In front of the floor bronze mirror.

A teenager about sixteen or seven years old was standing in front of the mirror. He looked at himself in the mirror with "bewildered" and "confused" eyes. He couldn't help muttering, "How come he grows so big overnight?"

This boy is Fang Chaozhou. He was still trying to lose weight before going to bed last night. Today, he opened his eyes and found that his physical age had changed from two to sixteen or seven.

Song Lianyi's maid told him clearly that after four or five consecutive blood feedings, he would grow four or five years old. How could he suddenly grow a teenager?

When Fang Chaozhou couldn't figure it out, there were footsteps from far to near, but he was surprised by what he thought. The footsteps were so close that he was startled and turned around abruptly.

The visitor stood at the door curtain, lifted the snowy "color" door curtain with one hand, and looked inside. When he saw Fang Chaozhou's boat, his eyes stopped clearly.

Fang Chaozhou was overjoyed when he saw the people coming, and he quickly asked, "Master, what's wrong with me? Doesn't the magic puppet continue to feed blood for four or five days to increase how old it is? How can I stay overnight? Is it a teenager in between?"

Although he was happy because he grew up, he was also upset because of his sudden growth, for fear that something went wrong.

Zhong Li Yueshui was silent for a moment, and then said indifferently, "Maybe something went wrong."

"This magic puppet can still make mistakes? Then... I won't be 70 or 80 years old in a few days, right?" Fang Chaozhou became even more disturbed. At this rate, his teenage years increased overnight. After a few days, he will be old, his eyes will be bad, his teeth will be bad, how can he eat and read the script?

When Zhong Li Yueshui heard these words, a hint of helplessness flashed across his eyebrows, "You are a monk, how can you get old? If you are really old, lift the seal, won't you change back again?"

Fang Chaozhou smiled awkwardly when he heard the words. He forgot for a moment that as long as the seal was lifted, he would be able to return to his original state.

Without the trouble of getting old, Fang Chaozhou can fully enjoy the joy of growing up as a teenager.

When a child has nothing good, walks unsteadily, does not comb his hair well, and is troublesome to wear clothes. The most important thing is that he finds that he is not fat when he grows older.

But when he grew up, Fang Chao couldn't get bored in the house, especially after he had read the jade slips he needed to see today.

Here, he didn't even have to read a script. When he was two years old, he slept more. Now he is not so sleepy and feels that the day is too long.

During lunch, he couldn't help but said to Zhong Li Yueshui, "Master, can I go out?"

Zhong Li Yueshui held a roll of jade slips in his hand, and when he heard the words, he raised his eyes and looked at him, "Where?"

Fang Chao Zhou pretended to be well-behaved, "I didn't go there. I just wanted to go to the place where I practiced before. Isn't there a lot of energy there? I want to go there to see Yujian in the afternoon."

Zhong Li Yueshui's eyes sank, "Why must I go there to see Yujian?"

Seeing him like this, Fang Chao Zhou seemed to be opposing, and couldn’t help telling the truth. “Master, I’ve been bored here for more than a month, and I can’t leave the courtyard. I’m not a kid now. , I naturally want to go out and let the wind in."

Even Fang "Chao" Zhou himself didn't notice, his temperament and "sexuality" at this time were affected by the age of the demon doll, as if he really became a bored boy at home.

He didn't notice, but Zhong Li Yueshui noticed it.

Zhong Li Yueshui lowered his eyes and put his gaze back on the jade slip in his hand, "Then you go, but don't delay your homework."

"Naturally not." Fang Chaozhou laughed immediately, but halfway through his laughter, he stopped. "But Master, I can't be too far away from you, or I will become a puppet."

Zhong Li Yueshui didn't raise his eyes again, but said nonchalantly: "You take Tubai away."

Fang Chaozhou froze for a moment, but did not ask why it was enough to take Tubai over. After the meal, he ate Huashizhu, and he held Tubai in one hand, and picked up a new roll of jade in the other hand. Jane went out.

Zhong Li Yueshui, who stayed at the table, squeezed Yujian's hand tightly before raising his eyes. He glanced at the threshold first, and then looked at Fang Chaozhou's back.

The young man was arrogant, and even his back looked very energetic.


Xue Danrong got off the golden-winged bird as before. He wanted to go straight to the courtyard of Zhongli Yueshui, but he heard the noise first.

Huali Mountain has always been quiet, no one can play, and no one dares to play.

After Xue Danrong was stunned, he couldn't help but walk towards the roaring noise.

When he approached, he knew who made the noise.

Under the blue sky, the light from the Golden Crow in the afternoon envelops the entire Huali Mountain, and the lake is also sparkling with sunlight, and the spring is melted.

The young man in the lake was also exposed to sunlight. He was wearing only his shirt, standing in the sunlight and the lake, the water and light merged together. He did not find anyone coming, and smiled with the white tiger who was soaking in the water. : "Tubai, you must be faster to catch fish, but do you want to swim faster than one? No magic tricks, see who gets to the other side first."

Bai Hu did not answer his words, but turned his head to look in the direction Xue Danrong was standing.

Because of its actions, the young man in the lake also turned his head, and then he met Xue Danrong's eyes.

When he saw Xue Danrong not far away, he was taken aback for a moment, then he shouted "Little Junior Brother" with a smile, then wiped the drops of water on his face, and said to Bai Hu: "Taibai, come on, the game is over, start!"

As soon as the words fell, he got into the water.

The white tiger next to him saw his movements and hurriedly started participating in the game.

It's just that it obviously rarely swims, and its movements are slow and stiff. When the young man got out of the water on the opposite bank, it swam to the middle of the lake.

Fang Chaozhou looked at Tubai's awkward movements and couldn't help but laughed, and then walked out of the lake. He sat on the rocks by the lake casually and pulled the loose patina hairband. Next, bit between your lips, comb your wet hair with your hands, and tie it up with a hair band.

With his hair tied, he glanced at Tubai who had not yet swam over, and raised his head to look at the sky above. Nikko is so good that he is a little sleepy.

He raised his hand to block the shining sunlight, and just sat in the sun like this, until Tu Bai came to him, he lowered his head and looked at the pitiful Tu Bai in his eyes.

"It's okay, Tubai, we will come back tomorrow. You will swim faster tomorrow than today." Fang Chaozhou stretched out his hand soothingly, "touched" the wet tiger head, and then suddenly blew A gust of wind instantly made him feel chilly, and even took a breath.

His clothes are now soaked and stick to his body. I have just been roasted by the sun, and I still don't feel much, now I feel too cold as soon as it blows.

Fang Chao hurriedly got up, walked to the other side of the lake, picked up the neatly folded coat on the stone, and put it on him. He put on his clothes and remembered Xue Danrong, who had just seen him, but when he looked over, there was no one there.

Fang Chaozhou didn't care, put on his coat, and prepared to return to Zhongli Yueshui's courtyard.

When he returned to the courtyard, it was quiet. Fang "Chao" Zhou glanced at the compartment, guessing that Zhong Li Yueshui must have been helping Xue Danrong to get rid of the devil qi, so he tiptoed into the inner room.

He told Zhong Li Yueshui before that he was going to see Yujian, and if the other party found out that he was actually playing in the water, he might be punished.

But Fang Chaozhou didn’t think things well, he patronized and walked lightly, but he forgot the water dripping from him. The water dripped on the ground, ticking in a row, extending from the corridor to the inner room. .

And Tubai followed him, and it didn't dry the "hair" on his body. The "hair" was wet all over, and it followed all the way in, so the ground was wetter.

When Fang Chao entered the inner room, he took off the outer robe on his body, threw it on the stool, opened the storage ring, and turned the clothes inside, but the clothes inside were all the clothes he wore in his original shape. Boyhood clothes.

And his clothes in the closet in the room can be worn by two-year-old children.

Today, his clothes have grown bigger with his age. Probably the magic puppet also knows that he can't wear it without clothes, so his clothes have grown bigger with others.

Fang Chaozhou struggled for a while, and decided to wear clothes of his original shape first, and then reluctantly walked off. After Zhong Li Yueshui helped Xue Danrong out of the devilish energy, he asked if he could go down the mountain to buy clothes.

When choosing which piece of clothing, Fang Chaozhou struggled again. After a while, he chose a dress with pine flowers inlaid with pink edges. During this period, the clothes he wore at Zhongli Yueshui were all too plain, so today he couldn't help choosing a color that was less plain.

After choosing the clothes, Fang Chaozhou took the clothes and went to the clean room next to him for a bath, leaving watermarks along the way. Tubai saw Fang Chaozhou and went to take a bath. He wanted to follow it, but he was driven out, so he drooped his head and ran outside the courtyard to bask in the sun and lick the hair.

Fang Chao entered the clean room, hung his clean clothes on the screen, then took off his wet clothes and entered the bath with standing water. Although Zhong Li Yueshui lived here alone for many years, he obviously has no low requirements for the quality of life. For example, in this bath of living water, the water is always hot, like water drawn from a hot spring pool.

The most amazing thing is that there is a faucet above the bath, and the water flows out from the top. If you press the faucet, the water flowing out will turn red.

When Fang Chaozhou lived in another courtyard of Huali Mountain, the bathroom there was exactly the same structure as this bathroom. He also pressed the faucet, and red water came out.

At that time, he was taken aback, Tubai also jokes that he has never seen the world.

Tubai told him that this red water is good for people's health, because Zhong Liyue often soaks in water.

Fang Chao hadn’t soaked the boat before, because he felt that soaking in red water was like soaking in blood, which felt strange, but today he looked at the dragon head above and couldn’t help but want to try it, so he stretched out to the dragon head. Hands up.


In the compartment.

Zhong Li Yueshui suddenly opened his eyes. He turned his head to look at the sound transmission talisman placed aside. The sound transmission talisman was bright, and the only people who could contact him except Xue Danrong were his apprentices.

Xue Danrong was next to him at this time, and his apprentices would generally not contact him unless there was something major in the sect.

Zhong Li Yueshui thought for a while, still got up and picked up the sound transmission talisman. He did not avoid Xue Danrong, and directly listened to the words that came.

It was the words from the elder of the Four Fingers Peak.

"Master, Lin Han wants to break through the stage of distraction. I think his posture is unusual, so I invite Master to come over."

Lin Han is the elder of Wuzhifeng.

Xue Danrong heard the sound and opened his eyes. He looked at Zhong Li Yueshui, "Master, let's go there. The matter of Elder Lin breaking through the distraction period should not be underestimated."

Zhong Li Yueshui was silent for a moment, and then said: "Then I will go over and take a look. If you waited for an hour and haven't waited for me to come back, go to Wuzhifeng to find me."

When the words fell, he disappeared in the compartment.

Xue Danrong, who stayed in the same place, sat for a while, got up and walked out. As soon as he went out, he saw a long string of wet marks extending all the way out.

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