Transmigrating into a 90’s Cat, I Want to Work for My Home Country

Chapter 153: One hundred and fifty-three cats and kittens

The investigation team held a short meeting to determine the next steps.

Everyone divides the labor and cooperates, conducts intensive investigations, and uses various means to verify Qin Xiao's testimony.

After three or four days of hard work, I was dubious, and even the members of the investigation team who felt that Qin Xiao had deliberately fooled them completely changed their views, and their attitudes changed from sneering to incredible shock.

They meet a legendary cat warrior who has made great achievements.

Tracking the traffickers, following the special operations team to defeat the drug village, arresting the drug dealers... The plots that should have appeared in the TV series happened around them.

Everyone in the investigation team sat in the lounge, looking at the various reports spread out on the table, silent for a long time, no one spoke.

Xiao Huang remembered the smiling cat with a bright smile in the room that day, white and beautiful, just like those precious pet cats.

Who would have thought that such a cat would be so powerful and capable.

It's great to understand people's words, but it's useless when implemented.

It's just a little bit weird, it's just too much of a gimmick. However, this cat is not just a cat that can talk and perform.

Her abilities are not here, but higher.

She is a military cat, has a system, has military merit, saved people, and completed major tasks.

That was a warrior, a warrior worthy of their respect and admiration.

In the past few days, they not only questioned relevant witnesses and suspects, but also made many calls to Linghai Public Security Bureau and several departments involved in Bai Xiaxia's documents to seek evidence.

They got a reliable answer, and Captain Li from the Tongcheng Branch even said something even more shocking: "The increase in the detection rate and the improvement of the security situation in our branch is largely due to the she."

Linghai City Public Security Bureau replied to the situation that day, many people in the neighborhood near the factory saw seabirds gather at night, turning into a long bridge into the blue sky.

Even, it was published in Linghai Metropolis Daily.

Qin Xiao really didn't lie, those things can be used as corroboration to confirm his remarks.

For the first time, the members of the investigation team felt that cats and cats are also different.

Bai Xiaxia is a cat that can only be respected by them.

It’s not that I haven’t seen spiritual cats and dogs, and even many cats and dogs raised in rural areas are very smart, sensible, well-behaved, close to people, and seem to really understand people’s words.

But in the end, it's just a little spiritual.

That cat... is simply demonic and evil.

"You said, where did the chief find such a cat?" Xiao Huang broke the silence, he was really curious: "It was trained?"

"Is there a second and third?"

Xin Lishen: "What do you say, you think this can be trained?"

If you really can train it, it will be really amazing.


Xin Li lowered his head, and in his right hand was holding today's Eastern Provincial Capital Morning News.

Focus on the big headline on the front page of the home page.

? Poachers enter Cuilian Mountain with guns, three dead and two injured?

The content of the report is not particularly clear, but it roughly describes the process. It was a gang of daring poachers who sneaked into Cuilian Mountain, hoping to hunt a tiger to make a fortune. But after entering the mountain, he was stared at by animals.

They haven't found the prey yet, but they have become the prey of the ferocious beasts in the Green Lotus Mountain.

Being chased and bitten, and stung by a bee swarm. After they entered the mountain, they seemed to be cursed by the mountain gods, and they encountered wild beasts everywhere.

Poachers were chased and fled, but they fell into the attacks of various animals again and again. In the end, they bumped into the garrison troops who went into the mountain for training. The disciples were desperately trying to grab food and rescued them.

Three poachers died on the spot, and the remaining two were mad, full of madness, and were frightened.

The reporter reported that the police officers who had interrogated the survivors introduced that the two suspects were seriously injured and disabled.

Although he was rushed to the hospital by the troops, the suspect barely survived.

They saved their lives, however, traumatized, as if... mad.

The names of all kinds of animals have been chanting in their mouths, shouting that they have become sperm.

Xin Li was out to buy breakfast this morning. On the way, someone was already discussing today's news report, and talking about these unlucky poachers deserved it.

It was originally a hunter, but it became a misfortune for the prey. So ironic.

"It can only be said that these guys don't have long eyes. It's not easy to go anywhere. If you have to go to Cui Lian Mountain, isn't this looking for your own death?"

"That's what it says."

"Those poachers are not good things, don't have conscience for money, they deserve to die."

"Cuilian Mountain is full of animals, you have to provoke others. You want to kill tigers when you enter other people's territory. It's a dream! It's their own fault for getting to this point! It hit the muzzle of the gun. Thanks to those soldiers, they went to save them regardless of their own safety, and I don’t know if anyone was injured. For a few poachers, it’s not worth the life of our soldiers!”

"That's right! Save people from the mouths of those big cannibals, which is what our troops are willing to do. If I were to run into this kind of thing, those unscrupulous dogs love to die and live on their own. Just kill yourself."

"If I had known today, why should I have done so."

In the past six months, there have been endless reports about the animals of Cuilian Mountain.

Everyone is very familiar with Cui Lian Mountain. At first, animals led the way to catch drug dealers, and later Cui Lian Mountain crows rescued the drowning children. Metropolitan newspapers in Eastern Province, provincial capitals and provincial newspapers, and even many newspapers outside the province have also published relevant reports.

The original nameless Cuilian Mountain is just a mountain next to the suburbs of Tongcheng, but it is just next to the Wenshan Mountains.

Ordinary people only know that Tongcheng is next to the Wenshan Mountains, and few know about Cuilian Mountain.

However, in the past six months, there has been too much excitement in the Cuilian Mountain. Many people know about this magical mountain and those animals that seem to be legends with magical colors.

Cui Lian Mountain is on fire.

The recent passenger flow of Tongcheng has increased a lot. This place is originally a north-south transit point and a logistics gathering place.

Most people stay in Tongcheng or exchange goods, but recently, because of the famous Cuilian Mountain, many people feel that they are here and have to take a look.

I took the Cuilian Mountain as a tourist attraction.

Although, you cannot enter the inner perimeter of Cuilian Mountain. But it is not bad to take a few glances at the foot of the mountain, and then go to the mountain temple with strong incense to pray.

Recently, there are many people who want to sneak into the depths of Cuilian Mountain, but they are stopped outside. The forest police dispatched more people to be responsible for patrolling the Cui Lian Mountain, and Song Bei also arranged a patrol team on duty for the future development of the base.

Idle people, etc., are not allowed to come and go at will.

The popularity of Cui Lian Mountain is high, and it is all based on the case.

Now, many magazines and newspapers have begun to serialize the stories of the magical animals in Cuilian Mountain.

If it goes on like this, Cui Lian Mountain may become a folk story memory for many people in the future.

A certain cat could not have imagined that, she fiddled with her paws lightly, like a butterfly effect.

Now, there are villagers as guides at the foot of Cuilian Mountain and its periphery, taking tourists to visit safe places such as the foot of Cuilian Mountain to make money.

There are even small shops that respond quickly, and the business is not bad.

Xin Lishen, who has seen the past materials of a certain cat, does not think that the death of poachers in the newspapers, the injuries and the injuries, are just a coincidence, just bad luck.

Although, the case materials that Xin Lishen saw are generalizations. However, he relies on scrambling to find details and uses his imagination to work based on facts.

—Bai Xiaxia is a wild cat that came out of Cuilian Mountain. The fact that Cuilian Mountain has been so magical for half a year is probably related to the development plan of the chief.

He was curious.

No one can resist this mysterious thing.

But he still held down his eagerness to explore.

Some things, you know, may be unlucky.

When things are over here, it will not be too late for him to visit Cuilian Mountain.

Xin Li folded the provincial capital morning newspaper and kept it at hand.

After summarizing the investigation reports of all the members, he tapped his finger on the table, attracting everyone's attention: "So far, Zheng Yi has not spoken. Captain Qin and the others are still there. Stick to the original statement."

“…focus on Zheng Yi and Yao An.”

"Everyone cheer up and think."

"Yao An said some things, but very little of them can really be used. He must be hiding something, we must find a breakthrough and completely pry his mouth open."

"Yao An showed some resistance and resentment towards Qin Xiao, and believed that Qin Xiao was plotting against him."

"We start from this aspect and completely defeat his psychological defense."

Qin Xiao was shaped so powerfully by Yao An that he was able to accept his failure and calmly took it for granted.

What if he lost to a cat? Can Yao An still be so calm and calm?

The members of the investigation team spent a lot of manpower and material resources in order to investigate the authenticity of what Qin Xiao and Yao An said, not just who to trust.

They have long been accustomed to the half-truths and half-truths of witnesses and suspects, and even the style and routine of nine falsehoods and one true one.

A lot of important information is hidden in the words of witnesses and suspects, and the witnesses themselves are also very important information.

Before, Qin Xiao and Yao An made a lot of noise, and they were too dumb to hear that the time for evidence collection and investigation was actually a buffer time for everyone by Xin Lishen.

Now, everyone can finally relax and accept the fantasy of this case.

"You mean..." Xin Li's eyes lit up, and several people perfected the plan and finalized it, starting with Yao An.

Zheng Yi seems to be better than Yao An, after all, this guy has not received professional interrogation training.

But after a few days, Zheng Yi bit to death - he didn't know anything.

I came to Linghai City on business, and the 300,000 was not his.

The group wanted to frame him.

No matter what you ask, Zheng Yi will just say this.

If you ask too many questions, he will bow his head and be silent without saying a word.

Zheng Yi is not smart and his reaction ability is very slow.

The brain is not as fast as other people, but stupid people have their own way, no matter what you say, I will not listen.

There is a kind, you have been torturing me.

He doesn't care how outrageous or even ridiculous the excuses he makes.

After opening her mouth, she was bitten to death.

Xin Lishen couldn't do anything about him.

You dig a hole, intimidate or even threaten, at least let the other party listen to you.

So, at this time, Yao An had a breakthrough.

Smart people always think more.

After finalizing the details, everyone went out.

Xin Li walked around and asked several people before knowing where Qin Xiao was.

He went around the wrong way several times and saw a door that was hidden.

In the small room, Captain Qin was expressionless, lowered his eyebrows, and squeezed the pen very hard.

The expression is stern, as if facing an enemy, as if thinking about a major case.

Captain Qiu's tablemate Qiu Yu still put on the handsome face of the student, and put his legs on the desk sullenly.

The pen was spinning in his hand boredly, and the ink dots thrown out several times almost splashed on Qin Xiao's face.

Qiu Yu was bitter and hated, and Captain Qin had a solemn expression.

The whole office is filled with the chill of autumn.

Comrade Qiu looked left and right while hanging around. He was actually looking at Captain Qin's notebook secretly, as if he wanted to know what Captain Qin wrote.

Qin Xiao silently covered the upper half of the paper with his hands.

Qiu Yu: "..." Cheapskate!

Xin Lishen, who waited for a long time to find a chance to knock on the door, knocked decisively, always feeling that nothing good would happen if he continued to wait.

"Captain Qin, Comrade Qiu, sorry to bother you."

"I have something to do here, it's about the bombing, and I want your help."

"When will we be free now." Qiu Yu showed a big bright smile and warmly greeted Team Leader Xin to sit here.

"...not so anxious."

Facing Qiu Yu's bright smile like a summer flower, Xin Li always felt strange, and quickly waved his hand to refuse: "I'm not in such a hurry."

"You two should be here on time in the afternoon."

"It's the same office last time, Captain Qin... What about Comrade Mao?"

Didn't you say that the cat was raised by Captain Qin, and has always been inseparable with Captain Qin?

Xin Li raised Bai Xiaxia, and Captain Qin's eyelids jumped.

Chief of Staff Pei wait a minute."

"She should be here."


Three question marks appeared on Xin Li's head.

"…Isn't Comrade Mao Qin's partner?" You two should be together!

Walk around several main buildings, each building has six floors!

Qin Xiao did not speak, and Qiu Yu grinned next to him: "No way, who told us Captain Qin to be introverted and shy, but instead we have a cat who is very outgoing and likes to make friends?"

Xin Lishen: "…"

"Forget about going to the office."

Although he didn't do anything wrong, he didn't do anything wrong, but the chief is the chief after all.

I am not comfortable with myself.

Wait, why is Comrade Cat in the office of the Chief and Chief of Staff Pei? !

"Did Comrade Cat report to work?"

"I can wait a bit."

Captain Qin: "No, we have steamed bread and pickles for lunch."

Xin Lishen: "??"

Does it have anything to do with the cat coming back when you two eat?

Xin Lishen: I am not interested in your lunch recipes.

Qiu Yu seemed to see Xin Lishen's question, crossed Erlang's legs and put his hands on the back of his head, yin and yang strangely said: "Our chief has a nutritious snack, the cat is going to eat."

After all, when you are old, you still need to take care of yourself. Eating is much more elaborate than those two unlucky **** who were punished and could only eat chaff.

Xin Lishen: "…"

It took two or three seconds before he understood what Qiu Yu meant, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Awesome! The cat was even more powerful than he thought, and actually went to the chief executive's office.

I'd better find a way myself, go for dinner? Then it's not that he's uncomfortable anymore, it's that he's looking for someone.

"...then I'll figure out a way myself, trouble you two."

Xin Li turned around and left, before leaving, his eyes inadvertently circled the title of the notebook spread out in front of Qiu Yu.

The handwriting is strong through the back of the paper, and the standard running script is particularly eye-catching - the review book.

The first paragraph after the title is not finished, and the entire page is less than 1/3 written.

Besides, Captain Qin's notebook has been turned over, about two or three pages.

The back can see that the writing is full, and the back of the paper is equally strong.

How about those two… write a review?

Xin Li fled away.

Sure enough, he should hurry up and get out of the way, and find a way to find the cat comrade who came and went without a trace and dared to rub the boss's meal.

"Of course!"

"Your black-hearted cat blatantly put eye drops to frame me."

"The extra 10,000 words will be divided equally between us."

"I've done it, and I'll have to carry the blame in the end?" Qiu Yu thought to himself, "Damn, I'm too reckless!"

This **** Qin Xiao, like him, disobeyed the orders of his superiors.

In the end, this guy wrote 10,000 words less than him.

"Why?!" The more Qiu Yu thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he exploded.

I can't wait to pull over the cat that dared to slander in front of the big boss and bald its fur.

"I raised a cat, and you offended that cat."

Qin Xiao's pen kept writing, and the brush was still writing. His tone was very impatient: "If you have the ability, you can also go to the chief and make slander, and let Xiaobai write a review."

"You can sue her for making you bald."

Qiu Yu: "…"

Qin Xiao: "If you have time to think about these things, you might as well speed up and write quickly. Today, I have to finish writing a review of 15,000 words, and if you continue to grind, it will become 30,000."

Captain Qin ended with a sneer and a heavier hum.

Qiu Yu was sullen and angry, and Captain Qin's mood was not much better.

5,000-word review... It sounds small, but the high school composition is only 800 words!

Five thousand words, as heavy as Mount Tai. Captain Qin would rather run fifty kilometers.

He hasn't written a review for many years, and as soon as Qiu Yu came back, he was unlucky.

The chief asked them to be careful, expressive and emotional, and not allowed to talk nonsense.

You must deeply recognize your own problems and reflect on them.

Qiu Yu felt that he was unlucky, he had done everything, and in the end, he had all the blame.

Captain Qin felt even more wronged.

He didn't think he was forced to break into the house, Yao An was controlled at that time, and Captain Qin thought he was brave!

From the beginning to the end, I did nothing, and I was fascinated by the bad luck, and I haven't slowed down yet.

The whole process is soy sauce, and in the end, I got a five thousand-word review.

Captain Qin: I really didn't do anything, I was wronged.

The two of them worked hard for a long time, but in the end they didn't get anything.

Qiu Yu was aggrieved, and Captain Qin was wronged.

Only Zheng Nanping can give them some comfort when the incident happened, which is the motivation to write a review.

Two unfortunate comrades hummed in the office writing a review.

—The golden thighs that have already been embraced cannot be alienated and forgotten, and you have to constantly brush up your sense of presence and communicate your feelings.

"Who is it?"

A familiar voice came from within. Soon, Wen Qiaohui opened the door.

She looked down and saw a fluffy dumpling running past her legs and sneaking into the yard.

Wen Qiaohui was stunned for a moment, then a flash of light flashed, she understood, and immediately became furious: "Bai Xiaxia, get out of here!"

"You thief cat, get out of here!"

"No entry to my house."

Wen Qiaohui looked left and right, rushed into the living room and took out the feather duster, chased after Bai Xiaxia and hit: "Go out, let me out!"

One person and one cat were chasing and beating in the living room, making chickens flying and dogs jumping, Bai Xiaxia deliberately rubbed Wen Qiaohui's head and jumped around.

Wen Qiaohui's face turned blue.

—Why is this shameless cat here again? !

The backpack fell to the living room floor.

Wen Qiaohui was overjoyed and seized the opportunity. He raised the feather duster high and stroked the dumpling.


The cat let out a pitiful cry, and at the same time, a familiar voice came hurriedly from the door: "Wen Qiaohui, what are you doing?!"


"Brother Qin." Wen Qiaohui's back was sweating, she squeezed the feather duster tightly, forced herself to smile, and turned her head: "There's a wild cat running in here, I..."


The white cat, who was lying on the ground and fell to the ground just now, got up nimbly and bypassed Wen Qiaohui: "Da Qin Qin, I'm here to visit."

Qin Zhengze glanced at Wen Qiaohui and said nothing.

He knows that no matter what he says, the other party will not correct it.

Over the years, he has gotten used to it.

Qin Zhengze sat down, and the snow-white Persian cat hurriedly packed her bag and hugged it hard.

"Little Qin Qin is a little busy, I'm here to see you instead of him."

Qin Zhengze: "Come on, that little **** probably forgot that he has a father."

Small mix of snacks and sweets.

Maomao moved the carefully prepared gift to Qin Zhengze's hand, with two plush claws holding down the corner of the backpack, very well-behaved: "Give it to you!"

Qin Zhengze raised the corners of his mouth and gently pinched Bai Xiaxia's soft claws.

The snow-white Persian cat stretched its claws to the bottom of the small backpack again, took out something, and jumped gently to Wen Qiaohui.

Catman stood up and hugged the gift with both claws: "Give it to you."

Wen Qiaohui was so angry that she wanted to hit the cat again when she saw the gift.

Bai Xiaxia turned her back to Qin Zhengze, and her undisguised little eyes were even more annoying.

"A kitten, it's not easy to carry a gift." Qin Zhengze's tone was neither salty nor light: "Cat, your Aunt Wen doesn't like it, so give it to me."

When it came to her mouth, she just swallowed it back into her stomach.

Wen Qiaohui's hands were stiff, her voice trembled a little, and she spoke word by word, smiling reluctantly: "How could I not like it?"

"In the future, when this cat comes over, don't drive her away."

Qin Zhengze knows that Wen Qiaohui hates outsiders, but this cat is different.

Wen Qiaohui: "Brother Qin, it's not good, you see this cat just came in from outside and stepped on the living room..."

"Go back and ask someone to clean it up."

"Exactly, you don't have to work so hard."

"How come here?"

Bai Xia Xiazuo patted the little bag that had been emptied: "It's so close, of course I have to come and take a look. By the way, send some small gifts."

Wen Qiaohui looked at Qin Zhengze's real smile as if she had changed, turned around silently, and clenched the gift in her hand.

—then cats are no fun. A face in front of a person, a face behind a person.

Be sure to choose a way to dismantle this cat that is golden and jade inside!

Brother Qin has always been wise, so why can't he see the disguise of this cat? !

Too annoying!

Bai Xiaxia had a hearty lunch at Qin's house, and by the way, got angry with Wen Qiaohui, stepped on the leisurely catwalk, and returned to the army along the original road.

The snow-white Persian cat walked gracefully on the wall. Occasionally someone waved to her, the kitten raised its paw, said hello, and continued to walk forward.

The autumn sun in the afternoon is just right, and the snow-white Persian cat is walking in the middle of the path full of plane trees.

Occasionally, the cat will circle around the plane tree, jump to a high place, and enjoy the surrounding scenery leisurely.

"You cat, you live a leisurely life."

Chief of Staff Pei smiled and turned from the side road, and the guards behind him were holding a stack of documents.


The snow-white Persian cat deflected its small head, and the mandarin ducks winked at Chief of Staff Pei, playful and cute.

A beautiful bird of prey with a blue-gray top, neck and abdomen, and forelimbs covered with filthy white feathers chirped, circled the top of Chief Staff Pei's head, and circled back and forth.

Slim and beautiful.

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