Another busy two days, nearly forty houses have been built in the camp. However, the house is not finished, because apart from the overall external frame and chimney, the windows, doors, interior partitions, heated kang, and fire walls have not been completed.

Qin Fei no longer supervises the construction of the subsequent house in the past two days, and threw the repair of the entire house to Saree. He and Father Lunfa devoted themselves to the construction of kangs, fire walls and stoves.

After some discussion, it was decided to conduct experiments in the three large houses that were built. First, Qin Fei sketched the plan of the house on the sand, and then studied several reasonable patterns with Father Lunfa. Finally, these fixed patterns were drawn on the hide with charcoal strips and preserved. The next step is to partition the interior of the house according to the pattern, build the kang, stove, fire wall and other things needed.

After another day of work, Qin Fei couldn't wait to go back to the bamboo building at night and fall asleep because of the heavy physical work recently. Saree was still in good spirits, but seeing Qin Fei's tired appearance, it was inevitable that it would hurt. Even though he was full of desire and wanted to have sex, he couldn't resist pulling Qin Fei up and tossing it.

Of course, Qin Fei felt Sarei's consideration, but he was too tired in the past few days. He wanted to get some small stoves for Sarei, but he couldn't spare his energy, so he could only hope to build the house as soon as possible. take off.

On the fourth day, the **** who gave him a lot of face suddenly turned his face, and it rained continuously from the early morning. Fortunately, everyone was well prepared, and the houses that were completed without doors and windows were covered with the bark of the slippery bark, and there were also drainage ditches. As for the newly dug foundation, a strategy of sheltering the top with sheds and protecting the bottom with earth dams and ditches was adopted, but no water was poured in.

Qin Fei finally slept in, and the other clansmen also received a notice of temporary suspension of work, and most of them enjoyed a rare leisure time in the bamboo building. But sometimes people get used to being busy, and once they are free, they feel a little uncomfortable. After turning it upside down several times, Qin Fei finally decided to get up and see what Saree, who had disappeared all morning, was doing.

After eating hastily, Qin Fei looked out the window. At this time, the rain was slightly lighter, and the large canopy that was erected not far away could be vaguely seen. In the shed there were bonfires and swaying figures. Qin Fei was thinking about whether to find something to keep out the rain, or run to the canopy in one breath, when she glanced at the bark of a slippery bark placed at the entrance of the bamboo building. Without guessing, he knew that Saree prepared it for him, and Qin Fei's heart suddenly bubbled with beauty.

Qin Fei walked over, covered her body with the bark of the slippery bark tree and covered her head, pushed open the door of the bamboo building, and went straight to the shed that sheltered from the rain.

There were a lot of males and females sitting in the shed, and a group of people were laughing and joking. It is rare to find such a day of abundant food and leisure, and everyone is very happy. Seeing Qin Fei walk in, everyone greeted him enthusiastically, and Qin Fei answered with a smile. A few females greeted Qin Fei to sit over. Qin Fei looked around and asked a question casually without seeing Saree.

Immediately, some enthusiastic clansmen told him that Patriarch Sarai and Father Lunfa went to check the three houses that were formed. It is said that the kangs and stoves in the three houses were very good, the smoke was exhausted very smoothly, and the heat was rare. good.

Qin Fei was immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly put on the bark again. A few males also wanted to join in the fun, so they followed Qin Fei to the three houses.

The three houses are not close, and Qin Fei did not find Saree in the first house. Mocha followed a few males who came to watch the fun, chattering about the benefits of the house, and his mouth was flying. Seeing Qin Fei come in, Mocha happily let him into the room.

Qin Fei felt that it was very hot in the room, and it was rare that these guys were willing to gather here. Although they were in the remaining living room, it was still much hotter than the outside.

Qin Fei really wanted to get out of this small steamer quickly, but in the expectant gaze of several males, she reluctantly told some things about the house. Qin Fei's words were very vivid, and several people listened without blinking. Qin Fei was a little embarrassed to be stared at by the males, so she hurriedly ended the explanation, and then covered the bark, walked to the next room, and then looked for Saree.

Saree walked three houses with Daddy Lunfa. Seeing that Daddy Lunfa looked tired, he asked someone to send Daddy Lunfa back to rest first. For these days of hard work, Saree is also very grateful for all that Father Lunfa has done for everyone.

After walking around the house, Saree intends to take a look at the house with the 'hanging kang'. Thinking about how to arrange other things in the house where Qin Fei and Qin Fei will also have such a hanging kang in the future. Qin Fei is very different from other clansmen, and Sarei seems to make his life more comfortable.

As he was walking towards a house with a hanging kang, from a distance Sarei saw a figure who looked like Qin Fei, draped in the bark of a slippery bark tree, and entered the house with a hanging kang. Saree also took a few steps and followed into the house.

Qin Fei didn't see Saree, there was no one in the empty room, only the fire was still burning, making the whole room hot. Just when he was a little disappointed and planning to look for the next house, Saree came in from the outside with a smile. He didn't cover his hair, just draped a piece of slippery bark over his body. The rain dripped down Saree's hair, and the shirtless upper body was extra **** under the wetness of the rain.

Sarei walked to Qin Fei's side with a smile, pressed his wet head against his head and said, "Did you miss me?"

Qin Fei put her arms around Saree's neck and let him wet her forehead hair, "thinking a little bit."

Saree lowered his head and pecked Qin Fei's lips, "It's only a little bit~ I've been thinking about you all morning." Saree's hand slid down Qin Fei's back and pinched his pp a few times, "I I just walked all the way, and I thought that this winter, let's keep the house warm. The ground is covered with baa animal skins, and some of the walls of the room are also put on the wall, and then I can hold you..."

Saree's words did not continue, but the hand he placed on Qin Fei's buttocks patted implyingly, and his fingers slid in the crevice of his buttocks again, poking a certain point.

Qin Fei smiled and bit Saree's mouth, "When there is nothing to do in winter, it's better to exercise more."

Saree raised his eyebrows, "Don't cry and beg for mercy then."

Qin Fei rolled his eyes at him, and then took a bite somewhere on his chest. After hearing Saree's groan with satisfaction, she said proudly, "I can't tell who is crying and begging for mercy."

As soon as Saree twisted his body, he sandwiched Qin Fei's body between him and the wall, and said with a wicked smile, "Why don't you try now."

Qin Fei smiled and begged for mercy quickly, "You are the best. It's daytime. If anyone comes over, I don't want to be visited."

Sarei didn't really want to do anything, so he kissed Qin Fei on the face again and said, "Let's make it up later that night."

There was a little expectation in my heart, but I said, "You can't think of anything else."

Saree chuckled, "What else is there to think about."

Qin Fei raised her hand and pinched Sarai's nose, then pulled his wet hair back and said, "For example, a poncho, such as a hat..."

Sarei was stunned for a moment, then remembered something Qin Fei had mentioned to him before, and touched Qin Fei's face, "If you are tired, take a good rest for a day, and the rest will come later."

Qin Fei rubbed Sarei's hand, "I'm not tired, and it doesn't take much effort to make a poncho and a hat."

Saree nodded, "After lunch, I will also learn how to make a poncho and hat."

Qin Fei grabbed Saree's hand and smacked his lips, "These hands are good for hunting, but it's extremely stupid to grab a needle and hold a thread."

Sarei was amused by Qin Fei's strange face, and scratched him when he grabbed him. Qin Fei begged for mercy with a smile. Touching and touching, Sarei's hand became unruly, but as Qin Fei said, there is still something to do in the middle of the day, and Sarei is not good to grab Qin Fei and have **** for no reason. The two of them had to let go slowly, panting to calm the agitation in their bodies.

The two were panting against the wall when they heard shouts from a distance. The two were stunned for a moment, and looked out through the half-covered window. Several males are hurriedly walking here, calling out the names of Qin Fei and Saree.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what happened, but they hurriedly approved the bark of the slippery bark, and greeted the males who came quickly.

The person in the lead was Mocha, who saw Qin Fei and Sarei hurriedly said, "It's amazing, there are a lot of shuiwu dead in the tributary river, a lot of them. There are also a lot of fish dead, the priest Ruma called I'm here to find you, the two bosses, hurry up and have a look."

Shuiwu is also the main food of the great beast. Qin Fei was a little anxious when she heard it, and hurried to the tributary river waters with everyone.

In the distance, the priest Ruma was waiting for a bunch of people, all gathered on the bank of the river in the distance. On the water surface of the tributary river in the rain, a lot of shuiwu floated, and a lot of big fish were mixed during the period. These animal carcasses floating on the water surface all the way down the water, and pile up at a bend not too far away. Qin Fei frowned and greeted everyone, then walked to the place where the corpses were piled up at the corner. Seeing that he was about to reach the place where the corpses were piled up, he heard a long cheerful chirping in the air. The big mythical beast flapped its huge wings in the rain and landed on the place where the corpses were piled up.

Seeing that the great beast opened its mouth and bit a dead water crow, Qin Fei was a little anxious. The cause of death of these Shuiwu is still unknown. Qin Fei ran over anxiously, waving her hand and calling out the big beast.

The big beast heard Qin Fei's cry, and was a little puzzled, and turned his big head to look at him for unknown reasons. Seeing Qin Fei waving her hand and running all the way, even though she was caught by Saree in time for almost falling several times, she still got a lot of mud on her body.

The big mythical beast made a screeching like doubt, and Qin Fei finally ran to the big mythical beast, hurriedly waved at it, and repeatedly made inedible actions.

The big beast is not stupid, and soon understood what Qin Fei meant, but it shook its head and insisted on eating those water crows.

Qin Fei frowned when she saw the action of the great beast. Doubtful, "Has something similar happened before?"

I don't know if the big beast can't understand it, or if Qin Fei doesn't understand it even if it explains it. I ignored Qin Fei and started eating on my own.

Qin Fei pondered for a while, and it seems that the great beast has lived here for a long time. If it insists on thinking that these water crows are edible, then there should be no problem with these water crows. But why a large number of shuiwu died, Qin Fei looked at the water surface of the tributary river again in confusion.

Although there were many corpses floating on the water, there were still more slugs gathered and churned on the water. Many puppies jumped out of the water, and from a distance, they looked like weird big waves, breaking away from the water body and churning and playing in the air on their own. Qin Fei frowned, narrowed her eyes and stared at the chaotic water surface carefully, which made him discover the problem. Some schools of fish were interspersed among the churning water crows, desperately beating their gills towards the water surface.

Hypoxia - The appearance of those fish is obviously a manifestation of hypoxia. And while Qin Fei was watching, there was a big fish twitching its cheeks and turning its belly across the water among the tumbling heads.

Qin Fei knows that there are three ways to supply oxygen in general water sources: photosynthesis of aquatic plants, oxygen dissolution in the air, and a large amount of water supply. The river is living water, not oxygen-deficient. But obviously there are too many aquatic animals. Take the puddles that were full of water, Qin Fei hardly saw any gaps in the deep water surface of the river, and almost all of them were covered with puddles. If you think about it this way, it may be because the number of shuiwu is too large, which leads to the lack of oxygen in the water.

Thinking of this, Qin Fei also felt relieved, and let the big beast **** and eat beside him. Although the big divine beast eats a lot, with the size of Shuiwu, it can't eat many of them. The huge number of Shuiwu, because there are no natural enemies in this territory occupied by the great beasts for a long time, they reproduce and grow more arbitrarily and rapidly. It is also because of this excessive growth that a large number of shuiwu die during the period when the rainy weather is more prone to hypoxia. The big beasts live here for a long time. I am afraid that this kind of situation has long been commonplace, so it is so happy to eat. Suddenly Qin Fei remembered the first time she saw the cave of the great beast. It seemed that there were some water crows stacked in an inconspicuous corner. Qin Fei's eyes suddenly lit up. With such a huge number of Shuiwu dead, the big divine beast would definitely not be able to finish it, and it is estimated that it would not store too much. Then the remaining Shuiwu, if Qin Fei asked the clansmen to store it in other places in the cave of the great beast, it could be used as food for the winter.

The great divine beast, who was happily eating, suddenly felt a little chill scrape its back, and it turned its head in confusion and saw Qin Fei smiling at it with a treacherous face. The great beast shivered uncontrollably, and let out a timid cry.

Qin Fei rubbed her ears, glared at the big mythical beast that suddenly screamed strangely, and then said with a flattering smile, "Brother, let's discuss it."

The big beast instinctively took two steps back, then quickly picked up the two big water crows on the ground, flapping its wings to escape.

Qin Fei sighed and said to Sarei, who was following him, "We will gather all the clansmen in the camp in a while, and strive to move all the dead fish and water crows to the cave of the great beast for refrigeration today. We will stick to this winter. There is a lot more food in reserve!"

Saree glanced at the piles of Shuiwu corpses for a moment. Although Qin Fei must have no problem with moving them, the sudden availability of so much food for the winter still made Saree a little confused. I couldn't help but said, "Can these be taken away? I mean where the big beast... can you?"

Qin Fei smiled like a rogue, "Anyway, the cave is so big, the space it can use is very limited, find some caves that it can't use and put it in. Hehe, choose some that it can't get into, and it's not very good to stretch its claws. Otherwise, it will get lazy and even steal it."

The man next to him was dumbfounded, Qin Fei's boss is too cruel, even the beast. Occupy the cave of the beast, and let it see but not eat.

The big divine beast hiding in the cave so smugly sucking the water, couldn't help but shivered again, and then sneezed several times inexplicably. The big beast looked out of the cave with some tears in his eyes, and 80% of it was the kid who was calculating what it was doing here.

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