Baiji found out that he might be in the wrong line. No wonder there are very few queues here, and the tests are all that simple. It turns out that he was favored by contract.

"Sorry, I may have queued the wrong team. I thought it was a disciple selection here." Baiji wanted to return the sign in his hand to the other party, "Can I not sign up?"

The female practitioner was not angry when she heard this, "It's okay. It may be that Junior Brother Yu of the first level didn't tell you clearly, which caused you to waste so much time. Did you originally want to participate in the selection of outer disciples?"

Baiji said, "Yeah."

The female cultivator raised her head and looked at the sky's "color", "Today's "color" is too late. If you go in the line, I am afraid it is already past the hour. So, I will send you out, and you will queue up for the selection of outer disciples tomorrow. "She looked at the sign that Baiji handed over, "You don't need to return this sign to me in a hurry, maybe you will change your mind in the future. Now there are more and more demon cultivators signing contracts with monks, even though they are signed. It's a master pet contract, but if you choose a good master, your cultivation will get twice the result with half the effort."

Baiji still left the sign under the persuasion of the other party, but he has made up his mind not to be a contract favor. Although he is just an ordinary mushroom spirit, he also has his own self-esteem.

He wouldn't be a pet for others. If the owner wants to eat his mushrooms, will he give it or not? Can't sign a contract anyway.

The next day, Bletilla striata still went to line up, this time the sign he received changed from yesterday's number 7,300 to number 101.

The competition is really big.

He looked at the demon cultivator's team, there were very few people in the line, and they were all counted, but his team was so turbulent that he couldn't even look at it.

Baiji sighed and could only re-queue honestly. The speed of the team's movement today is even slower than yesterday, and he has not been queued until Shen Shi. He was really bored, so he looked around, and at this look, he saw someone in the woods ten feet away from him.

To be precise, he saw a human face on the tree.

When Baiji glanced at that face, he quickly turned his head.

Did he make a mistake just now? He seemed to see his brother Bai Su.

How could Bai Su chase here?

Baiji stretched out his hand and "touched" the hat on his head. After the heartbeat didn't rush, he looked there again. This time he didn't see his face, but saw that the tree was covered by vines. Entangled.

It's Bai Su.

He really got here.

Baiji looked at his line and couldn’t help but hesitated. Before he left, Baiji sat on his bed every night. Now he fled to Tianshuizong. Baiji obviously had trouble moving, but he still chased after him. After coming over, it seems that the determination to eat him is very firm.

If he was caught this time, he would have to give his brother a nourishment.

Thinking of this, Baiji looked at the queue number in his hand, and then took out the sign he received yesterday. Yesterday the female cultivator told him that if he changes his mind, he would give this brand to Yu Kangxuan in the first level.

He is still outside, and the possibility of being caught by Baiji is extremely "sexual". Although Baiji is weak, his vine is very powerful. He went out once before, and somehow, a monster beast "touched" to their house, trying to swallow the white scorpion.

When he went back, he saw blood in a place and thought that Baiji was dead. He hurriedly searched around, only to find Baiji was sitting on the lotus leaf, eating the inner alchemy of the beast, his body was covered with vines. The whole lake is densely packed, making people "hairy".

The monster beast was entangled to death by the white vines alive. After death, only the fur was left, and the internal organs were gone, and they were all eaten by the white vines.

He still remembered that when he found Bai Ji, Bai Ji's lips and chin were all the blood of monsters. Bai Su seemed to have not noticed, but just gnawed the inner alchemy in his hand. He finished the inner alchemy in a few bites, and "licked" the blood stains on his fingers a little bit.

When Bai Sui "licked" his fingers, his expression seemed to be "licking" something extremely delicious, but there was only the blood of monsters on it.

No, he can't be supplemented by Baiji.

Thinking of this, he looked at another team. At this time, there was no one in that team. If he passed now, he could directly enter the Tianshui Sect.

Should he enter the Tianshui Sect first, and then behave well in the final test, be lazy, do nothing, and stay in it for seven days?

At that time Baiji might not wait for him outside, Baiji might think that he was chosen by Tianshui Sect.

After thinking about it, Baiji immediately took the sign from yesterday to another team and handed it to Yu Kangxuan, "Hello, I signed up yesterday, and I gave up after passing the first three levels. I want to ask. I have changed my mind now, can I still take the final test?"

Yu Kangxuan's expression seemed a little surprised, "Yes, then go to the teleportation point, someone will pick you up."

"Thank you." Baiji walked to the teleportation point. Before entering, he took a peek at the tree where Baiji had been seen before. At this look, he saw Bai Su's face again, and Bai Su seemed to see him.

He immediately turned his head away, quickened his pace and walked into the teleportation point. He was teleported to the female nun yesterday. The female sister saw him, her eyes were not surprised, and she sent him to the teleportation point. Before the teleportation, she explained the situation inside to Baiji.

"There are a lot of demons inside. Although we strictly forbid killing each other inside, you still have to pay more attention."

Baiji nodded, "I see, that... I want to ask, what if I have not been selected for these seven days?"

"Then I can only be very sorry, we will send you away, but no matter whether it is selected or not, we will send a bottle of "medicine" to strengthen the body, as compensation."

Baiji felt more relieved after hearing this, as long as his performance was bad enough, no monks would like him.

The test location of the fourth level is an illusion. After he was sent in, he saw a row of houses by the lake. He walked over and found that some of the rooms had a "Guest" sign hanging outside, while others were not.

It should be an empty room without hanging.

Baiji thought for a while, picked an empty house at the end and moved in. Although the furnishings inside are not gorgeous, they are all complete, but Bletilla still replaces all the private items of the bedding with his own. After the replacement, he saw that the screen was equipped with hot water and wanted to take a bath, but suddenly, he thought of the female sister and said that someone would observe them for the past seven days.

But there is hot water but I don't take a shower, I always feel that my body is not clean. Baiji stood beside the tub for a long time, and finally decided to take a bath. He first set up an enchantment, then turned himself into a big mushroom, soaked in the tub.

He floated up and down in the tub, first washed the mushroom umbrella surface, then the mushroom roots, and finally soaked in the water beautifully. The water was not cold, it was always at this level of heat.

Bletilla striata was soaking that she wanted to sleep, so she sucked in the towel next to her, stuck it firmly on her mushroom umbrella, and started sleeping in the tub.

The first day was spent like this, but the second day was not so clean. Baiji heard the noise outside and opened the window to take a look.

It turned out that someone was fighting, and what was unexpected was that the one side of the fighting happened to be the two wolf demons that Baiji had seen.

Baiji didn't know the one who was fighting with them. He glanced indifferently, and then closed the window again.

Let these demon cultivators fight, he just stayed here for seven days with peace of mind, and could leave after staying, but Bletilla's idea was broken that night.

In the middle of the night, he was awakened by a roar of anger, and then there were all "messy" noises around him. He thought it was the demon cultivator next to him who fought again. He only reacted when he heard the sound of paws tapping his door again. Not here.

He was stupid. The fourth level test was in the illusion. The monks of the Tianshui Sect would definitely make some phantom beasts to attack them, and see their reaction.

The beating of the door was heavier than once, and Bletilla heard the sound of wood cracking. Seeing that the Eudemons outside was about to break in, he immediately cast an invisibility technique on himself.

After the fierce Eudemons rushed in, they didn't see Bletilla striata, and obviously paused for a while, then panted around the room several times, but couldn't find Bletilla striata, and finally went out dejectedly.

The Eudemons that came on the third day were obviously smarter than the second day. It smelled the scent of Bletilla striata, and rushed over, Bletilla striata turned around, and Eudemons rushed back, but it was also avoided by Bletilla striata. After the reincarnation, the Eudemons grinned, as if extremely angry, wishing to bite Bletilla striata's neck.

Seeing this, Baiji was afraid of being bitten, so he had to cast a hold technique on the opponent. After holding still, he pulled the opponent's tail and dragged the big Eudemons out.

It didn't take long for the Eudemons to be dragged out and disappeared in place.

On the fourth night, a group of Eudemons came, at least four or five. Bletilla could only play with them and hide in Tibet. When they entered the house, he turned the window and went out. Several times back and forth, a single Eudemon appeared. He uses magic to turn the opponent into his own appearance.

The four or five Eudemons that came in had different strength values ​​and different IQs. Those with low IQ saw the Eudemons whose spells had been changed by Bletilla striata, and immediately rushed up and wrestled together.

Compared to other rooms, this room is more like a cat and a mouse.


The seventh day was a little bit different. The room Bletilla lived in disappeared. He couldn't enter the surrounding rooms. He was as annoyed as him, and there were eight or nine demon cultivators.

Baiji thought about it, and it was estimated that the eight or nine monsters were the same as him, it was the last day.

They stood on the open space outside, standing far away from each other.

Baiji thought it was too tired to stand, so she found a rock and sat down. She didn’t know what the test of the last day was. But soon, the standing demon cultivator fought. Noticed Bletilla.

The demon Xiu walked up to Bletilla striata and looked at Bletilla striata condescendingly. He was born strong, like a wall, and looked at the somewhat slender Bletilla arrogantly, "Are you going to fight me?"

Baiji looked at the muscles that the opponent was about to bulge out of his clothes, and shook his head decisively, "Don't fight."

"If you don't fight, how can I win?" Demon Xiu said.

Baiji thought about it, "Then let's pretend to fight."

As soon as he finished speaking, the demon Xiu slammed over with a punch. Baiji thought about admitting defeat, but did not hide, but took a solid punch.

But unexpectedly, it didn't hurt.

After Demon Xiu finished the fight, he snorted, "I, Xiong Jiu, pay attention to fairness. You can fight back now."

Baiji didn't expect this Xiong Jiu to be so friendly to people, saying that he would be a fake hit, and he hit him lightly. He wanted to vote for me as a wooden peach, in return for Qiong Yao's principle, stood up, and returned lightly. A punch.

Xiong Jiu fell to the ground on his back with only a sound of "bang--".

Bletilla: "..."

He hurriedly walked over, trying to support the other party, but he heard the voice coming into his mind.

"Brother, I don't want to sign a contract with the people of the Tianshui Sect. This time my mother "forced" me to participate. You must not dismantle me. You will assume that you have won, and I can count as helping you."

When Baiji heard this, he was anxious, and quickly replied: "I don't want to sign a contract either. Don't do that. Get up and we will fight again."

But no matter what he said, how to shake each other, Xiong Jiu just kept his eyes open and didn't move.

Bletilla, who was touched by the porcelain, could only look at other places, but he didn’t know the scene where he knocked out a bear demon of Jin Dan stage fainted. After being seen by other demon cultivators, those demon cultivators were reluctant to follow him. Hit him and even see him change his path to avoid him like a snake.

Bletilla, who had no choice but to cover the place where he had just been hit by Xiong Jiu, shook his body weakly, then snorted and fell to the ground.

Xiong Jiu next to him said: "Brother, you are a bit fake."

Baiji replied: "...hush!"

He and Xiong Jiu just pretended to be dead on the ground for two full hours before coming out of the illusion. When they came out, the place they were in was a hall, and the two people in front of them, one was the female cultivator who had met in the third stage, and the other was the male cultivator who had never seen them.

When the female cultivator saw them, she smiled, "You have finished the fourth level. Now that I have reported my name, please take a step forward."

She gave a few names and there was no Bletilla in it.

Baiji noticed that the several demon cultivators who stood up were quite powerful, at least they had fought fiercely during the mixed fight, although they just didn't fight him.

The few demon cultivators stood and went out, and the male cultivator next to him opened his mouth to those who did not stand up, "You come with me." After speaking, he walked out.

Seeing that Xiong Jiu followed, Baiji followed him. These few of them were led to a clearing, next to the teleportation point. Seeing the teleportation point, Baiji couldn't help but secretly pleased. Seeing this posture, they must have been brushed down.

He sneaked a glance at Xiong Jiu, and Xiong Jiu looked a little excited.

The male Xiu's eyes swept over them one by one, and then he "showed" a smile, "Congratulations, you successfully passed our fourth test. When I'm called, I will go to the teleportation point. , You will soon see the master who chose you."

Xiong Jiu: "???"

Bletilla: "???"

The two counterfeiters looked at each other, and Xiong Jiu spoke first, "If I regret it, don't I want to sign a contract with someone?"

The male shaved face remains unchanged, "Our Tianshui Sect has never been too difficult for others, but I think you can go and see the monk who chose you first. If you meet her and don’t change your mind, then we will send You go down the mountain. Our rule here is that the monks who intend to sign the contract will prepare a gift. Whether you are willing to sign the contract or not, the gift is yours. Some of these gifts are the "medicine" for increasing cultivation, and some are repaid. It's a magic weapon to take advantage of."

Xiong Jiuyi seemed to be a little moved when he heard it. He hesitated for a while before nodding, "Well, then I'll see you."

Baiji was the last to say his name. He just wanted to speak, the male cultivator spoke first, "Baiji, there are a lot of monks who want to sign with you, I will read them one by one now."

"Wait, I'm sorry, I want to ask, can I not sign the contract?" Baiji said quickly.

The male repairer paused, "It's okay, but I can ask, why don't you want to sign the contract? Because I think it's a pity, there are really many people who chose you." At this point, the male repairer blinked. Eyes, "The mushroom you changed is quite cute."

Baiji was stunned for a while, and only after a long time did she react, her eyes widened, "Mushrooms... Did you see me taking a bath?!"

The male Xiu coughed slightly, "This is also to ensure your safety in the illusion, for fear that someone will set up a barrier and kill people in the barrier."

Baiji heard it, and felt that the other party made a lot of sense. Anyway, he is a man. If he is seen, he will be seen.

"Baiji, why don't you listen to the monks who chose you? You can go and meet, if you don't like it, I will send you down the mountain." The male Xiu said again.

Baiji was persuaded in this way, and he was too embarrassed to directly say that he wanted to go down the mountain. After all, he was going to participate, and he gave up once and came back again. This is regarded as using Tianshui Sect, "I will see you then."

The male Xiu smiled and said a string of names. Baiji noticed the name of Sanzhifeng Yu Kangxuan inside. He had met Yu Kangxuan, the person who helped him do the test in the first level, or should he meet and then find an excuse to refuse?

It seems to be a pretty good idea.

Just as Baiji was about to say Yu Kangxuan's name, the male Xiu said again, "By the way, there is another person I didn't say. This person is a bit complicated, because he didn't choose you by himself, but his monster. you."

"Huh?" Baiji didn't understand a bit.

The male cultivator explained: "In addition to the ordinary master pet contract between our monk and the monster beast, there is also a soul contract. The soul contract signed by your monster beast is a unicorn. Because its owner is not in the Tianshui Sect at this time. So we let it choose. It saw you at a glance and chose you for its owner."

Baiji heard the words and thought of something, "Then you have to sign the contract or wait for its owner to return, right?

"Yes, it's just that it looks at you now. To be more specific, you still have to wait for its owner to return. If the owner does not intend to sign a contract, then you can choose to go down the mountain. Of course, as compensation, we will have Gifts."

Baiji said again: "When will the master of the unicorn come back?"

"Well, I'm not sure right now. The headmaster's trace is secret, we don't know, but if it's fast, the headmaster should be back within half a month."

If it's half a month, then he can stay on it for another half a month, and the possibility of Bai Sui leaving is even greater.

"Then I will choose him." Baiji finished speaking, and paused, "but you are always talking about the head, who is he?"

When the male Xiu heard this question, the expression on his face became a little proud, and he said a name without any haste—

"Xue Danrong."

Ok? The name is a bit familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere...

Can't remember...

Forget it.

Seeing that Baiji did not speak, the man seemed to understand something, "Do you want to meet other people who choose you? Make plans?"

Baiji shook his head, "No, I'll choose your boss."

"Since you have chosen it, I'll take you there. By the way, do you want to take off the veil? I think you wear it all the time, even when you sleep, you cover it on your face." The male repairer said .

Baiji stretched out her hand and pressed her hat, "No, I like to wear it."

Although Bai Su wanted to eat him, he felt that what Bai Su said to him before should be true.

Bai Su told him that there are a lot of bad people in this world, and let others know that he is a mushroom spirit. If you look at his face, it will be difficult to escape.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, he will not take off his hat, especially when he is about to leave Tianshui Sect. Before taking off his hat in front of Yu Kangxuan, he thought that he could worship the Tianshui Sect, but now it seems impossible.

The male Xiu did not force Bletilla, "Then I will send you to the head."

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