and Master frowned, "Master has me to explain it, so there is no need to worry about the white beast."

Tubai's eyes became obviously ferocious, Fang Chaozhou saw it, and he quickly bent over and "touched" Tubai's small head a few times, "Tabai, I'm just going back to see my father, you can't connect with my father. The emperor is seriously ill and won't let me leave, right?"

Tubai was "touched" by Fang's "Chao" boat, and his eyes instantly became docile, but he was still unwilling, "Meow, but when will you come back? It won't be long? Don't leave, everyone is dead. You can't change anything when you go back."

This sentence made Fang Chaozhou’s eyes sink, he retracted his hand, and his tone was no longer gentle for the first time, "Mortals naturally live and die, so I want to go back. I can live a long time, and a lot. Time to cultivate, but mortals are gone."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Master, "Master, let's go."


On that day, Fang "Chao" boat set foot on the way to the mortal capital. Although Tubai still wanted to stop, it was blocked by Master Fang "Chao" boat. It could only watch Fang "Chao" boat go. When Chaozhou left, Tu Bai kept staring at him, her eyes a little cold.

Fang Chao needs to take the spacecraft to the cultivation town nearest to the capital, and then go to the capital with the sword.

About seven or eight days later, Fang Chao arrived outside the gate of the capital. When the guards of the city gate saw monks appear, their expressions became a little dignified, because the place where mortals gathered was scarce, and monks would not come over.

Fang Chaozhou watched the crowd queuing into the city, and automatically walked to the end of the line. It's just that he just stood at the end, the people in front of him all walked away, and then ran to stand behind him, but far away from him.

Fang Chao Zhou turned his head in surprise, thought about it, and walked to the back of the team.

As a result, the group of people once again dispersed like birds and beasts, and then gathered behind him again, of course, still keeping a long distance. Although they were far apart, Fang Chaozhou heard what they said clearly.

"My God, it's a monk!"

"Can a monk eat people?"

"I heard that they can live forever by eating a lot of mortals."

"Monsters eat mortals for immortality. I heard they drink the "urine" of boys every day to immortality."


"It should be true. My distant relative, Mr. Huang, drinks the boy's "urine" every day. Now he is fifty and looks like thirty."

"Wow, that's amazing! Then you said this monk looks so young, how much did you drink?"


Fang "chao" boat:...

He had no choice but to "cut in" the line despicably.

Seeing Fang Chaozhou approaching, the guards of the city gate squeezed the weapons in their hands, and the voices of the generals in the lead were a little trembling, "Why are you here?"

Fang Chaozhou tore off the gold medal from his waist and handed it to the general. He gently said, "I am Fang Chaozhou, the Ninth Prince, now I am going to Beijing."

This gold medal was worn on the waist during the Tianshui Sect of the original body, with a nine-character engraved on it, which is a symbol of status.

The guards were surprised to hear Fang Chaozhou claiming to be the Ninth Prince. The general looked at the gold medal in his hand, checked it over and over several times, and then said: "Nine Princes, please wait, let your subordinates go and report it first."

The original body left when he was young, and has not returned for decades. It is estimated that not many people still remember him, so Fang Chaozhou nodded in understanding, "Go."

The general took Fang Chaozhou's gold medal and turned and entered the city gate, but as soon as he entered, the city gate was closed. The people who can’t line up to enter the city now have less and less things to do. They have been chatting at the back to discuss how much the boy "Urine" Fang "Chao" drank so young. They are still betting to guess the true age of Fang "Chao" boat .

Fang Chaozhou who listened to the boy's "urine" couldn't help turning around, and said in a restrained tone: "I swear I didn't drink the boy's "urine"."

When the people heard his words, they immediately took a dozen steps back, the movements were as neat as they had been trained in advance.

"My God, did he talk to us?"

"He heard us talking?"

"I heard that monks are clairvoyant and easy to hear."

"Ah, it's so powerful, wouldn't it be that I sneezed so far away and he could hear it?"

"It's not just sneezing, he can hear you fart clearly, don't believe it, you put one now, he promises to hear it."

"Let me try!"

"I will try too! Can he tell who put it?"

Fang "chao" boat:...

Forget it.

Amidst the people’s continued bizarre speculation, the gate of the city finally opened, but not just one person came out, but a group of people. The person walking in the front wore a deep red "color" court dress and a snowy white fox fur. Looks out of tune with the person next to him who only wears spring shirts.

When the man walked to Fang Chaozhou, he knelt down and gave a big gift.

"Nephew Hu Xiang pays homage to Uncle Nine Emperors."

The man behind him knelt on the ground.

Fang "Chao" Zhou had never been kneeled before. He was taken aback. He turned to his side and went to help the other party, "You're welcome, get up quickly."

He grasped the opponent's arm and found that the opponent's body was stiff, but the man didn't say anything. He stood up with Fang's Chaozhou's strength, then raised his face, the opponent's "Chao" Zhou Qianqian Smile.

The visitor is about Mo Fan in his early twenties. He is handsome and handsome. His color is like Chunxiao, but his lips are blue and his appearance is obvious. The blood vessels under his exposed skin are even more faintly blue.

When he saw Fang Chaozhou's face clearly, his eyes flashed, and then the smile on his lips deepened.

"Uncle Nine Emperor Gods is back, Grandpa Emperor has been looking forward to Uncle Nine Emperor Gods for quite some time."

When the words fell, he turned his head, raised his hand to cover his chest, his brows seemed to be frowned, and his lips were slightly parted, as if extremely uncomfortable. Fang Chaozhou saw this and immediately took out a handkerchief and handed it over.

The young man who claimed to be Huxiang saw the handkerchief and shook his head slightly, "Thank you, Uncle Nine Emperors, but I am fine, but I got a little cold when I got up early."

As soon as the sound fell, he heard Fang Chaozhou say.

"Then you have to hold a handkerchief. There are so many people here. If you catch the cold and don't pay attention, you may pass it on to others."

Hu Xiang: "..."

Seeing that Huxiang refused to take it, Fang Chao Zhou directly put the handkerchief into the other's hand, "My nephew, take it now." He thought that the other party was embarrassed to accept his handkerchief, and hurriedly added, "This handkerchief It’s not worth much money, just treat it as the emperor’s meeting gift, don’t be polite."

Hu Xiang: "..."

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