The same is true tonight.

When he woke up, he could still hear a slight drool from above.

These days, his elder brother would crawl over from the bed next door every night. He did climb over. The legs of the person transformed from Baiji could not move, so he still had to rely on vines to walk.

The first time he was awakened by this brother in the middle of the night, he didn't react, opened his eyes and saw the white stalk that almost occupies his bed. Half of Bai Su's vines are on the ground, half of the vines are on the bed, and the other half of the vines on the bed are on his body.

In the dark night, Bai Sui's body seemed to be shining, and even his eyes were scary.

He suddenly saw Bai Su, thinking he saw a ghost, and almost screamed. After seeing it clearly later, he panted slightly and said, "Brother, what are you doing by crawling over to me without sleeping in the middle of the night?"

Bai Su heard his question, but did not answer it, just turned his head and crawled back silently.

Baiji thought this was just an accident, so he didn't take it seriously, but as the number of "accidents" increased, Baiji couldn't convince himself anymore.

Since he knew that he was a mushroom spirit, he deliberately went to read a book about demons. They are a little different from the monster beasts.

To put it simply, monsters can eat plant essences, monks can also eat plant essences, even plants can eat plant tonics, for example, his brother Bai Su, who exclusively eats similar tonics.

All in all, the living environment is very dangerous and anyone can eat them.

Now it seems that his brother Mu Qiang will not let go of his poor mushroom essence. Bai Su has eaten so many precious "medicine" materials, and now he still needs to use him to nourish.

His current living environment is the most dangerous.

Baiji thought in his heart that it was time for the brothers to split up, and stay with this brother, and sooner or later he would enter each other's stomach.

However, he felt that he was a conscientious younger brother. He had been collecting a large amount of "medicine" materials recently, and was preparing to stock up some of the goods for Baikiao. When the stock was finished, he ran away.

It's just that he hasn't figured out where to go.

The place where he stays now is the boundary where mortals live, and Bai Sui asked to live here. He read the book, in fact, the mortal world is not suitable for them to cultivate. He vaguely felt that Bai Su was hiding from people, but he didn't know who he was hiding.

Since Bai Su wants to stay in the mortal world, then he must avoid Bai Su, naturally he wants to leave the mortal world and go to the realm of cultivation, but the realm of cultivation is too dangerous. There are cultivators everywhere. If those cultivators see his true identity, Eat him, then he is finished.

Bletilla, who was thinking about going, was a little upset, feeling that a vine got into his trouser legs, and couldn't help but sit up and pull the vine out. He tilted his head to Bai Sui's face that was almost as scary as a ghost at this time. He breathed first before trying to speak calmly.

"Brother, it's too late. Go back to sleep. I really can't sleep. Go to Chizibao. I'm going to the "Drug" store in Chengdong tomorrow morning to buy you "medicine". It's too late."

Bai Su stared at him blankly for a moment, staring at him more and more "hairy" before turning around and leaving slowly. With a move, the vines crawling into the sleeves of Bletilla striata "swish" back out.

Bletilla striata, who was lying down again, turned over and covered herself tightly with a quilt, thinking that she couldn't wait, she would leave tomorrow, anyway, the "medicine" materials were almost ready.


In the early morning of the next morning, Bletilla striata was sent into the pool water and went out as usual, but before going out today, he specifically said that he was going to a mountain on the outskirts of the city to see if there was any ginseng to dig.

Bai Suo soaked in the pool water did not respond, but sank her body.

Baiji turned around again and went back to the wing, leaving a note on the table, which said that all the "medicine" materials he had secretly stored were kept in the wood room.

His brother would soak for a long time as soon as he soaked in the water. When he found this note, he probably had already left the town.

Leaving the note, Bletilla went out. He bought a map and set off to the nearest cultivation town. It took him two days. When you arrive in the cultivation town, everything is much easier, but there are more dangers. Baiji bought a hat and put it on his head and rented a spaceship.

However, when the boatman asked him where to go, he hesitated and said, "Which town is the safest? The most suitable for my casual repair stay?"

When the boatman heard this question, he hardly thought, "Naturally it is the Tianshui Sect. Tianshui Sect is the first in the world, and no one in the town under the mountain gate dares to make trouble. Moreover, this year Tianshui Sect is just so good to recruit foreign disciples." Turning around, he said, "Look, almost all this ship goes to Tianshui Sect. If you can worship Tianshui Sect, this life will be much more comfortable."

When Baiji heard it, he immediately said, "Then I will go to Tianshui Sect too, please."

After boarding the ship, the spacecraft did not drive directly, and vendors came up to sell things. Baiji saw someone selling preserved fruits and wanted to hide away from the crowd, but he still couldn't hold back it and stepped forward and bought two catties. And when he turned his head, he saw the guy who came up to promote the story.

The peddler who sold the phone book also saw him.

With a **** look at this person's sea, Bletilla striata took out more spirit stones.

Probably Bletilla striata was too hesitant to pay for the money, and the textbook vendor smiled cheerfully, "The customer is really lucky today. I bought the latest textbook from me, and I will give the customer a book of Twelve Beauties."

After finishing speaking, he forcibly stuffed the album of Twelve Beauties to Bletilla, and then pulled the spirit stone in Bletilla's hand.

Finally, Baiji returned to the room with the preserved fruit, the script and the Twelve Beauties as a gift.

This spacecraft will take more than ten days to reach the Tianshui Sect. After reading the script, he really has nothing to do, so he opened the album of the Twelve Beauties he presented.

At the beginning of the album, it is written that this selection will be updated every year, but it is just for fun and it is not counted.

Baiji carefully read the first page, only to realize that someone had selected the twelve beauties in the realm of cultivation. These twelve beauties came from all sects, regardless of their cultivation level, sex, and only their appearance.

The first page is the twelfth beauty, and so on, the last page is the first beauty.

The most beautiful nature should be placed last, arousing everyone's curiosity.

Baiji turned page by page, and nodded.

Although this selection is just for fun, the beauties that can be selected are really outstanding, and there are also the styles, characteristics, and preferences of each beauty in the album.

Baiji nodded more when he saw the second-ranked beauty. This is really beautiful, and I want people to look more at it just by looking at the portrait.

The beauty ranked second is so beautiful that Bletilla striata hardly dared to imagine the appearance of the first ranking, and when he turned to the last page with expectation, he did not see the picture album, only the small print.

Even the small prints are not as many as those under the portraits of beauties before.

The few words in the small print only read--

"Xue Danrong, senior brother of Tianshui Sect."

Bletilla: "..."

Actually there is not even a portrait. This Tianshui Sect is the first in the world, and this Xue Danrong is also the head of the Tianshui Sect. Maybe it is the inside story of this selection agency to please Tianshui Sect.

The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that he makes sense. This must be an inside story!

For the second-ranked beauty, Bletilla striata took the "hair" pen in the room and wrote a few huge words on the last page——

"The inside story is shameful!"

Turning to the previous page and writing, "This is the veritable first beauty."

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