Everyone didn't believe it when they heard it, but Fang Chaozhou insisted, and he didn't change his mouth, and did not give any evidence. Everyone couldn't dig out anything new, so they turned their attention to other people and forced them to sign up.

This is the first time Fengyue'an has recruited her son-in-law publicly, and she took the initiative to ask for the Tianshui Sect. Originally, the Tianshui Sect should not have been in charge of this file, but the four elders accepted the gift and were happy and agreed directly. The matter was decided like this Up.

The recruiting of the son-in-law was very large. Of the twenty people in Fang Chaozhou's class, eighteen went, except for him, the rest was a female nun.

Although those people couldn't say anything at first, they actually registered their names secretly. It was discovered that they all took time off on the day of the primary election. Not only did they take time off, but even the teacher who taught them took time off.

Fang "Chao" boat: "..."

He looked at the empty classroom and couldn't help but put his eyes on the remaining female sister like him. The female sister noticed Fang Chaozhou's eyes, and after looking back, she immediately picked up the table. In the textbook, walked outside the classroom, and said as he walked: "I don't live in the same room with a man who has a fiancée. The gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall."

In an instant, only Fang Chaozhou was left in the classroom.

He had nothing to do, so he happily returned to the Shuiyingyuan.

On the second day, when Fang Chaozhou arrived in the classroom, a small group of people were already there. Before Fang Chao Zhou took his seat, his former roommate said to him: "Fang Zhuo, have you signed up yet?"

"Is that Fengyue'an? I didn't go." Fang'Chao' Zhou was slapped on the shoulder as soon as he said.

"Why don't you go? We've all gone. There are rewards for this registration, do you know? Everyone has a share. As long as you participate, you will get one hundred spirit stones. If you can get into the second round, you will have a thousand spirit stones. If you enter the third round, you will have ten thousand spiritual stones. I heard that there are more in the fourth round, but it seems that no one has entered the fourth round." The roommate patted Fang Chaozhou’s shoulder again. "Anyway, we have just gone through the process, so you can just get the spirit stone. No matter how the master of Fengyuean chooses, it is impossible to choose our kind of outside disciple."

After hearing these words, Fang Chao Zhou thought silently, if he enters the first round, how much food can he buy, and how much he can buy in the second round...

Although he has hundreds of thousands of deposits now, he doesn't think it is too much.

"What are the choices in these rounds?" Fang Chaozhou asked.

The roommate shook his head, "I don't know. We are all on a round trip. We just stood at the door and did nothing. We went to collect the money."

Fang Chaozhou heard this and his mind became more active, and when he told the brown horse chicken about it, the brown horse chicken said--

"I also need to go!"

Fang "Chao" boat: "..."

He looked at the breasted brown chicken on the table, doubting his hearing, "You just said you want to go?"

"Of course, didn't you say that you have money to sign up? Why can't I also sign up to get the money, and I didn't go for the money." The brown horse chicken looked away from a distance with a serious tone, "I have been out for so long. I haven't encountered a beautiful hen, it's time to lower the bar."

Because he felt speechless, Fang Chaozhou couldn't help coughing twice.

The brown horse coughed at the "chao" Zhou, and turned his gaze back, "You don't need to feel sorry for me. Although I am a bit wronged by being with people, there is no other way now. Don't worry, I have been selected, you Don’t be afraid that I will leave you behind. I’ve read the story, and you are married with a dowry. Then you will be my dowry."

The dowry party "Chao" Zhou originally wanted the brown horse chicken to dispel this idea, but he suddenly thought that if he went with the brown horse chicken, he would only receive two money, even for a round trip, two hundred Lingshi could buy a lot. Eaten.

"Okay, then we will go together tomorrow." Fang Chaozhou said.

In short, go to sign up first, and the other party will say whether the brown horse chicken is qualified or not.


Fang Chaozhou had already asked the place of registration, which was at Sizhifeng, so the next morning, he took the brown horse chicken to Sizhifeng.

When he arrived, many people had already arrived. Fang Chaozhou asked for two registration papers, one for his information and the other for the brown horse chicken.

For fear of being too noticeable, the brown horse chicken is now smaller and stepping on the shoulders of Fang Chaozhou. It fills in its information in the supervising party "Chao" Zhou.

Fang's Chaozhou had nothing to fill in, it was all false news. After all, he just wanted to get the money, and the brown horse chicken came for the purpose of finding a spouse.

"The name can't be filled with the **** you took for me. It is not vigorous. I want to change it." Brown Horse Chicken said seriously.

Fang "Chao" Zhou snorted, "You said that, Da Hei is indeed not very aggressive, but I can't think of a name, have you thought of it?"

The brown horse chicken said: "I haven't slept most of the night, just thinking about the name, I thought of a great one."


"Giant black."

Fang Chao's boat tilted his head, and after staring at the brown horse chicken for a while, he nodded in agreement, "Yes!"

As the brown horse chicken said, he wrote the word "giant black" on the registration paper.

At this age, the brown horse chicken's voice is suppressed very low, "You can't be said that my old chicken eats young grass, you write me a little younger."

"How small is it?"

"Write the lower half, just write two hundred and five."

The pen froze in the air, and Fang Chaozhou looked at the brown horse chicken again, "You told me you were still a chicken."

"It's a little chicken. I'm a little chicken at my age. How can a middle-aged and old chicken be over a thousand years old?" The brown horse chicken is plausible.


Finally filled out the registration information, you can queue up.

The place where they signed up was a courtyard, and they all lined up outside. The team moved quickly, and most of them left without even entering the door. This made Fang Chaozhou more at ease, and Brown Horse Chicken was also at ease. It believed that he was the hit chicken of Fengyue'an Master. As long as it "shows" his face, the other party will definitely fall in love with it.

Finally, we arrived at Fang Chao Zhou and Brown Horse Chicken. The maid standing at the door took the registration paper that Fang Chao Zhou handed over. After seeing two of them, she first glanced at Fang Chao Zhou’s face and looked away. He glanced down again, then looked at the person behind Fang Chaozhou.

Fang Chaozhou realized that the other party had misunderstood, and immediately said, "I came with him."

He pointed to the brown horse chicken on his shoulder.

The maid followed Fang Chaozhou's fingers, and when she saw the brown horse chicken, the smile that had been hanging on her face instantly froze.

The owner of the nunnery did not tell her what to do if there is something that is not human to participate. The owner of the nunnery only said that the cleanliness of the shoes is the first level. If the upper is clean and looks spotless, put it in, if there is dust or mud, let it go.

People look at shoes, what does this thing look at?

The maid's eyes slid over the feather "hair" specially trimmed by the brown horse chicken, and fell on the red "color" paws. The paws were clean, but... it also met the standard that the master said. Regardless, she is only responsible for the first level.

Thinking of this, the maid smiled again, "Please, please."

Fang Chao Zhou was a little surprised.

Has he and the brown horse chicken passed the first round?

The Brown Horse Chicken was not surprised by the result, and immediately said to the other "Chao" Zhou: "What are you doing in a daze? Everyone invited us in."

Fang Chao said thank you, and then walked into the courtyard as the other party said. As soon as he entered, someone led him to the side hall.

In the side hall stood two maids, dressed in pink and blue.

The two maids received two registration papers from the guide, and saw that Fang Chaozhou had only one person, and couldn't help but be a little "confused", "Is there another person?"

The guide squeezed a smile, "All are here, and there is one on his shoulder."

When the brown horse chicken heard them talking about it, he immediately flew off the shoulders of Fang Chaozhou, and changed back to his original shape, "Yes, there is another one who is me, my name is Juhei, you can call it I am huge, you can also call me black."

While talking, it held its big breasts, pacing back and forth in front of the maids, seeming to show off its masculinity.

When several maids looked at them, they leaned forward and backward with a smile. Among them, the pink-clothed one said, "God, there is actually a chicken who wants to be the husband-in-law of the master of the temple. What did the girl Yueling think, she actually put a chicken in. ."

"Sister, how do we measure this level?" the blue-clothed said.

The maid in Fenyi finally held back a little smile, "I can measure what I did before." When the words fell, she invited Fang Chaozhou and Brown Horse Chicken to take a seat.

After one person and one "chicken" were seated, she and the maid in blue walked over each holding a measuring ruler, "Please raise your feet."

When Fang Chaozhou heard this, he looked at the brown horse chicken, and saw that the brown horse chicken immediately fell on its belly, with one claw facing the sky, and the other towards the pink maid in front of it.

This action caused another laugh.

Fang Chao Zhou originally felt a little strange to measure his feet, but seeing the brown horse chickens are so cooperative, he also raised his feet.

Without mentioning the brown horse chicken, the blue maid who measured Fang Chaozhou's foot size looked at the size, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then stood up and said, "You will go to the inner hall later."

When the brown horse chicken heard it, he quickly asked, "What about me?"

The maid in powder clothing retracted her hand squeezing the paws of the brown horse chicken, holding a smile, "You too."

Waiting for Fang Chaozhou and the brown horse chicken to be led to the inner hall, the blue-clothed maid immediately asked Fenyi next to him, "Sister, why did you let that chicken enter the third round? Its feet are obviously out of size. ."

"The Lord Anun hasn't smiled happily for a long time. That chicken is quite interesting. The Lord Anun might like it after seeing it," said the Fenyi Maid.


Inner hall.

Fang Chaozhou took his seat again in laughter and laughter. Since entering the courtyard, the brown horse chicken is as excited as the weasel entering the chicken coop. He watched the brown horse chicken dancing and singing, attracting the attention of the maids, suddenly felt that the brown horse chicken might really succeed this time.

The maids like brown horse chickens, and they rush to "touch" the feathers and "hairs" of brown horse chickens. The maids like it, maybe the owner of the nunnery also likes it.

He was thinking that if the brown horse chicken succeeded this time, he really became the Taoist priest of Fengyue'an Temple, how would he refuse to be the dowry, when a maid came over to pour tea for him, but she didn't know what to do when she handed the tea. stable.

The tea cup was poured, and half of the tea inside was spilled on the boat.

"Ah, what should I do? I wet the son's shoes." The maid immediately put down the tea cup in her hand and looked anxiously at Fang Chaozhou's boots.

The maids who were laughing nearby noticed the movement and immediately said, "Fortunately, the tea is warm at this time. Otherwise, you can take your skin carefully and take off your son's boots and wipe them clean."

"No, I can just use the spell to dry it." Fang Chaozhou was about to use the spell when he heard the tea maid sobbing.

"My son, let me make up for one or two, or the master of my house knows, I must say that I don't understand etiquette." The tea maid said crying.

Fang Chao Zhou wanted to decline, but the maid who poured the tea knelt down first.

"The son, save the slave and maid. The master said that he must not lose his courtesy when he comes to Tianshui Zong this time. If the master does not let the slave make up for one or two, the slave will have no face to see the master."

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