Fang "Chao" Zhou felt that he had a very comfortable sleep. If it wasn't for the itchy face, he didn't want to open his eyes, but when he opened his eyes, he met a fluffy cat face. .


How come there are cats?

The cat seems a bit familiar.

It's Tubai!

But how did he feel that Tubai became bigger.

"Meow~" The cat made a meowing almost coquettishly, and at the same time, it rubbed its head against Fang Chaozhou's face. Fang Chaozhou was rubbed a few times and couldn't help but stretch out his hand to "touch" the opponent's head, and when he reached out, he was stunned.

How did his hands become smaller?

"Woke up?"

But not allowing him to be stunned, the voice coming from the side interrupted Fang Chaozhou's thoughts.

Fang Chao Zhou turned his head and found Zhong Li Yueshui sitting on a stool not far from his bed. Zhong Li Yueshui got up indifferently and walked to the bed.

Because of his approach, Fang Chaozhou couldn't help being dizzy.

"Fang Chaozhou, I sealed you in the demon puppet, for your good, and also for Xue Dan's sake. He was originally poisoned by the cloud crimson snake, and then in the north, he was killed by a monster called the demon beast. Bite, causing him to have a heart demon now. The demon qi must be completely eliminated, not overnight, so in order to prevent his heart demon from becoming more serious, I sealed you in the demon puppet, and you are now a person without cultivation. The venom of the cloud crimson snake only works on the monks, so your influence on Xue Danrong can be minimized."

Zhong Li Yueshui paused, and then said something that surprised Fang Chaozhou.

"Just in case, I have wiped out all Xue Danrong's memory about you in the past two years, and I hope you don't tell him about you."

Zhong Li Yueshui washed Xue Danrong's memory.

That means Xue Danrong can't remember what happened between them in the past two years.

This... this is a good thing.

But Fang Chaozhou soon realized that this was not a good thing, and even felt worse.

He was sealed into the magic puppet, so he couldn't leave Zhongli Yueshui, and even if they were a little further away, he could feel his body begin to ossify, as if he was about to change back to a puppet.

When he got close, he fainted.

In addition, his body has become smaller and only about two years old. It is inconvenient to do anything. He can't comb his hair well, wear clothes well, and even if he wants to go out, he will hang on because the threshold is too high. Above.

And he seems to like to sleep more.

Zhong Li Yueshui would enter the Dharma every day, and Fang Chaozhou would secretly hide and sleep when he entered Dharma. Because of the distance limitation, he can't hide very far, so he hides in the closet most of the time.

The bed is too obvious, the sleeping cupboard is safe and hidden, and the clothes on the pillow are soft.

Sometimes Tubai would come to sleep with him after smelling the smell. Tu Bai would "lick" Fang Chao Zhou before Zhong Li Yueshui's practice ended, and then Fang Chao Zhou quickly got out of the closet, pretending to have been looking at Yu Jian.

Although he doesn't need to practice anymore, he still needs to look at the exercises on the jade slips, which is equivalent to saying that although he doesn't need actual "operations", he can learn theoretical knowledge.

But today, when Fang "Chao" Zhou was sleeping in the closet with his body curled up, Tubai did not find it to sleep with him. It did not appear at all, causing Fang "Chao" Zhou to overslept, and he didn't even know that the closet was opened. .

Zhong Li Yueshui looked condescendingly at Fang Chaozhou who was sleeping on his clothes, his eyes sinking. I have to say that after Fang Chao's boat has become smaller, it looks no different from glutinous rice dumplings. His skin is milky white, with red lips and black eyebrows. He fell asleep, and his little hands still like to tuck in front of him.

After a while, Zhong Li Yueshui said: "Fang Chaozhou boat."

The person he called did not respond, and still slept soundly.

Zhong Li Yueshui twisted his eyebrows, and then he flicked his fingers. Almost immediately, he saw the sleeping glutinous rice **** shaking, then slowly turned over, buried his face in the palm of his hand and continued to sleep.

This can't wake up.

Zhong Li Yueshui simply bent over and leaned over, reaching out to grab the person who was still asleep. With such a grasp, I finally woke up, and opened my eyes faintly, because I slept for too long, and my cheeks were flushed, like a layer of April peach pollen, Xian Yanjiao red.

The eyes "dazzled" by drowsiness, when they saw the man in front of him clearly, were instantly awake, but for less than a moment, they became dizzy again because of the pressure of the opponent.

When he was placed on the ground, he almost fell to the ground.

"That's how you learned? Fang's Chaozhou." Zhong Li Yueshui's voice was severe.

Fang Chaozhou knew he had been caught with his pigtails and did not dare to say anything. He stood with his head down honestly, hoping that the other party would be lenient, but Zhong Li Yueshui did not let him go.

"Stretch out your hand."

When Fang "Chao" Zhou heard this, he knew that today's punishment would not be able to escape, but now he is more afraid of pain. It seems that because his body has become smaller, he couldn't walk steadily last time and fell. , Almost didn't cry him in pain.

"Master... ancestor, can... can you... not be punished?" Fang Chaozhou stammered.

Zhong Li Yueshui looked at him coldly, and only said one word--


Fang Chaozhou gritted his teeth, and could only stretch out his hand and stretched it out. The whole hand was trembling, but soon, he changed another hand.

Let's play with the left hand, and we need to eat with the right hand.

He is now smaller, he has no cultivation base, he is still hungry after eating bigu pill, and he doesn't know how Song Lianyi made it back then. He can't eat without eating.

After extending his hand, Fang Chaozhou glanced up carefully, and saw the familiar ruler. It was wrong and not too familiar, because he found that this ruler was much smaller than the one he hit last time. .

Zhong Li Yueshui is too good at punishing people, he becomes smaller, and the ruler for punishing him has become smaller.

When the ruler fell, Fang Chaozhou couldn't help shrinking his hand, but he couldn't shrink it because his hand was frozen. After three consecutive draws, his hand could move freely.

Fang Chaozhou glanced at the beaten left hand, and after blinking his eyes, he blinked twice. The left eyebrows were raised and the right eyebrows were raised, and then he blinked again. Eyes, but still unable to hold back, sobbed.


The Xueyi boy walked into the courtyard, and when he heard the cry of the toddler, he was obviously taken aback. Afterwards, he walked outside the door and called for Master in a low voice.

"Come in." Zhong Li Yueshui's voice came from inside, and at the same time, the door opened from inside.

When the teenager stepped into the door, he saw Zhong Li Yueshui sitting in a chair, and the child sitting in Zhong Li Yueshui's arms. The young child cried so sad, tears rolled down like rain on the lotus leaf, and looked at his swollen palm with aggrieved eyes.

But when the young boy saw him, he cried suddenly, as if he was frightened, but the young boy burped uncontrollably, and the teardrops hanging on his chin trembled slightly and fell on his clothes.

The young boy's eyes were taken back from the young boy, and he bowed to Zhong Li Yueshui, "Disciple Xue Danrong sends greetings to Master Zuo."

"Well, you go to the cubicle and wait for me, I'll come over later." Zhong Li Yueshui was falling behind, the boy turned and went to the cubicle.

Fang Chaozhou looked at Xue Danrong who was leaving, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He has been small for a few days now, and he has seen Xue Danrong several times. The other party seems to have forgotten what happened in the past two years. When he saw him, he almost didn't respond, and he wouldn't give one more look.

Xue Danrong would come every day because Zhong Li Yueshui wanted to get rid of the demons in his body. Although he would come every day, Xue Danrong did not live on Huali Mountain. He once heard Zhong Li Yueshui asking Xue Danrong through the screen why he didn't move over, and Xue Danrong answered that he was used to living in Zhichunzhou.

Therefore, the Golden Winged Bird will pick up Xue Danrong and send Xue Danrong back.

Just don't know how long it will take to exorcise, Fang Chaozhou really doesn't like the feeling of getting smaller now. In fact, he felt that Zhong Li Yueshui didn't need to seal him up. Zhong Li Yueshui wanted to drive Xue Danrong away from his inner demons. If he was afraid of his interference, he could completely let him go back to the cave.

He can lock himself up for a long time and promise not to see Xue Danrong.

Maybe Zhong Li Yueshui couldn't trust him, for fear that he would delay Xue Danrong.

Can understand, but he was too painful.

He can't control himself now, even if he knows he shouldn't sleep, he can't control it, just like he didn't want to cry just now, but he can't control it.

The hand really hurts, now it is red and swollen, burning pain.

Fang Chaozhou looked at his red and swollen palms, his eyes couldn't help but pack tears.

"Now that it hurts, will you be lazy next time?" Zhong Liyue said coldly.

Fang "Chao" Zhou blinked, trying to retract his tears, there was an invisible cry in his voice, "No... anymore..."

Just after answering, a slender jade-white finger was placed on his lips, and scarlet blood was leaking from the fingertips.

The scarlet instantly attracted Fang Chaozhou's attention. He leaned forward uncontrollably, and then almost immediately grabbed the opponent's fingertips and tried his best to draw the blood from the opponent's wound.


Zhong Li Yueshui lowered his eyes to look at the child sucking his blood. He did not speak. After a while, he pulled his hand out, and as expected, he heard a grievance sound similar to a whimper in the opponent's throat, and even two small paws grabbed his hand. The teeth were even more as the monkey bit his fingertips anxiously, trying to bite the wound bigger and let more blood come out.

The thin teeth grind on his fingertips for a long time, except for the itching sensation, it is not attacking.

Like Zhong Li Yueshui's level of power, it is almost a fantasy that ordinary people want to bite him.

Zhong Li Yueshui paused for a while, and forcibly pulled his hand back, "Enough, I'm going to expel the devilish energy to Dan Rong, you read the jade slip for yourself, and I will check my homework when I come back. If you are lazy, you are not allowed to use it tonight. meal."


When Zhong Li returned from Yueshui, it was already sunset. He did not go directly in, but stood outside for a while before walking in. When he entered, he was silent, and the Fang Chaozhou sitting on the ground did not notice anyone coming in.

Fang Chao Zhou was holding his head and looking at the jade slip on the ground. With the other left hand beside him, he glanced at the jade slip, then lowered his head and blew on the palm of his left hand. The eyes that had cried before are now a little swollen. It looks really pitiful.

"See this today, let's eat."

Zhong Li Yueshui said.

When Fang Chaozhou heard the words, he put the jade slip away and washed his hands and face. After returning, he was about to climb onto the stool, but was picked up first.

"Your hand is injured today, I'll feed you." Zhong Li Yueshui put Fang Chaozhou, who had been stunned, on his lap, then raised his eyes to look at the meal on the table.

The meal that Zhong Li Yueshui prepared for Fang Chaozhou was very simple. The dishes were the same every day, with fish cooked in Lingshui and a bowl of white rice.

At first glance, the fish was caught from the fish pond in Tubai.

Zhong Li Yueshui first put away the pressure, then picked up the jade chopsticks, picked up the fish skin, picked up a piece of fish, and handed it to Fang Chaozhou’s lips.

Fang Chaozhou looked at the fish that was handed to his lips, and glanced at Zhong Li Yueshui anxiously.

Why does Zhong Li Yueshui feed him?

Isn't this a final meal? !

"Don't you want to eat?" Zhong Li Yueshui saw Chaozhou Zhou only looking at him, not eating, his expression became colder, "then I will be hungry today."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Fang Chaozhou hurriedly holding his jade chopsticks.


This meal was simply a torment for Fang Chaozhou. Fortunately, after dinner, he could eat the fruit he had stored in his storage ring. It's a pity that there are not many fruits, so he planned one one a day, and he didn't know how long he would stay in Huali Mountain.

The demon puppet needs to be fed blood for a month in order to lift the seal, but Zhong Li Yueshui also fed him blood today.

Fang Chaozhou held the little fruit in his hand, taking a bite, gnawing slowly. The time to eat the fruit is now the happiest time every day.

When I was happy, I "plugged in". A voice came in.

"Is it so delicious?"

It was the voice of Zhong Li Yueshui.

Fang Chaozhou paused, then took out a fruit from the storage ring and slowly pushed it towards Zhong Li Yueshui. After pushing past, he continued to gnaw the fruit in his hand, but Zhong Li Yueshui's voice rang again.

"I asked which one in your hand."

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