As Brown Horse Chicken said, it is close to Zhichunzhou, Shuangxiu is indeed a lot more convenient, and he basically can't touch people all the way he goes and the way back.

After Shuangxiu came back, he could sleep as long as he wanted. He was feeding the fish here, and no one came to supervise the work, but someone would bring fish food over once every half a month.

Fang Chaozhou calculated the time, and more than half a month after his last submission, he asked for leave and went down the mountain.

This time, he received a very high treatment in the bookstore, which is in sharp contrast to the first time.

"Come and come, sit here." The boss took Fang Chao Zhou to sit, and personally made a cup of spiritual tea for Fang Chao Zhou. "Try my new tea, if it is good, if it is good Drink, you take some back to soak."

Fang Chao Zhou was treated so enthusiastically by his boss, he felt a little composing, "Boss, have my draft been passed?"

"Passed!" The boss patted his thigh. "That one is very satisfied. He also said that he would like you to write another one."

Fang Chaozhou couldn't help hesitating upon hearing this.

He felt shame enough to write that fan story last time, come back?

The boss noticed Fang Chaozhou’s hesitation, and immediately said: "That person said, this time you will increase the price, one word for one spirit stone, as long as you write well, you will accept as many words as you write."

"He wrote!"

The boss had a meal, and after looking around, he saw the sparrow's head emerging from Fang's Chaozhou's collar. He was surprised, "It turns out that this little sparrow can speak. I have never seen it speak before. Thought it could not speak."

The brown horse chicken didn't care about the boss. It was sleeping. When it heard the spirit stone, it got out. He raised his head and said to the other "Chao" Zhou: "One word is one spirit stone, "Chao"..."

Fang Chaozhou quickly gave the brown horse a ban on speech, and at the same time said to the boss: "I still want to try writing my own original."

The boss gritted his teeth, "Two spiritual stones in one word."

Fang Chaozhou's hand on the armrest shook. He pursed his lips, and put his unseen hand into his sleeve. "I don't know what that person wants? Is it the same as last time?"

"There are a few things that are different this time. The first is to add fragrant dramas. Although you wrote well last time, you didn’t write about those places. All of them were taken in one stroke. That one meant that you could write fragrant dramas. One write, the more detailed the better, and the more the better. Secondly, this time the child will be born and can’t die in the stomach. Thirdly, focus on the kind between Fang Chaozhou and Li Zhu. Can't tear apart the constant feelings."

The boss paused when he said that, he pulled out a piece of paper from his sleeve and added after looking at it for a while.

"Fourth, we must add personal belongings."


The boss handed the paper to Fang Chaozhou and lowered his voice, "Song Lianyi, the new master of Fengyue'an Temple, who wants you to write down Song Lianyi's ugly one, fifty and ten."

Fang Chaozhou took the paper and was a little confused, "But I don't know who Song Lianyi is."

The boss smiled, "It's simple, you just write it like the big bad guy in the script, that's right, remember to write ugly as well."

Fang Chao hesitated, "How ugly is it?"

"As ugly as it is," the boss replied.


He took another order of Fang Chaozhou, and started a life of writing scripts, but the fragrant scenes are a bit tricky.

Watching Xiangyan scenes and writing Xiangyan scenes, I feel completely different. When watching, Fang Chao Zhou’s attention is focused on the atmosphere of harmony between the two, and when writing, Fang Chao Zhou couldn't help wondering if this posture was reasonable.

Because of this, Fang Chaozhou couldn't help but pay more attention during the double repair. While in the shower, he secretly "touched" out of paper and took some notes.

After Fang Chaozhou accidentally revealed that he knew that Chunzhou was broken, he didn’t even have a place to bathe in hot water, and when he had to fetch water, Xue Danrong built a hot spring and didn’t know how he did it. Yes, in short, with that hot spring, Fang Chaozhou is much more comfortable.

"What are you writing?" Fang Chaozhou was startled by the voice from the side. He just wanted to put away the paper in his hand, and one of his hands reached out and snatched the paper in his hand.

Fang Chaozhou looked back and saw Xue Danrong looking at his paper. He wanted to grab it, but he felt that it was too embarrassing, and it seemed that there was no silver in this place.

"It's boring to write something."

Xue Danrong's drooping eyes lifted, and the emotions in Feng's eyes were unclear, "Who is this writing about?"

"I said, I'm boring to write, I didn't specifically refer to anyone." Fang Chao Zhou was thankful that he did not write a name, but replaced "Fang Chao Zhou Zhou" and "Li Zhu" with simple symbols. "After reading Just give it back to me."

Fang Chaozhou stretched out his hand to get the paper back, but Xue Danrong not only didn't return it, but also grabbed his hand and pulled him over.

"There is something wrong in what you wrote." Xue Danrong moved his hand to his waist.

Fang Chaozhou sensed the danger and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to press the opponent's shoulder, "Really? Then I'll change it later."

Xue Danrong twitched the corners of his lips lightly, with a smile, "I'll change it now."


After some practical corrections, Fang Chaozhou thoroughly understood where he was wrong. Xue Danrong held his hand and corrected all the mistakes with a pen little by little.

And it was also this profound correction. Fang Chaozhou had deviations when he wrote the manuscript. He didn't realize it himself, it was Brown Horse Chicken.

"Don't you think this'Li Zhu' you wrote looks like a person?" Brown Horse Chicken said earnestly.

Fang "Chao" Zhou looked at the fragment it was referring to, and he didn't know why, "Who is it like?"

The brown horse chicken re-marked the line twice with the feather "hair", "It's Phoenix eyes and Xueyi again, you almost wrote that he had a cinnabar mole between his eyebrows."

Fang "Chao" boat: "..."

He carefully flipped through what he had written. Fortunately, only during the fragrant scenes did Li Zhu have a pair of phoenix eyes and love to wear snow clothes.

"You want to change it, do you need to change a lot?" Brown Horse Chicken saw Chao Zhou with a heavy expression.

Fang Chao Zhou nodded and shook his head again, "I am very entangled now. If I change the appearance of the Xiangyan part, I have to change a lot, but if I change the non-xiangyan part, it will be very easy. Two places are described in appearance."

After listening to the brown horse chicken, he gave the answer directly, "Then change the front."

Fang Chaozhou nodded in agreement, "Then all change into phoenix eyes snow clothes, save trouble."

Strangely speaking, after changing the description of the appearance of "Li Zhu", Fang "Chao" Zhou found out that he was not cackling, especially the fragrant scenes, which could almost be copied, as long as the details were changed slightly.

So he spent twenty days, not going anywhere, and finished the manuscript in one go.

After finishing writing, Fang Chao Zhou finally remembered Xue Danrong, who had been forgotten by him in Zhichunzhou. He immediately checked his own sea of ​​consciousness. Almost as soon as he entered, the baby in the sea of ​​consciousness began to cry.

Fang Chaozhou can only bite the bullet and attack Zhi Chunzhou at night, because he has written the manuscript for 20 days in a row, and now he is both excited and tired.

He sat down by Xue Danrong's bed, glanced at the other person, and quickly threw a sentence, "Shuangxiu today."

After throwing this sentence away, his eyes moved elsewhere.

Different from Fang Chaozhou’s gaze, Xue Danrong’s eyes kept falling on Fang Chaozhou’s body, "Okay."

Seeing that the other party agreed, Fang Chaozhou paused before moving in. When he saw the beautiful lips, he took the initiative to touch it, just a light touch. After the touch, his kiss went down, first it was the chin and the Adam's apple...


"Wait!" Fang Chaozhou grabbed Xue Danrong who was about to lie down. He first looked at Xue Danrong's eyes, and then lowered his eyes to stare at the opponent's hand, "I don't need to catch the scales today."

Xue Danrong slowly sat up straight, his eyes black, "Why?"

"I think it's not fair that I'm always on top, so let you go first today." Fang Chaozhou said pretending to be careless.

Anyway, he wouldn't admit it because he felt too tired. To be honest, he didn't know how he insisted on the fish-to-scale pattern twice during the first double repair. Today, he doesn't want to use the fish-to-scale style anyway, he is exhausted from writing.

In fact, it’s not enough to have such a tiring initiative. It’s better to lie down and feel more comfortable. Although the final ending is almost the same, the waist is sore and the legs are weak, the bones are broken, but at least he doesn't need to work hard.

Fortunately, he needs water for this disease. If he wants water to be sent out, wouldn't he have to work hard throughout the process? I'm tired thinking about it.

Lying down is easy and comfortable.

Because it was too comfortable, Fang Chaozhou couldn't help "feeling" a fruit from the storage ring and stuffing it secretly into his mouth, but when he was chewing, he suddenly met Xue Danrong's eyes.

Fang "Chao" boat: "..."

He silently "touched" another one and handed it to Xue Danrong's lips.

Xue Danrong's phoenix eyes were slightly raised, holding the preserved fruit, but at the same time he also touched Fang Chaozhou's fingertips. When Fang Chaozhou felt the wetness of his fingertips, his lips twitched. When Xue Danrong finally finished eating the fruit, he quickly retracted his hand and "touched" the handkerchief and wiped his hand.

Xue Danrong: "..."

Then Fang Chaozhou found that he couldn't feel comfortable anymore.


He hates fish scales, and he hates forced fish scales.


Fang Chao's boat came back early in the morning of the third day. When he came back, he fell on the bed, but as soon as he fell down, he bounced again.

The brown horse chicken originally slept on all sides, but was awakened by Fang Chaozhou's movement. It stared at it, "What's wrong with you?"

Fang Chaozhou gritted his teeth, changed his posture, and sat on the soft bed.

After sitting down, he raised his hand to cover his chest, "It hurts, the whole body hurts." His eyes turned to the brown horse chicken who had just woke up, "I don't feel that this is revenge on Xue Danrong now. I think this It’s revenge on myself."

Because of his hand-wiping action, Xue Danrong almost swallowed him. If it weren't for him to squeeze a few tears behind, he might not be able to come back today.

Why is Xue Danrong so dedicated? He almost repaired his old life. Could it be that he was so afraid of the so-called "poison"?

"It must be revenge on him. You are treating him for his illness. What can he get from you, and haven't you noticed that your temper is getting better and better lately? You haven't robbed people anymore." The horse chicken smashed its mouth and closed its eyes.

Strictly speaking, it's not stealing, it's stealing.

When he lived in Datongpu before, Fang Chaozhou stole things from people at night, but he always got up in the middle of the night to steal things. The people in the same room slept to death and didn’t even know that his things were stolen. "Chao" Zhou fell asleep holding the stolen thing, and then returned it back.

It actually didn't want to pay it back, but Fang Chaozhou told it to pay it back when he was sober, or he would deduct some snacks.

Fang "Chao" said, "That's how it is said, but when are you heads these days?"

"If you weren't the way you are now, and go to sleep with him once every few days, it would be over." Brown Horse Chicken opened one eye, "If you want a quick fix, you will return to Zhi Chunzhou today and sleep with him. For nine or ten days, if it doesn’t work, then sleep for another nine or ten days. If it still doesn’t work, sleep for another ten days or one month. If you work hard like this, you can’t fail. If something happens, everything will happen!"

Fang Chao Zhou imagined what the brown horse chicken said, and his face was a little pale, "No! Decided not!" He said as he lay down slowly, wrapped himself with a quilt, "I won't know Chunzhou anymore. , I would rather be swallowed, enchanted, and die than go."

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