Transmigrated into the Primitive Wilderness as a Great God

Chapter 118: complete integration of clans

The construction of the original residence of the Nata tribe has opened the eyes of several tribes that have merged later, and the situation of the new residence has surprised them even more. There are so many novelties, so much food, and so much more to learn. Not to mention the methods of hunting food and weaving tools; new hunting areas and gathering areas; the extra things in the camp, things they haven't even seen before, are enough for everyone to be familiar with for a while.

It is not easy to accommodate so many people with food, clothing and housing. The distribution of houses alone made the patriarchs and priests of several other tribes scratch their heads.

The current housing is not built on a single-family basis for emergencies. It is likely that several families will be required to live together in a large house. They have to live together for a long time and spend the cold and long winter. After the fall, food distribution will gradually be based on houses, laying the foundation for winter. This requires every member of the house to do their part.

Don't allow too much concentration of old people or cubs in a large house. If so, it will not only increase the burden on other house members, but also will not be conducive to their care. The distribution of human and material resources must be as balanced as possible, and the existing families cannot be dismantled. Because in the future, the improvement of the interior, exterior, and courtyard of the house will need to be solved by these family members, and the tribe will no longer make unified arrangements. This not only gives everyone room to develop themselves, but also allows everyone to use more brains, and also allows each family to have its own characteristics, making it more comfortable and humane to live in.

Everyone thinks this idea is very good, and they hope to use their good ideas in the repair and decoration of the details of their houses. After all, I will have to live in it for many years and a long time in the future. Who doesn't want the house they live in to be more comfortable, beautiful and more in line with their own wishes. But which people will be grouped together, and which families want to be combined with which families, this is a very troublesome problem.

On the one hand, several patriarchs hope to mix with the Nata tribe, which will promote the faster integration of the tribe; on the other hand, several patriarchs worry that the smart and powerful Nata tribe will not like to mix with them. Although Saree promised tribal fusion, it was only fusion. According to their ideas, the Nata tribe could allow several of their tribes to be vassalized around the Nata tribe to provide them with corresponding help, which is already very good. Even though all the tribes have contributed to the construction of the house, it is clear that the Nata tribe has played an important role in all aspects. The patriarchs and priests of several tribes felt that if the Nata tribe was not too friendly and could not bear to watch other friendly tribes struggle to survive in the harsh winter, they would not need to help them at all, because the Nata tribe They don't need any help at all, but they have been shamelessly accepting the gifts of the Nata tribe.

Saree saw the concerns and knots of several patriarchs, and exchanged glances with Qin Fei, Father Lunfa, and Priest Luma.

In fact, the four of them had already discussed the question of how to live together after the fusion. Qin Fei didn't want everyone to feel that they were forced to merge for survival. Although this was an indisputable fact, he still hoped that everyone after the merger could live better together. Qin Fei thinks that maybe it will take some time for everyone to understand each other and their friendship will deepen, and they will naturally merge slowly. This will make the newly united clan more stable and united. It will also allow families who live together to pay each other's sincerity and take care of each other better in the future.

The other three fully agreed with Qin Fei's point of view. Since the point of view was put forward by Qin Fei, the three believed that Qin Fei should convey this point of view to the patriarchs of other tribes. But Qin Fei is firmly opposed to this. He hoped that Saree would come forward to solve this matter, and Saree would be the final decision maker for the big problems of the tribe in the future. After all, Saree is the leader of the fusion clan in the future. Whether he wants to or not, he will carry the burden. Now that he has taken on this responsibility, no matter how good or bad the decision is, he must make the final decision. Qin Fei and the three should stand behind him and give him the strongest support.

Qin Fei also gave some ideas about the personnel positioning of the clan after the fusion. Although Saree is the leader of the merged clan, the leaders of several other clans are also involved in the management of the clan. The best thing is that there are still a few leaders under Saree, but not the patriarch. After merging from a clan, all clan leaders will be replaced by chieftains. The patriarch of each original clan will be the leader of the new clan, and the leaders of the original clan will become group leaders. The personnel under their jurisdiction are no longer the personnel of their own tribe, but the members of the tribe who are uniformly distributed after the disruption.

As for the priests, the Ruma priests will serve as high priests, while the priests of the other tribes are slightly lower in rank than the Ruma priests. The High Priest of Ruma is in charge of these priests, teaching them more about herbal medicine. And there are some young people in the tribe who are not of high physical fitness and smart but not suitable for hunting. Priests can select some candidates as priests according to the actual situation, teach them herbal knowledge, and better cure diseases for people in the tribe.

Females in the tribe also have corresponding rights and obligations. They can not only have their own leaders, but also form some small guards of their own. When picking in the nearby mountains, they are guarded by these small guards.

These points raised by Qin Fei, although the three of them understand it superficially, they don't quite understand it. Qin Fei explained to the three of them for a long time, and the three of them fully understood the pros and cons.

At this moment, the four of Sarai made eye contact, and Sarei received Qin Fei's nod and encouraging eyes. After coughing twice, he explained Qin Fei's point of view to everyone, but everyone didn't understand it, and Saree explained the corresponding parts that everyone needed to know. The eyes of the people who listened were bright, and they couldn't stop nodding.

Saree mainly explained what he was responsible for as the tribal leader, as well as the future arrangements of the leaders and leaders of other tribes. As for the priest's part, he appropriately gave the right to speak to the priest of Ruma.

Although several old priests looked older than the Ruma priests. However, they have long admired Priest Ruma's extensive knowledge and wisdom of herbal medicine. If they can get the guidance of the priest of Ruma, I am afraid that they will completely give up the title of priest, and they will be willing. The Ruma priests were eclectic and selected young priests from various tribes, which made several priests admire and moved.

However, after Priest Ruma had finished speaking, he turned to Qin Fei. There was no such link originally, which made Qin Fei who was named stunned. After being stunned, he found that the corners of Saree's mouth were raised. Obviously, he and Priest Ruma had negotiated this matter.

Priest Ruma revealed Qin Fei's identity as the patron saint, explaining that the knowledge of herbal medicine he knew and the cost of food and clothing in the tribe were basically obtained by Qin Fei leading everyone. Qin Fei's identity is so important that she didn't dare to disclose it before, because she was afraid of attracting more giving. Therefore, in the future, the status of Qin Fei and the great beast will be sacred and inviolable. They will do everything they can to protect Qin Fei's safety.

The priests and patriarchs have long guessed that Qin Fei's status is not simple, which can be seen from the usual attitude of the Ruma priests. Hearing Priest Ruma's explanation at this time, he unconsciously bent to Qin Fei, expressing deep awe.

The corners of Qin Fei's mouth twitched, and the black lines on his forehead were full of resentment. He was completely equal to the 'big beast', and he would never think of 'turning over' again in this life.

Elder Luma once again passed the right to speak to Qin Fei, Qin Fei no longer knew what to say. Out of the corner of his eye, he just saw Father Lunfa who was watching a good show, and a kind smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. I told everyone about the future of weapon production, as well as the benefits of iron weapons and iron weapons. Listening to everyone's face is fascinated, and some can't wait.

Then Qin Fei introduced the 'real identity' of Father Lunfa, and brought Father Lunfa, who wanted to watch a good show, into the admiring eyes of everyone. Then he quickly threw the hot potato to Father Lunfa, who was laughing dumbly.

Father Lunfa did not refuse, and explained in detail the weapon part that Qin Fei had vaguely brought. Including some specific weapons in hunting and defense, the story is very exciting. From him, everyone learned more about weapons and weapons, and also knew how backward their hunting equipment was.

Under Father Lunfa's suggestion, he will also select some young people next spring to search for mineral veins and learn how to make weapons from him, so as to completely improve the clan's force and hunting equipment.

After listening to the speeches of the four people, the patriarchs and priests of several tribes completely let go of their hearts and smiled happily. In the future in this large integrated clan, it will be difficult for everyone to live a bad life. So when determining the new clan name, they agreed that the name of Nata should continue to be used.

Sarei was very pleased with this, but seeing the regret in the eyes of several clan chiefs, Qin Fei gave a good suggestion. Because in this land, there are no surnames, only names. Qin Fei suggested that if they felt that the disappearance of the tribe was a pity, they could add the name of their tribe before their surname, so that they could not only remember their tribe forever, but also let every descendant of them remember it. A tribal civilization that our ancestors were proud of. Qin Fei's words were full of emotion, which moved the patriarchs and priests of several tribes even more.

His proposal was unanimously approved by everyone present, and even Saree felt that multiple surnames were novel and very good. Immediately changed his name to Nathasaray, but Qin Fei and Father Lunfa did not plan to increase their bets because they already had their own surnames. There was a little regret in Saree's eyes, obviously he wanted to be named Nata before Qin Fei's name. But since Qin Fei is the patron saint of Nata, it should be the same.

After discussing everything, it was time for dinner. The dinner this time was not small, because the females were busy and a little chaotic. However, everyone was full of praise for the deliciousness of the dinner. After learning that these foods and practices were all thanks to Qin Fei, everyone looked at Qin Fei with more and more respect.

Qin Fei knew that this was leaked by the Sareirang clansmen on purpose, and looked at Sarei leaning beside him with some amusing. Sarei broke the Xuanruan steamed bun in half, handed it to Qin Fei, and then picked up a piece of braised pork and fed it into Qin Fei's mouth.

Qin Fei didn't evade, and calmly ate what Sarei fed, but Sarei suddenly leaned into Qin Fei's ear and said, "I don't want you to stand behind me, I want you to stand by my side."

Qin Fei narrowed her eyes with a smile, and Sarei said again, "You said, 'hold your hand, and you will grow old together.' It means to hold my hand in this life and never separate. But if you stand behind me, How awkward it is to hold your hand. If you accidentally let go, won't we have to separate. I don't want to separate from you, so you must stand side by side with me. "

The food that had just been swallowed was instantly choked by Saree's thunderstorm explanation, and Qin Fei was coughing wildly. Deeply lamenting the amazing ambiguity of cultural differences, Saree nervously beat his back.

Sarei and Qin Fei were newly married. After dinner, the two secretly went to the tributary river for a while, but they didn't go too far. Xiaobu and Xiaoren also took Xiaoaowu to frolic not far from the two of them, and the family was also happy.

But when he returned to the bamboo building, Saree was depressed. For nothing else, the old and young people crowded in the bamboo building didn't give him and Qin Fei any space to use their 'waste heat'.

Elder Ruma was calm, put down the mat and lay down to sleep. Ripa smiled, put down the mat and lay down to sleep. Xiaobu, Xiaoren, and Xiaoaowu huddled together, giggling and winking at Qin Fei, then lay down to sleep.

Sarei and Qin Fei looked at each other because they didn't know what to do, and they both saw puzzlement in each other's eyes.

Saree was a little mad, gritted his teeth and said, "Why are you all running into our bamboo building? I don't know I just came back..." The implication is that I need to be relieved. You guys are gathered here to delay husband and wife Emotions also affect physical health.

The three little ones were immediately dissatisfied, and Little Bu and Little Reen pouted and said in unison, "It's our bamboo building now..." Little woo woo, woo woo echoed.

Priest Ruma turned over and reminded Qin Fei and Sarei kindly, "We just discussed during the day that everyone will temporarily live in the bamboo building for a while. Don't you two know about this?"

Saree then gritted his teeth, "Does this have anything to do with you all crowding here?"

The other three said "yes" in unison, and Xiao Aowu "Woooo..."

Qin Feisalec rolled his eyes, and Priest Ruma also gave the two of them a roll of eyes, without explaining, he slept peacefully.

Ruipa smiled and said, "After the merger of the tribes, there are too many people. If the bamboo building is not crowded, it will not be enough to live in, so we all 'squeezed' here. Grandpa Ruma's bamboo building, let it out for others. tribe."

Sary Qinfei had an epiphany, all kinds of feelings were in his heart, and he could only lie down and sleep obediently.

When Xiaobu and Xiaoren saw Qin Fei lying down, he immediately clinged to him, occupying one side and squatting on the top of his head. Saree wanted to throw them all out, but he could only reluctantly grit his teeth and endure it, lying on the mat and sleeping depressed.

Over there, Qin Fei was entangled by two little ones to tell a story, speaking slowly in a low, slightly hoarse voice. Here, Saree automatically transformed it into Qin Fei's **** moan, followed by a night of spring dreams in dissatisfaction with desire.

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