"Tick to tick—"

Fang Chaozhou was awakened by the sound of water. He opened his eyes blankly. Before he could tell where he was, he heard a gloomy voice.

"Finally woke up."

He paused and wanted to get up, only to find that his whole body was aching badly, as if some heavy object was crushed all over him, especially his legs, which seemed to be unconscious and could not move at all.

He raised his elbows for a while, then fell back.

"Don't move, your bones and muscles are broken, you have to keep it for a while." The gloomy voice sounded again, and when the voice stopped, there was a rustling sound.

Something is crawling over.

Fang "Chao" Zhou went to look for his reputation and saw a vine crawling towards him. He remembered the tragic deaths of the previous demons. He couldn't help holding it back with his hands. He just climbed a little bit and was caught Reprimanded.

"Climb what? If you climb for a while, your body will be useless. I just swallowed it to save trouble."

Fang Chaozhou froze for a moment. At this time, the vine had already climbed in front of him. Unlike the magic repair before the scroll, the vine climbed next to him and did not wrap him up, but stopped.

"Bite the skin and drink the juice inside."

The voice sounded again.

Fang Chaozhou looked at the soil-stained vines, could not help but pursed his lower lip, and said slowly, "Can I ask some questions?"


Fang Chao said, "...Then you can kill me directly."

After a dead silence.

"You ask." This time, the voice obviously became impatient, and even the vines in front of Fang Chaozhou slapped the ground impatiently. With this shot, there was more dirt on the vines, and Fang Chao's unmoving expression turned his head to the side.

"What does the juice "liquid" in the vine do?" Fang Chaozhou asked the first question.

When Fang Chaozhou asked questions, he had been carefully looking around. This place was a bit like a sealed hole, the light was very dim, and the only thing that glowed was the celadon umbrella that fell with him.

The celadon umbrella was lying next to him at this time, glowing with a blue light, slightly illuminating the area he was in.

The place where the vines were sticking out was dark, Fang Chao couldn't see clearly, but he guessed that the thing that caught him in should be there, and the sound of ticking water came from there. The other party caught him, not only didn't kill him directly, but also waited for him to wake up. It seemed that he should be of some use to the other party.

"You can heal your broken bones. If you have any questions, please ask."

Fang Chao looked at the vines on the ground, "Then can I wash it before drinking?"

The vines that were beating the ground gave a sudden stop, and then there was anger in the voice, "You dare to pick and choose, do you think you are here as a guest? Don't think I..."

"Then you kill me." Fang Chaozhou lay flat silently, put his hands on his abdomen, and assumed an extremely peaceful posture.

"...Wash it."

Fang Chaozhou opened his eyes again when he heard the words, raised his head slightly, and looked at the dark place where the vines protruded. "How many days have I been caught by you?"

The anger in that voice was even heavier, "How do I know how many days? There is no daylight here, so I can't tell the time."

Hearing this, Fang Chaozhou looked at the top of his head, "The underground demon realm has collapsed, can't you get out?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Fang Chaozhou heard a rustling sound in an instant. He tilted his head to look in shock and saw a dozen vines reaching out to him at the same time. There was almost no time to struggle. He was **** by Wuhuada.

"The'milk' stinky brat dare to laugh at me, you really think I won't kill you? The big deal is to wait for a while after killing you. I have waited for so many years, and it is not bad. Day."

Fang Chaozhou felt that the vines on his body were tightening, and hurriedly said: "I didn't laugh at you, I just... just thought it was strange, did you hear my laugh just now?"

The vines on his body stopped instantly.

Fang Chao Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I am a dying person. Where does the face laugh at you, if you don't laugh at my low cultivation level, it is already very good."

"Your cultivation base is indeed low, but such a good qualification is still just a golden core, a waste."

The voice said unceremoniously, but at the same time the vines were also taken back, leaving only the first one.

Fang Chaozhou accepted the word "waste" without a psychological burden. He looked at the vines left alone. For some reason, he now has no spiritual power in his body, and he can't perform any spells. Looking at the vines covered with soil, he could only take out the handkerchief and wipe it again.

When he concentrated on wiping the vines, the voice rang again.

"How long are you going to grind?"

"It's coming, it's coming. After all, it's something to be imported. Of course, you have to wipe it carefully." Fang Chaozhou was perfunctory and wiped the vines carefully. After abandoning three handkerchiefs, he tangled up the vines To the lips.

That thing shouldn't lie to him, right?

Even if you didn't lie to him, can this food really be eaten?


The vine in Fang Chaozhou's hand yanked the back of his hand abruptly, he quickly grasped it tighter, frowned and bit down at the vine.


Fang Chaozhou almost vomited. He had never eaten something so unpalatable before, and after one bite, the juice of the vine flowed into his mouth, which was ten times more bitter than bitter gourd juice.

"If you are going to throw up, I will let you'lick' the spit on the ground."

Fang "Chao" boat: "..."

So ruthless, he was a guy who had been sealed for many years.

He silently swallowed the juice that he hadn't swallowed back in his mouth. Even if the corners of his eyes were red from the pain, he did not dare to vomit, and could only endure the urge to vomit.

"Keep drinking." The voice ordered.

Fang Chaozhou's brows were already frowning, but he didn't dare to stop, so he could only continue to drink something like bitter bile. He had nausea and nausea several times, but he abruptly endured it.

I don’t know how long I drank, but the vine in his hand was suddenly taken back, "Enough."

Fang Chaozhou's entire throat and mouth were bitter now, but he found that his legs seemed to be conscious and could move a little. He lay on the ground and moved his feet carefully, but he could only move it horizontally, and could not lift it.

The voice didn't ring again after saying the word "enough". Fang "Chao" Zhou thought in his heart that the other party might be waiting for his body to recover before making other plans.

He once read in the book that there is a witchcraft of seizing homes.

Maybe that thing can't get out of here by himself, it needs his body, but these are Fang Chaozhou's guesses. Fang Chaozhou stared at the top, and slowly took out something from the storage ring. The thing was cold at first, he held it in his hand, and crushed it with force.


"Big brother, the little brother woke up, clamoring to return to the underground demon realm."

The big brother was standing at the bow of the ship, and when he heard these words, he immediately turned and entered Xue Danrong's room.

At this time, Xue Danrong's room was surrounded by more than a dozen people, and those people blocked the door. The young man stuck in the room only wears his shirt. Crow feather’s long hair falls to his shoulders, his face is pale, everything seems to have lost his color, whether it’s the cinnabar mole on the eyebrows or the lips, it seems the only Yan "color" only has dark pupils.

He supported the ground with a broken water sword, and the bandage wrapped around his hand was torn off and thrown on the ground. He pulled it rudely, some of the newly grown scabs were abruptly torn apart, and his hands began to bleed again.

The blood flowed down the Broken Water Sword, but Xue Danrong didn't care, his voice was extremely cold, "Get out of the way!"

Upon seeing this, the senior brother hurriedly entered the house, "Little Junior Brother, you are not healed from your serious injury, so you should return to the clan first..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a sword in front of his neck.

"Little Junior Brother!"

"Little Junior Brother, what are you doing?!"

"Little Junior Brother, quickly put down the sword!"

Everyone was shocked and prepared to rush to stop Xue Danrong.

At this time, the senior brother raised his hand to stop the juniors behind him, "It's okay, the younger junior just woke up, and his mind is still somewhat unconscious."

Xue Danrong looked at the big brother blankly, "You let me go."

The senior brother was silent for a moment, and then said: "Little junior, your breath is completely disordered now. How can you let me, the senior brother, rest assured to let you go back? Master has sent a letter to me, he will go to the underground monster territory."

"I'm going back, he's waiting for me." Xue Danrong said almost word by word. He took out a piece of jade pendant from his sleeve, and that piece of jade pendant was shining brightly.

When everyone saw Xue Danrong's mandarin duck and jade pendant, they were all silent. In the end, the big brother spoke first, "You are going to die now. The underground demon realm has collapsed, and there may be a second collapse. Besides, there are monsters nearby. Master has sent a letter to me, He will go there in person. You should heal your wounds and wait for news at the sect."

"I can't wait." Xue Danrong's teeth trembled slightly, "I just want to bring him back. He is waiting for me. He was **** because of me. I owe him this life."

When he was speaking, the senior brother stared at the juniors behind him unmovedly, so these people took advantage of Xue Danrong's unpreparedness and rushed up together.

Xue Danrong was **** with five immortal ropes and put it back on the bed. His eyes were red with anger, but he couldn't get away from the rope.

The big brother stood by the bed. He had never seen Xue Danrong's appearance. The original Xue Danrong was cold and deserted, as if nothing could be seen in his eyes, but he never expected that the other party would have such a paranoid scene.

"Whether you want to scold me or hate me, you can kill me in the future, but the Second Junior Brother saves you and you absolutely don't want to see you like this. In short, I don't want to see any of you have an accident."

The boy tied to the bed didn't say a word, but blood oozes out of his clenched teeth. The blood flowed along the corners of his lips, flowing through the snow-white chin, and rolled off his clothes. The big brother was taken aback, before he spoke, he saw the other party spit out blood.

The red blood "liquid" stained the skirt of the clothes red.

Those phoenix eyes that had always been cold and cold became hollow at this time.

He didn't know where he was looking, and the blood seemed to be vomiting out. One mouthful after another, everyone's exclamation couldn't reach his ears. He just tightly grasped the jade pendant in his hand.

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