Saree held a torch in one hand and supported Qin Fei, who had been dressed into a ball, in the other. Although it was just the second day of the polar night moon, the temperature was significantly lower than the previous days. A heavy snowfall a few hours ago made walking difficult for a short distance. Even with Saree's help, Qin Fei still felt that he seemed to be wasting all his strength on this back and forth.

Since the beginning of winter, nearly a hundred pregnant women have surged in the tribe, and even Daima of the Berke family has successfully conceived a cub. In this savage continent, all tribes regard breeding the next generation as a top priority. As we all know, newborns are very fragile, and the harsh external environment can easily lead to their death. If a clan is born with very few cubs, and the death is high, then the clan will definitely panic. Because this will indicate that their tribe will gradually decline. On the contrary, if a tribe has bred a lot of cubs, and this clan happens to have powerful priests, it will ensure the survival of these cubs. Then it means that the tribe will be strong and prosperous. In the past, this was something that people longed for but entered a mythical distance, but now this myth happened in their tribe, so this is definitely a big happy event worthy of the celebration of all the tribe.

Saree really couldn't see Qin Fei's swaying, picked him up, and at the same time quickened the pace of walking home.

The number of pregnant women in the tribe surged, and Sarei was very excited at first, but in the days to come, seeing Qin Fei getting busier and busier, it was difficult for Sarei to be happy. Although Qin Fei had already imparted a lot of knowledge to Priest Luma, and personally instructed several priests and a group of selected candidates for priesthood, the time was too short, and it was difficult for them to be alone. The first three months of pregnancy are a very important period, and Qin Fei dare not be careless. Strive to make every pregnant woman give birth safely, so his busyness can be imagined.

Qin Fei has long lost the strength to struggle. If it wasn't for the fact that he felt like a ball and it was inconvenient for Saree to hold, he would have taken the initiative to let Saree hold it. Braving the north wind and falling snow, the two of them heard the bell ringing before they reached the door.

Qin Fei was stunned for a moment, the clock was only hanging on the tower three days ago to warn. Because in this kind of weather, no matter how powerful the whistle and horn are, there is no way for the clansmen hiding in the room to hear it. Since there are so many iron mines, Qin Fei simply sketched the pattern of the bell, and asked Father Lunfa to lead someone to cast five and a half meters of small bells and hang them on the tower. In the event of a crisis or an early warning, you can pull the rope and sound the alarm.

Judging from the direction of the bell, it was the direction of the tribal moat.

As soon as the alarm bell rang, all the houses were moved, and after a while, there were many neatly dressed males with weapons and torches in their hands.

Sarei wanted Qin Fei to go back first, so he took someone to take a look. Qin Fei knew that the alarm bell would not ring easily, there must be a big problem, how could she let Sarei and the others take risks and hide in the room by herself. Sarei wanted to put Qin Fei down several times and asked him to go back to the house to wait, but Qin Fei just held on to Sarei's clothes and didn't let go.

Although this is the territory of the great beast, it does not rule out some man-made dangers. Especially those cannibals who rob other tribes in winter, once they appear, they will cause a lot of casualties. The former tribal alliance was very lucky. After living in that area for two years, even though it suffered many sneak attacks from the Vasakh people, it was still somewhat better than the cruel cannibals.

Qin Fei had heard about cannibals from old people in other tribes. They are no different from the savage beasts of the jungle. In their eyes, ordinary human beings are no different from food. Rather than hunting large beasts, they prefer to hunt humans for food. Even females, after they have solved their desires, can't escape the end of the belly. Qin Fei was horrified at the time, but the Vashakh beast didn't give Qin Fei such a shock. And when the bell rang suddenly this time, Qin Fei's intuition was inseparable from those savage cannibals.

"Ow..." With an earth-shattering roar, the great divine beast flapped its huge wings and stopped not far away. The snow waves it unintentionally raised almost buried Qin Fei and Sarei who were closest to it. Although Qin Fei covered her tightly, she was still caught in the snow. The big beast let out an apologetic low cry, and then hurriedly swept away the snow around the few people.

The torch that Saree held in his hand had already been wiped out by the snow raised by the great mythical beast. As soon as the big beast swept away the snow, Saree hurriedly put Qin Fei on the ground and slapped the snow stuck to him. Qin Fei also helped Saree to remove the snow from his body. Suddenly, Qin Fei and Sarei felt that they were being pushed towards the body of the great beast by a force, and they turned their heads in surprise. The huge head of the great beast was arching against them. At the same time, the wings of the big beast were spread out diagonally on one side of the body; the two of them were arched onto the wings by the strong force. Then the wings of the great beast were raised and released, and the two of them reached the back of the great beast as if they were sitting on a slide.

When the males didn't understand what happened, the great beast had already stretched its wings and flew low.

Qin Fei never knew that one day she would have the opportunity to experience high-altitude flying, and she almost screamed in fright. But the big beast is obviously to take care of the two of them, it flies low and steady, and the base of its wings will bulge slightly. Although this small bump was nothing, it played a very high blocking role for Qin Fei and Sarei. Make sure the two don't slip off your body while it's flying.

Even if the big mythical beast flies slowly, it is not comparable to human running. It only took a minute to stop on the other side of the moat, just in line with the nearest tower. The male in charge of guarding on the tower has long seen the huge figure of the big beast. Through the faint moonlight, I also saw the two people sitting on the body of the big beast. The male had excellent eyesight, and immediately saw Sarei and Qin Fei clearly. In fact, even if he couldn't see clearly, he could guess. Except for Sarei and Qin Fei, it is estimated that no one dares to ride a divine beast.

"Boss, we just saw a lot of suspicious black spots approaching on the snow in the direction of the plain." A male stood on the tower and shouted in the direction of Qin Fei and Sarei.

"I know, let's go and have a look..." Before Saree could reply, Qin Fei patted the big beast on the back and motioned for it to carry the two of them over to take a look.

The big beast did not fly up this time, but walked towards the plain as the males said. Although the moonlight is not bright, but the snow is white and some different colors, it looks very clear. As the great mythical beast approached, Qin Fei and Saree could already see some black figures curled up on the snow—humans.

The big beast let out a low roar, and the figures who were closest to it curled up in one place were so frightened that they wanted to bury themselves in the snowdrifts.

Qin Fei frowned, these people didn't seem to intend to attack the tribal camp, because he found that only a few people were still holding weapons, and most of them were completely curled up. Taking advantage of the snow and moonlight, Qin Fei felt that their clothes seemed to be embarrassed.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Qin Fei patted the big beast under her, motioning it not to roar intimidation.

The shadows curled up on the snow were all frightened by the great beast, but when they heard Qin Fei's voice, they obviously raised their heads in surprise.

Qin Fei and Sarei stood side by side on the back of the great beast, and the hazy moonlight hit them both. Let the desperate people immediately mistakenly believe that they are gods.

"Save, save us, save us..." A male who had just curled up nearby suddenly climbed out of the crowd, trembling, crying, and kowtowing non-stop.

Sarei and Qin Fei looked at each other and asked, "Which tribe are you from?"

Without waiting for the male to answer, among the people who were curled up in a ball, someone suddenly exclaimed, "Patriarch Sarai, are you the Patriarch Sarai? We are all from the tribe and the tribal alliance..."

Saree has participated in the trading month many times, and many other members of the alliance have seen him. Moreover, at the critical moment when he was besieged by the Vashakh people in this year's Tribal Alliance Trading Month, he not only defeated the powerful Guzha, but also beheaded two Vashakh beasts in a row. In the eyes of many males, Saree is already a **** of war. So as soon as Saree spoke, the male who had seen him recognized him immediately.

Saree squinted at the male, who rolled and crawled closer, but didn't dare to get too close. "Patriarch Sarai... I'm Deng Erpo of the Huga tribe. In the most recent trading month, I took you to find those fake Vasakh people..."

"Deng Erpo..." Sarello thought about this male. It seems that he is still a leader of the Huga tribe, "You... how come you suddenly came here?"

Deng Erpo shook his body, "Since, since you moved with and brought a few clans away, a lot has happened, and we really can't do anything about it, that's why we thought about going to your... tribal alliance, the alliance is over... …”

Saree wanted to ask in detail, but Qin Fei pulled him a little. "If you keep asking like this, they will probably freeze even more stiffly. Let's take people back and talk about it."

Qin Fei glanced at the dozens of shadows on the ground, and it seemed that she had suffered a lot.

Saree nodded, and Qin Fei shouted to everyone on the snow again, "Let's go back first and call someone to pick you up. If you can walk, try to go to the river, and if you can't walk, wait here. We will do it as soon as possible. come back."

Throwing down these words, Qin Fei patted the big beast on the back, and the big beast immediately turned around and walked back to the moat. Qin Fei could see from a distance that many torches were gathering by the river. The moat has been frozen for a long time, and there is no need to put a suspension bridge at all. The males who rushed to the river were greeted by Saree to follow him to save people.

Qin Fei patted the big beast on the back, "Can't you help the camels?"

The big beast shook its big head and let out a low cry of dissatisfaction. Qin Fei patted its back again, "I know, I know, cheapskate."

Qin Fei waited for a while in the cold wind. Sarei and the others came back with people. The males were wearing thick clothes. Some males had already put their animal skin coats on those who were brought back. The big beast didn't fly, and carried Qin Fei all the way, walking slowly in front of Saree and the others. After sending Qin Fei to the door of the house, the big beast flew up again and drilled back into its cave.

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