Fang Chaozhou didn't speak for a while, Xiao Qilin also turned his head, looking at him blankly, the same look in the eyes of the two masters and pets made him pause.

Xue Danrong asked Little Qilin to heat up the cold pool, so he would treat it as a bath, go in for a while and then come out.

Fang Chaozhou walked to the edge of the cold lake, took off his lotus robe, folded it on the stone next to it, took off his robe and shoes, and stepped into the water like Xue Danrong, wearing only his jacket.

He didn't catch the hand reaching him, and walked to the place where he usually takes a bath and sat down. After Fang Chaozhou sat down, he took out the towel from the storage, soaked in water, washed it, wrung out, and covered it on his forehead.

Cold pool water is living water.

He covered the towel and looked at Xue Danrong who was still standing, "You are practicing."

Xue Danrong looked back at Xiao Qilin, "You go and play."

Little Qilin looked down at the water, then looked at the Fang "chao" boat soaked in the water, and left reluctantly. It turned its head a few steps, and finally met Xue Danrong's eyes before speeding up and disappearing quickly. .

Without the little unicorn, Xue Danrong sat cross-legged in the water and slowly closed his eyes.

When Fang Chao Zhou saw him closing his eyes, he rolled over and leaned halfway on the shore, with his hands folded and his head resting on it. Because he only slept before, he is not sleepy now.

I don't know if his older brother Bai Ji left Tianshui Sect. He should have left. After all, Tianshui Sect is the number one in the world. There are so many monks here, Bai Ji can only walk with the demon body, and it is easy to be found.

Fang "Chao" Zhou thought about things repeatedly, and suddenly heard the sound of water behind him, he couldn't help turning his head, and when he turned his head, he found that Xue Danrong did not know when he appeared behind him.

"You..." Fang Chaozhou turned around quickly, and the towel fell into the water. "Aren't you practicing? Why are you here?"

Xue Danrong's snow-white shirt was wet by the cold pool water and stuck to his body. At this time, his upper body "showed" out of the water, and his thin waist was undoubtedly "shown".

Fang Chaozhou couldn't help but glanced there, and by this look, he found that the other party actually had abdominal muscles.

He looked at Xue Danrong's waist, then at his own, and then silently covered it with his hands.

It was just that he had just blocked his stomach when he realized that he was hugged, and the person holding him was Xue Danrong. This action brought them close at once, with almost no gap. On the stone bed before, the clothes were dry anyway, but now they are wet again...

Rao is Fang Chaozhou, his face flushed a little, he tried to push him away, but it didn't help. After pushing it several times, without pushing it away, Fang Chaozhou could only sink his voice, "If you don't let go, I will go up."

Xue Danrong answered quickly, "Then I will go up with the brother."

"Are you not cultivating?" Fang Chaozhou said.

This time Xue Danrong was silent for a while before he said: "I can't calm down, I'm full of you." After saying that, he looked at Fang Chao Zhou eagerly, his sight from Fang Chao Zhou's eyebrows. Go down to the lips.

The lips seem to be unusually red.

"Senior brother still hurt?" Xue Danrong stretched out his hand and gently touched Chaozhou's lips below.

Fang Chaozhou also raised his hand and "touched" his lips, and said honestly: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Xue Danrong's fingertips gently swept across his lips, his voice was a little dumb, "Brother, I think..."

He didn't finish what he said, but Fang Chaozhou understood.

Fang Chaozhou immediately raised his hand to cover his lips, and said dullly, "No."

As soon as the words fell, a kiss fell on the back of his hand.

The most beautiful face he had ever seen was very close to him at this time, and the long eyelashes of Feng's eyes trembled slightly at this time, as if it could shake the stars. The lips against the back of his hand were slightly cool, but Fang Chaozhou felt that his hand became hot.

He couldn't help but retracted his hand, and with this shrinking, there was no obstacle between him and Xue Danrong.

Those phoenix eyes were looking at him, with greed and madness clearly written in his eyes, but at the same time, Xue Danrong did not act rashly, but just looked at Fang Chao Zhou, as if waiting for Fang Chao Zhou's nod.

He wanted Fang Chaozhou's willingness.

Fang Chaozhou met such a pair of eyes, and couldn't help but retreat, but he was already in the corner. This retreat was completely blocked by the opponent, and he couldn't go anywhere.

Xue Danrong approached, and at the same time stretched out his hand to "plug" into the long hair of the "Chao" boat. He lightly "rubbed" his earlobe on the side of his thumb and index finger. After a short while, the red earlobe turned completely red. Fang Chaozhou never knew that his sensitive point was his ears, his ears were red, and his face was red. When the other party's lips came over, he only ducked slightly and was caught.

His nose was full of the smell of the other party's body, and the fragrance was like a big net that enveloped him, he was like a prey caught in the net, his mind was lost a little bit, until he heard a scream.

"Ah! Xue Danrong! You are too much! How can you betray Fang Chaozhou? Do you still have a conscience? I thought you could give Fang Chaozhou a few more years of widowhood, how can I know you? Once I come back, I will engage in the little demon... Fang "Chao" boat?!"

Fang Chaozhou was awakened by the sound. Before he made any movement, he felt Xue Danrong let go of him, and then an outer robe came off his head, covering him tightly.

"Xue Danrong, I’m not mistaken? The little fairy in your arms is Fang's Chaozhou? No! Impossible! Fang's Chaozhou can’t appear here, aren’t you doing something as a substitute? Do you dare to do it? As a substitute, I will bald your stupid dog's "hair"!"

Fang Chaozhou shrank under his clothes, his face was red at this time, and he secretly "touched" and "touched" the clothes that had slipped to his elbows and pulled up.

"Oh my god, come on here, look at this guilty man! How long has Fang's Chaozhou been dead, and the head of the Tianshui Sect will find another new love! Have you forgotten that you were fighting in the underground demon realm back then? Even if Fang Chaozhou used your body and refused to give you a position, you can't do that! You actually used a substitute, shameless! That little fairy hiding under the clothes, come out for me! Ben! The chicken must peck you to death today!"


Since the underground demon realm collapsed twenty years ago, the brown horse chicken could not find the "chao" boat contracted with him, and stayed in the collapsed underground demon realm for a long time, until he met Xue Danrong who came to look for people.

At that time, Xue Danrong's face was as pale as a piece of paper, and his body was weak, as if the wind blew him down, but such a weak Xue Danrong almost turned over the entire underground demon realm.

When the brown horse saw such crazy Xue Danrong, he followed him to the Tianshui Sect. Every year after that, they would go to the Underground Demon Realm again, and Xue Danrong would also bring a soul search lamp.

The soul search lamp, as the name suggests, is used to collect the souls of the dead. As long as the soul is still in the world, the soul search lamp can be found. It has been 20 years. The soul search lamp has not responded at all, but Xue Danrong has not given up. Ma Ji was moved by this thought, so he barely endured living with that stupid dog.

However, he never expected that Xue Danrong, who was still like the walking dead yesterday, started a little goblin in the cold pool today, and was still a stand-in little goblin.

It just didn't see it really, it just felt that the little fairy was very similar to Fang Chaozhou.

The brown horse chicken was so angry that he screamed, turning his head and running while yelling: "I'm going to inform the entire Tianshui Sect to let them know that you are here as a substitute little fairy!"

But it didn't run far, it was covered by a barrier.

The brown horse's eyeballs grumbled around, changed the word, and howled, "Oh, kill the chicken!" After a pause, it shouted again, "You kill me and it's useless, you hide There is a little fairy in Zhichunzhou, others will always know, I don’t tell, don’t your stupid dog say? I just saw it wagging its tail hoarsely, maybe at this moment in your retreat Masters of more than ten years know that you have raised a little fairy in Zhichunzhou!"

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