Of course, Qin Fei was not afraid of ligers and tigers and lions and tigers of the land covered by the great beast. The ferocious beasts that dared to rush over without long eyes must have been cleaned up long ago. Where Xiao Aowu was found, there were more than a dozen ligers and tigers corpses there. So when the medicinal effect of the great beast receded, Qin Fei said hello, and dragged a bunch of males to investigate the land.

Qin Fei's investigation has nothing to do with beasts, just to see how ideal the surrounding environment is.

The cave where the great beast lives is too cold, and Qin Fei has been frozen for a long time, and she doesn't want to jump directly into other people's lair to grab the territory so obviously. And the area around the cave as a big mythical beast is definitely not suitable for building residential houses. A large part of the space must be reserved for the big beast and the soon-to-be-grown little Ouu as a range of activities. Otherwise, as soon as the flight landed in and out of the cave, it would have to collapse several houses.

Simply looking around, Qin Fei was extremely satisfied with the landforms here. The vast plains can be cultivated, and several tributaries of the big rivers can be irrigated and fished. There are dense bamboo forests and variegated forests of flowers and trees on several mountains on one side, while the other side is surrounded by dangerous peaks, which is magnificent and beautiful. There are more than a dozen springs at the foot of the peak. Although the water flow of the springs is not large, it seems to be continuous for many years. Feeding a city is definitely not enough, but it is enough for thousands of people to drink.

As long as the dwellings are built on the mountains, they only need to do a good job of defense on the plain side. The big river is a natural barrier. As long as there are no beasts in the river crawling ashore to harass the tribe, then safety is not a problem. Qin Fei didn't think there was anyone who could attack the tribe from the waterway. On the cliff with the cave of the great beast, the gap between several huge fan faults is not small. Even if someone can climb to it from anywhere, unless the guy is carrying a rocket launcher, it will be difficult for the people living below. threat. As for the rolling hills on the other side, Qin Fei has included it in the safe hunting range. As long as there are more traps inside, it will be her own small vegetable garden. You can raise chickens, ducks, and big geese, and by the way, put pigs, sheep, and cattle.

Of course, this is not something that can be achieved now. This is an assumption that will be made when the residential area is expanded to cities and towns in the future. What Qin Fei can do now is to use the direct flow of a large river as a natural barrier and draw a small circle of protection.

Saree saw Qin Fei smirking at Yuanshan from a distance, but he didn't even hear the two shouts. She hurriedly stepped forward and patted Qin Fei, who was smirking, "What are you thinking? Look at your smirk. A few males who just went to the river to investigate said that there seems to be something big swimming in the water. But I can't see clearly, I can only see the water that is turned up."

"Ah?" Qin Fei suddenly retracted her smirk.

The river Sarei was talking about was not the big river that could only see a thin line in the distance, but the tributary of the big river nearby, but it was also a natural line of defense that Qin Fei was most optimistic about right now.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." Qin Fei said, pulling Saree towards the tributary river.

In the distance, I saw a few males standing by the river, pointing to the river. Although everyone's height and clothes are similar, Qin Fei can't see which males are standing by the river, but Qin Fei's loud voice of Mochan can really hear it.

"Did you see it? Did you see it? Another one jumped up. It's right there. Follow my fingers." Mocha pointed at a few people and said, "I'm telling you, you guys Believe it or not, as long as Boss Qin Fei comes, he will definitely be able to think of a way to deal with this thing. If our Boss Qin Fei said that we can build a home here, it would be right. You just didn't go into that cold big cave, I But I saw that huge Canaanite beast with my own eyes."

Immediately, a male echoed, "We heard from Patriarch Baierke that the Canaan divine beast lost its smoke. Although Priest Qin Fei gave it an antidote, it still fainted for a while."

Mocha smiled and said, "Think about it, it's a divine beast in Canaan, and it makes Boss Qin Fei's hands and feet so weak that he can't get up. I used to say that Boss Qin Fei is more terrifying than the beast, but you still don't believe it. In this way, all the divine beasts have been crushed by our boss Qin Fei."

Saree couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and was stunned by Qin Fei, who had a black face. Qin Fei pondered how to repair this uncontrollable Mo Cha, and then approached the river. Although it is close, but it is also separated by a safe distance.

Mo Cha grinned at Qin Fei, Qin Fei rewarded him with a pair of white eyeballs, and Mo Cha shrank his neck embarrassedly.

Qin Fei turned her head to look at the river, and sure enough, there were some choppy postures. Obviously, the current breeze can't raise big waves, and this section is a very gentle part of the river. It is reasonable to say that the waves should be calm. Even if there are a few undercurrents, there will be at most a few mediations, and there won't be such a big water wave.

Just as Qin Fei was looking at the water, Mo Cha screamed again. "Boss Qin Fei, look there, look there quickly."

Qin Fei looked in the direction of Mo Cha's finger, and a huge water wave jumped up at a surge location. The water waves gathered but did not disperse, flipped a few times in the air, and fell into the river again with a thud.

Qin Fei scratched her head, which was a bit strange. He didn't see any fish or any creature just now, how could there be such a wave of water. What's even weirder is how can this water wave congeal and not disperse? Strangely, another big water wave suddenly jumped up from the river, and then merged into the river again with a clatter.

Qin Fei rubbed her eyes, "Evil sect, is it that this water splash is still fine, can it jump back and forth by herself, or is there some big fish making trouble?"

Before Qin Fei could finish speaking, several large water waves rushed out of the water. A few actually glide in the air for a while before falling into the river again.

Several people retreated in fright, and even Qin Fei couldn't help chilling down her spine. He doesn't believe in anything weird, but there are quite a few weird creatures on this wild planet. Maybe there are unknown creatures hidden in this water. Although the divine beasts of Canaan can go up to the sky and go down to the sea, who knows if there are any weird things that can live a nourishing life on its one-acre and three-point land.

"Let's go, go back to the cave and talk about it." Qin Fei hurriedly greeted a few people to evacuate to the water first.

Then Saree went to call out the people scattered around to check, Qin Fei went into the cave and tried to discuss with the big beast, the problem of the tributary water waves. Unexpectedly, the big guy was snoring and snoring everywhere, and even the little ooh, biting and howling, didn't mean to wake up at all. Qin Fei could only grit her teeth and retreat.

When Saree called back all the detectives around, it was past noon and everyone was hungry, so Qin Fei hurriedly organized everyone to make a fire for food. Xiao Aowu couldn't stand the cold air in the cave, so she also ran out, entangling Qin Fei on the front and back to eat.

Qin Fei gave it a piece of marinated pork, took off a piece of roasted half-cooked pork, and carefully cooled it and brought it to Xiao Aowu. Xiao Aowu cried out happily, 'Oooooooo', and ate a mouth full of oil.

After a while, a big blue head popped out of the cave, stared at Qin Fei and the others on the fire, and sniffed fiercely. A few loud grunts, the shocking males did not recover for a long time.

Qin Fei blinked and said, "I think this big guy is hungry."

Everyone twitched the corners of their mouths, looked at the big head that stuck out of the cave and stared at the barbecue, and then looked at the few pieces of barbecue on the rack. It is estimated that even if everyone is hungry, these things are not enough to stick between their teeth.

Qin Fei waved at the great beast and said, "I can share with you, but I can't give you all of it, or we will all starve." Then Qin Fei pointed to the barbecue closest to the cave of the great beast, " This one is for you, and we keep the rest."

The big beast glanced at Qin Fei, let out a low roar, shrank its head into the hole, and then stared at the nearest barbecue with its big dark blue eyes.

The male in charge of the barbecue turned over the barbecue one by one, and when he turned to the farthest one, before he got close, the big beast let out a low roar, even with a hint of warning.

Qin Fei's face was full of black lines, and she remembered the situation of Xiao Aowu hanging under the fishing net to protect her food.

The male was stunned by a thunderous roar from the divine beast, and was too nervous to move. Qin Fei hurried over and asked the male to be in charge of the barbecues, and he would take care of this one at the end. The male was immediately amnesty and avoided far away. He didn't even dare to turn over the barbecues that were close to Qin Fei, which directly led to the fact that at lunch, half of the food was half-cooked.

The big mythical beast let out a snort from its nose, and its eyes were still fixed on the barbecue that Qin Fei was flipping. Qin Fei pouted and preached, "I said that you have been sealed as a divine beast anyway, so don't be so useless. People are kind enough to help you flip the barbecue, otherwise you'll just wait for the charcoal and raw meat."

The big divine beast hummed again, as if urging Qin Fei.

Qin Fei looked at the sun above her head, and at the big mythical beast that was shrunk in the cave and refused to come out, secretly thinking that this beast might be afraid of heat and love the cold. Xiao Ouwu is okay, and now he is still tossing around outside, but he also tries to hide in a cool place.

Qin Fei tossed for a while and put the roasted meat on the ground beside the cave. The big beast leaned over his head and sniffed, then stuck out his long tongue, licking it to test the temperature. Pressing it down with the tip of his claws, he tore off half of that piece of meat. His tongue rolled into his mouth and he chewed with relish.

Qin Fei didn't care about it anymore, and ate her lunch beside her. The big beast ate all his own food in two mouthfuls, and watched everyone eagerly eating, making everyone feel guilty for bullying the beast.

Berke nibbled at a piece of meat and said, "If we live here in the future, we might as well donate some food every day to support the beasts."

Saree nodded in agreement, "With the divine beast, other beasts would definitely not dare to harass him, and it should be supported."

Qin Fei sighed at the sight of the big beast, left the last piece of barbecue in her hand, walked to the cave, and placed it beside the big head that came over. A group of males also came over and placed a piece of barbecue that they had saved in front of its eyes.

A surprise flashed quickly in the eyes of the great beast, as if saying, 'You are all good people'. However, it was rude under its mouth, and with a roll of its tongue, it swept the barbecued meat on the ground into its mouth, and there was really nothing left. While letting out a pleasant snort, he chewed with relish.

Qin Fei rolled her eyes, followed everyone to a shady place, and took a nap. It wasn't until the sun was about to go down that everyone got up. This way, everyone was very tired, and hunting with smoke bombs was no problem. Taking advantage of the fact that there were still a few large prey in hand, Saree wanted to give everyone a good rest.

As soon as Qin Fei woke up, the probe saw the big beast shaking its huge body and walking out of the cold cave. It shook its big head at Qin Fei, then raised its head and let out a neigh, then flapped its wings and shook its body, and jumped into the sky. It circled in the air a few times, and went straight to the tributary with an unknown water splash. Xiao Aowu let out a few similar calls, and then chased after him for fear of twisting and twisting his wings.

Saree said to everyone, "All have weapons, let's go over and see what is in the water."

Qin Fei was also very curious, and ran to the tributary river behind everyone.

From a distance, I saw a big beast leaning over and plunged straight into the water, and Xiao Aowu followed behind and circled twice, but did not dare to plunge into the water. Just flapping its little wings slowly, gliding across the water.

Then there was a loud bang, and the big mythical beast raised water and flew again, and it seemed to have a translucent creature in its mouth. The thing was twisting and struggling, trying to break free from the restraint of the great beast, but was thrown on the bank of the river by the great beast.

Xiao Aowu swooped down quickly, grabbing and biting at the thing for a while. Who knew that it was an empty shelf, and even one corner of the thing was not caught. Instead, the thing tumbled for a while, and was thrown aside. Xiao Aowu immediately quit, and made an extremely aggrieved tweet in Qin Fei's direction, and then rushed back to Qin Fei with tears in her eyes.

Qin Fei quickly picked up Xiao Aowu and checked whether the little guy was injured. Xiao Aowu roared twice at what looked like a soft creature, and then turned to look at Qin Fei with tears in his eyes. It seems to be complaining to Qin Fei, and by the way it is the thing that bullied it.

Don't wait for Qin Fei to decide Xiao Aowu and denounce the unknown creature. The big divine beast in the air let out a long cry, and it swooped in front of the thing. The huge soles stomped on the squirming soft-bodied creature, and bit it with one mouthful. Then Qin Fei saw the neck of the great beast moving, and the originally bulging creature was rapidly shrinking. Until it becomes a transparent empty skin.

Qin Fei put down Xiao Aowu in her arms, ran to the front and pinched the sticky thing, no matter how she looked at it, she felt familiar.

The people on the side also came over, and Qin Fei, who was frowning in thought by Sarei, said, "Ah, isn't this Shuiukaka?"

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