Although Saree finally got what he wanted and got rid of the 'sleeping in rows' crowd, he didn't dare to make Qin Fei's trouble too much. Qin Fei now has to use her brains and efforts for the arrangement of the home, and she has to be busy with the whole clan every day.

Although Saree is the leader of the tribe, he only needs to be in charge of hunting and other male matters. Many fruits and vegetables are collected for Qin Fei's own purpose, especially now that autumn is a time when many fruits and vegetables are abundant, and Qin Fei is busy in the mountains and forests around the tribe.

Because there are a lot of water ukakas similar to plastic sheets, and there are almost inexhaustible birch bark, Qin Fei has thought of many ways to store vegetables and fruits. Most of the collected vegetables, such as mushrooms that can be dried, are dried to make dried vegetables. Qin Fei asked the females to wash a large number of green vegetables, blanch them in a pot of hot water, drain and let cool, then seal them in a bag made of water ukaka, and put them in slippery skins. In the oversized pocket sewn from the bark of the tree, it was frozen in the cave of the great beast.

The big beast doesn't care, anyway, there are small holes in its cave that are not needed, so Qin Fei will lead the crowd to toss.

Now that the weather is cool, the big mythical beasts are no longer hiding in caves all day long, and occasionally come out for a stroll during the day, or fly to the distance to catch some large beasts and fight their teeth. With the attitude of making the best use of everything, Qin Fei detained all the animal skins, animal bones, animal heads and internal organs that the big mythical beast did not eat or use. So the tribe not only ate several delicious internal organs, but also filled a lot of tooth saws, bone pots and other sundries.

The Nata males who feed the big beast are getting more and more familiar with the big beast. Occasionally the big mythical beasts go out to fight tooth sacrifices, and they will also drag back a few small prey and throw them as rewards. When the males start, they will drag their prey to Qin Feina excitedly. However, Qin Fei believes that this is the hard work of the males and should not be included in the public hunting of the tribe. After all, they are all feeding the great beasts in their extra time. The males were moved when they heard it, and everyone in the residence felt that they deserved it. After all, not everyone had the courage to approach the huge divine beast. In the future, when the big beast is thrown to the males as prey, the males will naturally distribute it privately and fairly, and will not take it back to Qin Fei to see, but will tell Qin Fei what the beast has brought back. If the prey is too big, or if the prey is too much, Nata will still contribute a part to the tribe, who feel that he is a god-eating beast.

After breakfast, Qin Fei planned to follow the collection team to a slightly farther hill to collect some herbs. The three little tails followed automatically, constantly asking 'what is this' and 'what is that used for' along the way.

Qin Fei, who collected herbs along the way, told about the herbs picked along the way in a humorous and interesting way that children could easily accept. Xiaobu has been in contact with him before, and Xiaoren has learned a lot under his influence (relative of course). Qin Fei's education method is also very correct, and the two little guys study very seriously.

Qin Fei's content is very attractive, and several females who are not far from him will also listen secretly. Qin Fei occasionally pretended to be inadvertent, and would ask the two little guys some knowledge they had already talked about, and the two little guys would answer fluently. Qin Fei surprised the little guys with their excellent memory, and sighed at the same time that "time makes people grow old", and he has also become a "father" generation who educates the next generation. I don't know if his grandfather, father and mother knew it, he would be moved to tears, he carried forward the Qin family's medical skills, or chased and beat him with a small bamboo stick, and dared to turn the formula left by his ancestors into a childish nursery rhyme.

Now that food is relatively abundant, Qin Fei does not require children to participate in labor. They can do what they like, as long as they don't endanger their lives or get hurt, Qin Fei won't interfere too much. As for learning medical knowledge and other skills, Qin Fei is not in a hurry to instill them. After all, there should be years of playful play in childhood, and she should be naughty and do some bad things that little naughty bags should do. By the way, some old guys blow their beards and stare, expand their lung capacity, and scold a few bastards.

In the past, Xiaobu and the others lived too hard and did things too carefully. Qin Fei hopes that under his care, in this new tribal camp, they can fully enjoy the fun of childhood. When the children are older, he will guide them step by step and choose what to learn and understand for his later life.

During this time, Qin Fei also discovered the changes of Xiao Ren. Although he was young, he was very smart. He is less and less interested in fairy tales that coax children, and prefers stories related to hunting, martial arts and weapons. A few days ago, I was clamoring for Qin Fei to teach him some kung fu. Qin Fei was so helpless that he could only give him a set of boxing techniques to keep fit and strong.

In the morning and evening these few days, Little Ren will play on the grass outside the house for a while. Seeing that the child was playing seriously, Qin Fei gradually changed her joking attitude and would correct his wrong posture in time. Xiao Ren also played more seriously because of this, and his movements became more standard.

When Xiaobu saw Xiaoren practicing boxing, although he didn't like it very much, he would accompany him to practice for a while. He is older than Xiao Ren, but he doesn't last as long as Xiao Ren. Saree really wanted Xiao Bu to hold on for a while, but forced by Qin Fei's doting on the child, he could only surrender unconditionally. Ren Xiaobu gave up after only a short while because of his conscious preference.

Qin Fei guessed that Xiao Ren likes herbal medicine now, which is completely influenced by Xiao Bu. As it grows up day by day, it will be less and less influenced by Xiaobu, and he will have more and more opinions of his own. Maybe he will be an excellent little hunter in the future, and maybe he will learn to make weapons with Father Lunfa. These Qin Fei will not interfere, he will only **** them and make life better for the two little guys.

The females have never visited this forest, only the males have come to check. However, Qin Fei didn't worry about any ferocious beasts and beasts that didn't have eyes coming over to court death in the one-third of the land of the great beast. The long howls that trembled the mountains and rivers from the occasional roar of the great beasts were enough for these guys to retreat.

On this mountain forest, Xiao Bu and Xiao Ren were still moving around Qin Fei, and Xiao Aowu would occasionally fly up and glide for a few laps in the distance. Qin Fei was busy collecting, and the little guys no longer bothered him, and they all obediently did what they could.

Qin Fei's harvest was not small this time, and she found several wild ginseng trees, and they were not too young. He carefully dug out a few wild ginseng trees and took them away together with the soil around them, so as not to break the roots as much as possible, hoping to transplant them to the tribe's land and continue to survive.

After finishing a few wild ginseng plants, Qin Fei noticed that there were no voices from the little guys around. Some anxiously got up and looked around, and saw Xiao Bu and Xiao Ren running towards him laughing all the way.

Xiao Bu and Xiao Ren each held a ball of white flowers in their hands, and they were scratching their itch. Occasionally, he will scratch Xiao Aowu, Xiao Aowu was made to sneeze by that thing, and he ran away and protested.

Seeing the three little guys running to the front, they lost the strength to laugh. They all fell on the grass beside Qin Fei, breathing heavily while smiling.

Xiaobu shook the white flower in his hand to Qin Fei, Qin Fei was also curious about what they were holding in their hands. Xiaobu generously handed the thing in one hand to Qin Fei, and Xiao Ren also handed the soft white thing in his hand to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei looked down at the milky white mass in his hand. If he didn't look carefully, he would definitely think it was a deformed cotton. Just like other huge plants and animals on this planet. However, the texture of this thing is slender and softer than cotton, but more elastic.

Xiaobu rolled over and got up, hugging Qin Fei's arm, "Father, we found that there are many, many trees with this kind of white lumps growing. It's interesting, it was Xiao Aowu who asked us to look at that strange tree just now. Haha. , but as soon as it goes in, it keeps sneezing. When it sneezes a lot, it will blow down a lot of white balls, like big snowflakes in winter. "

Xiao Ren also rubbed Qin Fei's side, naughty, wiped the soft white ball in his hand on Qin Fei's bare skin, and asked with a smile, "Dad, is it itchy, is it itchy..."

Xiaobu also took the opportunity to sneak up on Qin Fei, scratching the white ball in his hand around Qin Fei's neck.

Qin Fei looked at the two little guys with a wicked smile, but they looked incredibly cute. Pretending to be tickled by their sneak attack, he laughed to the ground. The two little guys were really fooled, Qin Fei seized the opportunity to counterattack successfully, and pressed the two naughty **** to the ground in one fell swoop, intending to scratch their itch. Who knows that two fists are invincible to four hands, and after holding this one, that one quickly gets up and makes trouble. Xiao Aowu was unwilling to be bullied just now, and ran over to help Qin Fei. Finally, the two naughty eggs were pressed to the ground and scratched with white balls. Xiaobu and Xiaoren giggled unbearably, and quickly surrendered.

Qin Fei just accompanied the child crazy and didn't feel anything, but Xiao Aowu raised his head and let out a loud long cry as a summary of its victory. In the bright sun, its small ice-blue horns flashed with a crystal brilliance, and the temperament of the divine beast expanded rapidly. However, Xiaobu and Xiaoren didn't just appreciate Qin Fei's pure admiration, but suddenly rushed over, resting on Xiao Aowu's body, and rubbing its smooth scales. Soon the three little guys rolled into a ball again.

Qin Fei let them laugh for a while, and Xiaobu volunteered to take Qin Fei to see the strange tree that grew out of white balls.

The strange tree in Xiaobu's mouth is not tall, but it is a little taller than Qin Fei's. Qin Fei doesn't know much about cotton, and vaguely remembers that cotton is a plant and shrub, and it doesn't seem to be too tall. But he seemed to have heard reports of cotton knots on the trees, and he had no idea how the cotton was knotted. However, there are many differences between the plants on this planet and the earth, that is, similar fruits and vegetables, they are much larger. Therefore, Qin Fei does not doubt that the white **** in Xiaobu's mouth is the cotton mutation on the earth.

The forest was very wide, but it was not far from where Qin Fei was. The three little guys moved dexterously, and Xiao Aowu simply flew in the air. Seeing that she descended a steep slope, what appeared in front of Qin Fei was a white ocean. Qin Fei couldn't help exclaiming, it didn't expect that 'very vast' would be such a concept.

But like Xiaobu said, the trees are not tall, basically only about two meters. But the trunk is thick and should have grown for some years.

Xiao Aowu stopped outside the woods, and would never enter the woods that made his nose uncomfortable. Xiao Bu and Xiao Ren grimaced at it, and Xiao Aowu uttered an angry hum and fought back.

Qin Fei bent down and picked up a white dumpling from the ground. The white dumpling was bigger than Qin Fei's fists. It is light and soft to pinch, like cotton but not like cotton. Qin Fei looked at the white flowers on the tree carefully, and picked a few from them and checked them carefully. After observing for a long time, I still can't judge whether it is the deformation of cotton. But this 'cotton tree' is a really remarkable find.

The weather is getting colder, and with this cotton, the residents of the tribe can make quilts and cotton-padded clothes. Coupled with thick animal skins, it is difficult to freeze.

Qin Fei looked at the white cotton that covered the mountains and plains, and couldn't help but sigh that the tribe was still very lucky. The weather has been relatively dry recently, and it hasn't rained for a few days. Otherwise, even if Qin Fei finally discovered these things, it would be a dirty look mixed with mud after the wind and rain. Without further delay, Qin Fei sent Xiaobu three little guys to call all the females who were picking. Stop other things for a while and come to pick cotton.

Seeing Qin Fei's happy expression, Xiaobu knew that he had found something good. Smile and admire. Qin Fei squeezed his little cheek, praised the three little guys, and waited to get them some delicious fruit jam. The three little guys cheered and went up to call people to pick them.

Qin Fei was not idle, and quickly climbed one of the taller trees and quickly picked cotton balls.

The females quickly gathered, and without asking Qin Fei why they were picking these weird things, they quickly threw themselves into the white ocean and worked hard to pick them.

Qin Fei felt that the manpower needed this time might not be enough, and there were too few things to hold cotton. I found a few females and sent them back to the tribe to call for help, and by the way, I brought a large bag made of the bark of the slippery bark.

The speed of the few females was very fast. When the cotton **** picked by Qin Fei and others were about to have no place to bloom, the picking reinforcements also dared to arrive. Not only are there many females and half-aged children, but also some healthy old people.

Qin Fei jumped down from the tree, quickly explained the use of cotton to everyone, and also said that the time was pressing. Because I don't know if there will be heavy rain in the near future, which will cause cotton to mix with muddy water, I hope everyone will collect as much cotton as possible before the heavy rain to ensure the warmth in winter.

Everyone has heard of Qin Fei's deeds for a long time. It's not unreasonable for females to trust Qin Fei just now. At this moment, Qin Fei explained the benefits of cotton, and everyone immediately plunged into the cotton forest and picked it quickly.

The cotton ball is very light, so even if the bark pockets as tall as a person are filled, it is not heavy to carry. Seeing the bags of cotton being sent away, Qin Fei felt more at ease. After all, such a good thing was discovered, it would be a pity if it could not be brought back in time and was wasted in this forest.

Several groups of males who had returned from hunting early heard that picking cotton would require manpower, and they rushed over to support them. With their joining, a large part of the cotton trees near the edge of the woods had already taken off their snow-white coats. Although everyone moved quickly, the cotton brought back to the tribe had already piled up several hills, but only a small part of the forest was still picked.

Qin Fei also asked a few old people who could watch the sky during the picking. The old people said that there would be no heavy rain recently. Qin Fei was relieved a lot. She didn't want everyone to be too tired. When it was close to the evening, she led everyone out of the cotton forest and returned to the tribe.

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