Transmigrated into the Primitive Wilderness as a Great God

Chapter 134: Every family builds a greenhouse

Qin Fei found that Xiao Aowu had lost his appetite for the past two days, and he ate significantly less than the previous days. Xiaobu and Xiaoren also said that Xiaoaowu has not been in good spirits recently. Qin Fei was very worried about Xiaoaowu and checked it. Although Qin Fei didn't know what the physical condition of the beast should be, after raising the little guy for so long, he was still very clear about the heart rate and breathing in general health. After a careful inspection, Qin Fei didn't find anything wrong with Xiao Aowu's body, but the little guy's apparent lack of energy was worrying.

Sighing, it doesn't mean that there is no problem if it can't be checked, Qin Fei rested her forehead on Xiao Aowu's big head worriedly. Xiao Aowu put out the tip of his tongue melancholy and licked Qin Fei's face, as if to comfort him. Qin Fei suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and then let Xiao Aowu open his mouth.

Xiao Aowu didn't seem to want Qin Fei to look into its mouth, so he hesitated, and finally opened his mouth obediently. Qin Fei carefully touched Xiaoaowu's gums with her fingers, and then gently touched Xiaoaowu's teeth, Xiaoaowu suddenly let out a small whimper, and Qin Fei's fingers also felt the loosening of Xiaoaowu's teeth.

Qin Fei took out her hand, and Xiao Aowu immediately closed her mouth and looked at Qin Fei with a sad face. The big eyes were already full of tears. It seemed that Qin Fei would not give it a reasonable explanation for touching its teeth, so it would cry to him.

Qin Fei quickly touched Xiao Aowu's big head, Xiao Aowu whimpered in a low voice, and rubbed Qin Fei's hand. Tears fell down, and Qin Fei hurriedly hugged Xiao Aowu and coaxed her for a while.

Xiaobu asked nervously, "Father Qin Fei, what's wrong with it?"

Xiao Ren came over and touched Xiao Aowu pitifully, "Brother Xiaobu and I helped Xiao Aowu clean his teeth. It shouldn't have cavities."

Both Xiaoren and Xiaobu have heard Qin Fei's story about developing tooth decay, so they cherish their teeth very much, and even help Xiaoaowu to clean their teeth, so the two little guys noticed that it seemed that Xiaoaowu's teeth were broken. Questions, are worried, and some self-blame.

Qin Fei smiled at the two little guys, "It's not tooth decay, it's Xiao Aowu who has grown up and is about to change his baby teeth. Didn't Xiao Bu also lose a tooth a few days ago."

Xiaobu turned his head to look at Xiao Aowu, and nodded clearly, "Poor Xiao Aowu, Xiaobu's tooth is loose, and eating is very uncomfortable. Fortunately, Dad gave me a lot of soft food to eat. Xiao Aowu's teeth are loose these days, no wonder it can't eat... Dad, let's give it something soft to eat now."

"Well, maybe Xiao Aowu is hungry." Xiao Ren nodded.

Qin Fei pinched the noses of the little guys and nodded, "Okay, do you two want to come and help?"

The two little guys nodded quickly and followed Qin Fei to the kitchen. Although the two guys will make Qin Fei scrambling, Qin Fei feels that such parent-child activities are necessary.

In addition to meat, Xiao Aowu prefers things like potatoes and sweet potatoes. Qin Fei led the two little guys, boiled a small pot of potatoes and sweet potatoes, served with tasty broth, and put them in the food bowl that Xiao Aowu usually eats.

Xiao Aowu smelled the aroma of the food, and immediately put his head to the side of the food bowl, sniffed it, and then began to swallow. The three looked at each other, and it seemed that it wasn't that it wasn't hungry, but that it couldn't eat because of a toothache.

In the next few days, Qin Fei was not too busy, so she decided to put vegetable planting on the agenda. Now that the tribe has increased a lot of people, the fruits and vegetables collected and stored will definitely not be eaten in the late spring. Before the end of spring is the most scarce period of food. During this period, the fruits and vegetables that people can get from the fields and mountains and forests are very limited, and the types are relatively simple. Of course, their meat reserves are abundant, even if they are not abundant, with the current hunting equipment and abilities of the tribe, they will not make the tribe lacking in meat.

The storage of white powder nuts and rice crackers is still very rich. Even if all the food is eaten up, Qin Fei is sure to rely on these basic foods to lead everyone to survive until the summer when food is abundant. But what Qin Fei wanted was not just food and clothing, he also hoped that the clansmen could eat well and eat healthily.

Before Qin Fei came to the tribe, people mainly eat meat all the year round, and males rarely eat meat unexpected food. Especially the older males in the tribe, although their physical strength declines, they no longer participate in hunting and their food acquisition decreases; but because of their long-term meat-eating habits, their bodies have been overwhelmed. If you don't control the amount of meat and adjust the dietary structure, even if Qin Fei is alive, Hua Tuo will not be able to protect them for a few years.

In order to change the clan's habit of relying too heavily on meat, Qin Fei has made a lot of efforts. Although meat still accounts for half of the daily food intake, it is much better than before. For the health of some elderly people, Qin Fei will reduce the meat allocated to them to one-fifth of their food allocation, and it is still gradually reducing.

Qin Fei is very careful in adjusting the diet of the elderly. Qin Fei has made a decision to adjust since she systematically checked her body for the elderly of the entire clan. He also greeted the elderly, their relatives, and family members who lived with them, explaining the importance of the matter. Got the understanding of the old man and everyone.

In fact, Qin Fei doesn't need to explain in such detail. With the trust of the people in him, as long as Qin Fei says a word, everyone will do it immediately. Because everyone knows that without Qin Fei, there would be no good life as they are now. The old people knew better that without Qin Fei, they might not be able to survive this winter. Now Qin Fei wants them to be vegetarian every day, and they will grit their teeth and endure it.

Of course, Qin Fei would not let these old people who are accustomed to meat eat a vegetarian diet every day. He will appropriately add the rations of fish and big water crows. Let these old people eat a proper amount of meat food. Although there are not many methods for the females to make dishes, the females have been able to make many delicious dishes through his inspiration. Qin Fei believes that everyone will gradually change their tastes and like some vegetables. But the premise is that there are vegetables you can eat. If you don't have it, you don't have to eat it.

There are still almost two months before the end of winter, and then we enter the most scarce period of food in spring. Qin Fei heard many people in the tribe talk about the hardships they lived through in the past. The coldest winter is the polar night moon, but the hardest is the last two months, because at this time there will be very little food, and the males will brave the cold wind all day to hunt outside. Animal life is not good, because it is not easy to find food covered by snow. Therefore, the male's deteriorating physical strength can barely hunt some beasts against the herbivorous beasts who are also hungry. But after the start of spring, the plants sprout, the animals have fresh food, and their physical fitness recovers rapidly. But at this time, there was no food left in the tribe. In addition to trying their best to hunt, they could only eat some grass roots and bark that animals had eaten... The most dead seasons are the polar night moon and early spring. The period of green and yellow disconnection.

Now the overall strength of the clan has improved, and the hunting skills are much stronger than before. Even if many clan members are added later, the food stored is enough for everyone to support the winter, and even persist in the early spring. However, the stored vegetables and fruits can only last for two months at most, that is, the end of winter. After that, they could only eat meat except for the abundant white powder and rice crackers.

Obviously Qin Fei is not satisfied with this choice and is thinking about improving. His troubles in recent days are all about how to get a lot of vegetables and fruits. If you can't get a lot, a small amount is fine. If there is no way to get melons and fruits, vegetables are also reluctant. In short, the clansmen cannot be allowed to eat only meat all day long.

Qin Fei had already thought about the solution, and even discussed it with Saree when it was extremely night. Although the exuberant plants here and the fruits that are much larger than those on earth show how fertile the soil here is, Qin Fei still can't guarantee how much his method will yield. Obsessed with the odds of success, I don't want everyone to waste their efforts, and I'm a little unwilling to give up like this. So Qin Fei has been frowning these days.

Saree suggested that he discuss it with the group, or start a family meeting. Listen to the opinions of the family, after all, they are his strong backing, and they will support him no matter if he succeeds or not.

Qin Fei felt that if she dragged it on, she would miss the opportunity for planting, so she gathered everyone in the living room, held a family meeting, listened to the opinions of family members, and then went to discuss with the leaders and team leaders.

Father Lunfa was confused when he heard that Qin Fei wanted to build a vegetable greenhouse. The concept of early planting was still too unfamiliar to him. However, eating fresh fruits and vegetables in a season without vegetables sounds novel and should be a good idea.

The two little guys heard that there are delicious fruits, and they also have vegetables they like to eat under the temptation of Qin Fei's food. The two of them agree with this proposal very much.

Priest Ruma is the eldest who opens his mouth, and others have never heard of it. In the cognition of these people, God will arrange everything, and they can only endure it but cannot change it. If someone else said, you can cover the ground with water ukuka, and then plant plants on the ground warmed by water ukaka, and you will definitely be expelled from the tribe by everyone. After all, it violated everything set by God. If such people stay in the tribe, God will punish them.

Now that Qin Fei said it, it was different. Who is Qin Fei - the patron saint of the tribe, he is the **** who leads them to change. With Mr. Qin Fei, he would naturally not be afraid. Instead, he gradually became fascinated by surprise, surprise, and surprise.

Sarei is different from everyone. Qin Fei will communicate with Sarei first of many ideas. Under the influence of Qin Fei, Saree's changes became more and more obvious. He was like a dry sponge, madly absorbing the moisture given by Qin Fei. The day after Saree mentioned to Qin Fei about the vegetable greenhouse, Saree had already started to prepare. In the past few days, he has made Qin Fei's thoughts clear. What Qin Fei wants to prepare and make, Saree has prepared first, but he has been hiding it from Qin Fei and wants to surprise him.

With the support of her family, Qin Fei felt confident again. Saree struck while the iron was hot, and found several leaders and team leaders in the tribe. When everyone heard Qin Fei's idea, they were all surprised and then surprised. After all, if Qin Fei's approach was a pity, then they would all have spring activities when food was scarce in the future. Plenty of food, or you can use this method in the fall to get a batch of fruits and vegetables before the extreme day and moon.

Qin Fei saw that everyone agreed, so she explained in detail what materials would be needed for a vegetable greenhouse. Qin Fei explained in great detail, from the thickness and width of water ukuka after melting, to what kind of bamboo strips are most suitable for supporting the greenhouse, and then to how to adopt double-layer insulation in the greenhouse.

However, Qin Fei didn't understand why the more he talked about these people, the bigger the smiles on their faces. Qin Fei glanced at Mo Cha, who was covering his mouth and snickering, then at Berke, who was smiling sullenly, and at the Bant and Carrot brothers who had their mouths bent, thinking that this was not easy. So he locked his eyes on Saree, hoping that Saree could give a reasonable explanation.

Saree grinned at him. "We've got everything you need."

Qin Fei was taken aback, "Are you all ready?"

He just called everyone together to talk about building a vegetable greenhouse. How could he have not finished talking, everyone has prepared the materials. Did Saree tell everyone in advance? But everyone was surprised by his general's face, it didn't look like he was fake, so how did they prepare the materials?

Mocha smiled and scratched his head, "Boss Sarei brought us a lot of things a few days ago, and everyone doesn't know what they are used for, but Boss Saree said, Boss Qin Fei wants to show us a miracle, Everyone is dying of curiosity, so they are waiting for Qin Fei to find us."

Saree raised his eyebrows, "Do you think it's a miracle?"

"Forget it, of course it counts... It's too much..." The males immediately echoed with a smile.

Saree smiled and brought his face closer, "Is this a surprise?"

Qin Fei nodded, and Saree quickly kissed Qin Fei's lips, watching Qin Fei blushed in the males' laughter, but held his hand tightly under the table.

Then Saree and the males in the family began to clear the snow in the front and back of the house, and the other males also went back and discussed the location of the vegetable greenhouse around the house where they lived. Because the materials were abundant and complete, the greenhouse was quickly built. In just one day, there was at least one shed around every house in the tribe.

Then, according to Qin Fei's statement, Sarei and others built two earthen stoves to quickly thaw the soil in the greenhouse and maintain the temperature in the greenhouse.

For the first trial planting, Qin Fei chose several vegetables that are common in autumn. Since the trading month, she accidentally got some seeds, and Qin Fei has a plan to plant them. When I go out to collect later, I will also collect some, but in the later collection, Qin Fei collects the most seeds from autumn crops. However, because it is an autumn crop, it has high cold resistance and is very suitable for planting at such temperatures.

Under the leadership of Qin Fei, the Nata tribe started their first planting attempt. Although only a few vegetables were planted this time, we learned a lot from the experience. It has laid a solid foundation for the tribe's next spring ploughing. It also adds healthy food to the tribes that lack fruits and vegetables in the early spring.

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