Transmigrating into a 90’s Cat, I Want to Work for My Home Country

Chapter 155: The one hundred and fifty-fifth cat and cub trial daily routine

Not only Yao An is inexplicable, but has a ghostly expression.

Besides, Comrade Zheng Yi, who has been drooping his head since he entered the door, also raised his head with the words I wronged me, and looked straight at the Persian cat that came in. for a long time.

My eyes were filled with ignorance.

He has been waiting here for a while, and on the way here he listened to the members of the investigation team who escorted him to discuss what Comrade Bai was.

Comrade Bai is too hard to find, the team leader has been looking for a long time and can't find it, and they have waited until now for the official meeting.

Comrade Bai is very busy. There is no need to shy away from this kind of thing, the team members just mentioned a word or two, but Zheng Yi silently wrote down the surname.

After sitting down, the entire investigation team was waiting again.

He pondered in his heart - this surnamed Bai may be an important witness or a person with special status more powerful than Xin Lishen.

Zheng Yi was very worried that he would be completely planted in this time, and he would get all the stolen goods, so he didn't have the guts to speak.

Once Zheng Nanping was exposed, he really had no hope in the future.

Go in by yourself, Zheng Nanping is still there, he will have a chance. Therefore, Zheng Yi had to keep his mouth shut and keep Zheng Nanping in his desperate effort.

Zheng Yi lowered his head just now, seemingly autistic, but in fact he stared at the investigation team behind the table from the corner of his eye, thinking about how to deal with this seemingly formidable comrade Bai.

Of course, pondering is a waste of effort. After thinking about it for a long time, he came up with a good way - to die!

Anyway, these guys won't and won't dare to torture him, and some words can't be stimulated to hear.

Zheng Yi is very aware of his shortcomings. He is not smart and has not received professional training, so it is easy to reveal his faults.

He didn't listen, didn't read, just insisted on that sentence.

In this way, no matter how powerful that white comrade has the means, it is useless to play tricks on him.

He waited for a long time, waited with seriousness and fear, and the result?

Wait for the legendary white comrade.

That's right, it's great.

It's still a familiar cat.

Comrade, why are you not the head?


Across the desk, Team Leader Xin greeted Bai Xiaxia with a smile and enthusiasm, and completely treated Bai Xiaxia as an equal individual. The routine was exactly the same as that of Qiu Yu and Qin Xiao before.

No, it should be more enthusiastic.

Before, Team Leader Xin was polite and polite to Qin Xiao and Qiu Yu.

Now, he has extraordinary enthusiasm and expectations for Bai Xiaxia, and his speech seems not to be flat and straight, and is extremely cordial.

The voice also softened three degrees.

Not only Team Leader Xin, but also other members of the investigation team who accompanied him around Bai Xiaxia with curious and excited eyes, vaguely expecting excitement.

—This is the legendary cat comrade who has made great achievements!


After three or four days of investigation, everyone has a basic understanding of Bai Xiaxia.

Facing Bai Xiaxia, Team Leader Xin no longer had the ghostly attitude he had at the beginning, but made a 180-degree turn.

The cat in front of me looks ordinary, but it is really a cat!

The unremarkable Bai Xiaxia: "??"

Comrade Bai can act as a translator, can call wild cats to find human traffickers, and even help Captain Li to improve the case detection rate and maintain law and order.

Listening to Captain Li, this has completely changed the way their detachment works.

This white comrade has great ability!

Group leader Xin reacted for three days, and already figured it out, the shrewd little abacus is playing loudly - no matter what, get on well with this white comrade! In the future, if there is a need for help, let's talk about it, right?

Now, having a non-disclosure agreement is an advantage.

Some things can be exploited, I have signed a non-disclosure agreement, I will definitely not leak information, help, is it not too much?

This comrade Bai cannot be allowed to show up to help openly. After all, Xin Lishen does not dare to destroy the development plan of the chief and easily reveal the existence of Bai Xiaxia.

However, for some things that cannot be done by themselves, Comrade Bai can secretly do it. Is there a way to do some particularly tricky things?

Xin Lishen is a person who strictly abides by the organizational discipline, but also learns and uses not to stick to the rules.

He is also a soldier, but in the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the cold and rigid set will not work.

These people are only aggressive and indifferent in the case, and they will make up for it in other places.

Sometimes, a good attitude can bring you an extra twist.

Everyone has a different way of doing things, and this is how Xin Lishen behaves.

Let's make a good relationship and be convenient for each other in the future.

Bai Xiaxia frightened these two guys a few days ago, originally guessing that the two of them were looking at their kitten face of the living dead, and they would have to go back to have a nightmare all night.

The second time I saw it from a distance, I took a detour, maybe even backed away and never dealt with myself again.

Bai Xiaxia: It seems to have the opposite effect.

Xin Lishen's enthusiastic cat is a little overwhelmed.

"Comrade Bai came to help us out of your busy schedule, thank you so much. Come here, this is my meeting ceremony, the last time I met Comrade Bai was a special occasion, and I didn't have time to chat. "

"I've always wanted to find an opportunity to talk more, let's communicate and make friends. But the white comrades are busy with business and can't find it after searching for a long time, so they dragged it on. Today." Team Leader Xin stretched out his hand, and Xiao Huang next to him immediately came over, holding a large plastic bag full of snacks in his hand.

"Come on, you're welcome, it's my heart."

The plastic bag was twice the size of Bai Xiaxia's plush body, and when it was placed in front of the cat, it completely blocked the whole cat.

Bai Xiaxia tilted her head and tried to rub it out, barely making half of her plush head deflect the plastic bag.

A right paw pressed lightly on the bag: "Meow?"

This guy is so weird!

So enthusiastic?

Want to buy me?

Bai Xiaxia pushed the bag of snacks with her paws, and pushed her two paws toward Xin Lishen, but she didn't push.

"?" The cat widened his eyes.

Bai Xiaxia's strength is still very strong, although she didn't try too hard just now, she can think of how many things are in this bag.

—literally a bag full.

"...You're too polite, right?" The cat's heart was beating wildly, the green and blue eyes of the mandarin ducks purred, and the little paws reluctantly swung, and politely refused: "I still don't want it."

—Actually, she recently hugged three golden thighs, and was fed by the handsome staff sister, and the snack warehouse is a little bit out of stock.

Xin Lishen's tone is very serious and serious, and his expression is sincere: "Comrade Bai, this is a meeting ceremony, and it is also a gift from me to thank you."

"Meow?" The cat tilted his head in confusion.

It looks like we will meet for the second time.

Comrade Xin Lishen speaks righteously, but he doesn't blush at all when he opens his mouth: "In recent years, the 2.19 bombings have been brought up, and many people are skeptical about it, questioning the work of our Discipline Inspection Commission, In fact, it has also had a bad impact on our reputation. If we continue, it is easy for some comrades to lose their trust in the organization."

"We've always wanted to review this case, but there's no evidence, thanks to your help. We finally have a chance to close the loop and bring the outlaws to justice."

"Really?" The cat was a little puzzled, as if he didn't understand Xin Lishen's words, the paw that held the plastic bag made a clattering sound.

The meowing sound was a little suspicious, and Xin Lishen nodded quickly.

Bai Xiaxia tilted her head and looked ignorant, mentally hahaha MMP - bastard! I also want to buy a cat.

Fool me?

I'm cheating on my golden thighs, but I'm much more sincere than you.

The shrewd cat continued to make plans - this guy wanted to please me, and presumably wanted me to help with errands.

It's nothing to make this guy successful, he can make some extra money.

It's nothing.

If I don't want to do it, I'll just turn my face and don't recognize anyone. Who are you? Cats only have seven days of memory, and I am a cat that only eats fish without spitting bones!

I ate a bag of your snacks, why? You can even chase a cat and beg for it back.

Hey hey.

However, the cat will not suffer.

The beautiful Persian cat is having a harmonious human-cat conversation with the enthusiastic leader Xin.

You say my meow, but this person and cat seem to be talking quite happily and harmoniously, and the atmosphere is harmonious.

The office is small, and the members of the investigation team sit behind desks.

There is a notebook on the desk, and opposite them are Yao An and Zheng Yi, who are sitting on a single chair in handcuffs.

A heavily armed soldier is standing behind the two of them, always guarding against a violent upheaval between them.

Captain Qin and Qiu Yu are sitting on the left side against the wall. They are witnesses and their treatment is different from Yao An and the others.

However, this place is an empty office with a few desks and chairs moved into it, which is very rudimentary.

Qiu Yu squinted at Bai Xiaxia and Xin Lishen, who were chatting harmoniously over there, speechless: "I thought this guy was a strong man, and he really knows how to insert needles."

This enthusiastic person almost turned into a fire. It didn't burn the fat cat to death, it was almost blinding him.

"The surname is Qin, aren't you angry?" Qiu Yu deliberately picked things up, secretly poking him to trouble Bai Xiaxia: "That little **** is just a cat, You're the real action captain. That guy patronizes the cat..."

Zheng Nanping, right?"

Qiu Yu: "..." Didn't I fail? Now, sowing discord has not been successful.

This guy Qin Xiao has too hard ears. Not good for fooling around.

Qin Xiao: This guy Qiu Yu looks like schizophrenia now.

In recent days, Qin Xiao has been looking for opportunities to talk to Qiu Yu about the past, and wanted to find out about Qiu Yu's condition, but Qiu Yu pretended too well.

That abnormal feeling can only make Qin Xiao feel discord for a moment.

Captain Qin with numb paws had to ask for foreign aid and called Jiang Ping.


Captain Qin has no face to talk about, so he can only use the name of Bai Xiaxia.

Jiang Ping, this guy only eats this set.

Captain Qin had no choice but to pass on the imperial edict after careful consideration.

—Xiao Bai would definitely agree.

It's not that Captain Qin didn't want to discuss with Bai Xiaxia, but after this cat entered the army, it was like a fish in the sea, scurrying around, eccentric, and elusive.

Because, Bai Xiaxia can't be like at the Cuilian Mountain base, and can't show her differences in an open and honest way.

The ins and outs are more mysterious.

Qin Xiao did not find her trace for several days.

Qiu Yu laughed all day long, mocking him for falling out of favor.

Captain Qin: "...Qiu Yu, you've grown into a nitpicking egg now. If you have any problems, you have to find fault and sow discord?"

Qiu Yu tapped his knee with his right hand leisurely, and said confidently, "It's better than someone falling out of favor."

"I guess she has forgotten the words. Who is Qin Xiao?"

Qiu Yu squinted at Captain Qin, Qin Xiao was speechless for a moment.

This guy Qiu Yu, when it comes to matters related to cats, he can act like a normal person no matter how big or small.

But as long as he is out of this circle, Qiu Yu will suffer from emotional deficit again.

Lack of interest in everything, although Qiu Yu acted very well in disguise, he would always reveal his faults.

Although Qin Xiao and he have not seen each other for many years, they are brothers after all. For some people, things in their bones will not change.

Qin Xiao could see that something was wrong with him.

I don't know where that guy Jiang Ping went.

Xiao Bai is in a hurry to find him, Jiang Ping should not be late.

Jiang Ping is a tepid man. He said he would come. When, Qin Xiao really didn't know.

At the moment, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, dressed casually and gracefully, like a teacher, Dr. Jiang is walking slowly on Dongping Road where the military headquarters is located.

He simply carried a backpack, as if to visit a friend.

"Ah." Dr. Jiang sneezed again, frowning slightly.

The temperature has been moderate recently, and his clothes are lukewarm. It's time for the change of seasons, and you shouldn't be sneezing.

He has been sneezing these two days.

The little guy was so eager to find him, he didn't know what was wrong.

Dr. Jiang could not have imagined that a certain cat was so busy these days that even Qin Xiao was thrown into the clouds.

Other people didn't think of it at all, and there were other people who were thinking about him.

Captain Qin misses him three times a day.

Bai Xiaxia was greeted warmly and sat down on the desk without moving.

There is only one table on Qin Xiao’s side, and it is not as spacious as this side.

Bai Xiaxia still felt that the table was dirty, Qin Xiao and Qiu Yu never put their hands on it.

I don't know which corner the dirty chair came from, it's very perfunctory.

The table here was wiped clean for writing.

It was the first time that Bai Xiaxia participated in this kind of investigation and questioning, and she still played a very important role.

Sitting here, there is a sense of excitement in the police trial.

Xin Lishen's goal is Yao An, but they will not show that they are focusing on Yao An, they just pretend to be a routine question.

After the single-person forensics investigation, it was originally at the stage of multi-person questioning and mutual confirmation.

Xin Lishen and other members of the investigation team routinely ask questions, and the questions they ask are basically the ones they have asked before.

Bai Xiaxia started to be serious and found it interesting.

Especially excited, her eyes widened.

Staring at the person being asked, and occasionally, thinking.

This case was experienced by Bai Xiaxia herself, and what she said from others was what she knew, which was really boring.

Listen and listen, Bai Xiaxia changed from squatting to lying.

The plush head leisurely pressed the front paws, and the speed of speech on the ears was still slow.

Bai Xiaxia shook her head for a while, and when she turned around, she was awakened by Xin Lishen's suddenly raised and amplified sound.

This office is small and everyone is very close.

This arrangement can ensure that the members of the investigation team can clearly observe everyone's expressions, and at the same time, the closer distance will also bring a sense of oppression.

Bai Xiaxia raised her head in confusion. Beside him, Xin Lishen's attitude was no longer slow and slow, and even his expression changed a lot.

He put his hands on the desk and stared at Zheng Yi opposite him in a very oppressive posture.

“…make up reasons to fool me, you should find a more reasonable one!”

Xin Lishen has rich experience, he deliberately forced at this time, did not give the other party time to think, used various methods to force them to answer, and buried a hole in the conversation.

In this case, the person who is pressed will always show some tricks.

Facial expressions, body language, and even instinctive answers are all that is needed for an investigation.

Bai Xiaxia tried her best to **** up her ears, but she seemed to be having a little fun and couldn't keep up with Xin Lishen's thinking logic.

By the ear, the survey questions moved one by one, Bai Xiaxia guessed the logical trap hidden in one or two questions.

But after she thought about the last question, Xin Lishen and other members of the investigation team threw two or three questions in a row.

This kind of rapid response in a short period of time has extremely high requirements on human reaction speed and thinking logic.

It's either someone with a super-fast brain and an extraordinary talent, or someone who has received professional training to keep up.

Many people fell into the logical pit of the investigation team inexplicably, and were trapped in the real answer to the question.

Bai Xia Xia Yuanyang's eyes slowly revealed a dazed, eager to learn and unyielding cat thinking hard.

But I am like a hapless man who missed five minutes in high math class and can no longer keep up with the big team.

The conversations of those people were sentence after sentence, but it had already exceeded the case in Linghai itself.

This matter involves Zheng Nanping, who is about to be promoted, and the top pays special attention to this case. Not only are they investigating the 2.19 bombing case, but other groups are in charge of different things, and they are investigating Zheng Nanping from the side. As soon as it can be determined that there is a problem with the other party, conduct a full and thorough investigation.

Each investigation team communicated with each other, Xin Lishen prepared many questions. Some are closely related, some are irrelevant, and even some problems seem to be making up the number.

However, one question after another will make the person being asked dizzy, and the brain cannot keep up with the speed of thinking.

This is what they want.

A cat who just wanted to follow the police officer's problem was stunned.

In fact, the investigation has been going on for more than 30 minutes, and the members of the investigation team, Qiu Yu, Qin Xiao and even the main target Yao An have been closely following the rhythm of the conversation.

At this moment, if Bai Xiaxia was designed to be targeted, several loopholes would have been dug out of the words.

But Yao An's answer was perfect.

On the other end, Zheng Yi, who was also frequently asked about, couldn't keep up with the rhythm. He was also very confused, even at a loss.

But this guy will always answer Dunton Kaka, as if there is a problem with his head.

He answered many questions directly, I can't remember, I can't remember, I don't know.

Answer everything.

So, Bai Xiaxia looked up and looked around the audience in a daze, and found that in the end, there was only Zheng Yi who was as stupid as her.

Comrade Cat sullenly curled up his claws and sullen, his familiar sight swept over here.

Bai Xiaxia turned her head and met a pair of peach eyes that were half-smiling but not smiling.

"Stupid cat." Comrade Qiu Yu winked his right eye playfully and triumphantly, proud and flamboyant, with a hint of contempt, as if to say - you are really a stupid cat, can't keep up Bar?

Bai Xiaxia's fists were hardened, her heart was so angry that she was about to explode, but on the surface, she showed a bright smile.

The cat's claws cover its mouth and laugh. Following Qiu Yu's example, he blinked his right eye.

The cat smiles cunningly, cunningly and treacherously, and the mandarin duck's eyes flash with a cunning light.

The cat was not angry, but seemed quite happy, Qiu Yu narrowed his eyes.

"You'd better restrain yourself. Don't offend Xiaobai to the death, otherwise, you will suffer." The little guy was implicitly proud, and he couldn't hold back his arrogance. It looks like Qin Xiao has seen too much.

—Now, this cat is so happy, shouldn’t it be slandering in front of the chief or the chief of staff?

Toss Qiu Yu again?

Qin Xiao is not worried.

Although Bai Xiaxia always makes fun of people, this cat is very black-hearted. But she is very aware of the sense of proportion, and will not play too much, or even provoke others too much.

Sometimes I cheat and deceive others, but the unlucky ghost gets close to Bai Xiaxia instead.

Qin Xiao knew Qiu Yu.

This guy loves all kinds of small animals. When he was still in the army a few years ago, he often went to feed the stray cats and dogs near the camp.

Even encounter some wild animals in the wild.

The little guys are also willing to get close to Qiu Yu. This guy seems to be particularly fond of animals and has a special physique.

In four years, Qiu Yu has changed a lot.

Qin Xiao has been with Qiu Yu these days, he is watching Qiu Yu, but he doesn't dare to go too far.

Just know that this guy doesn't seem to be interested in cats and dogs.

The military has several military dogs, but this guy never cared much.

He wasn't like that.

When I see a hairy one, I can't wait to rush over and rub it first.

Qin Xiao said this deliberately.

Sure enough, Qiu Yu raised his eyebrows and sneered coldly: "Come here, let me see what a cat can do to me, and then shave me into a bald scoop?"

He is bald.

However, in the past few days, light black stubble has grown on the head again.

The fat cat will call the peregrine falcon again, this time, he must be quick to put the guy in the cage.

Then, take hostages.

Bai Xiaxia saw Qiu Yu raised his fingers provocatively at him, and his eyes seemed to be even more contemptuous.

Masquite puffs up her cheeks - good you!

Wait for me, slave!

Captain Qin looked leisurely at Qiu Yu and Bai Xiaxia, who were playing with a cat, provoking each other.

Qin Xiao hopes that Qiu Yu and Bai Xiaxia will get closer and try to create opportunities?

He doesn't understand psychotherapy, but Qin Xiao instinctively feels that staying with Bai Xiaxia for a long time and getting closer will be beneficial to Qiu Yu's mental health.

Bai Xiaxia and Qiu Yu were making a fuss over there. Xin Lishen had already led the investigation team to complete the second stage of the work, and he was only one step away - breaking Yao An's self-righteous illusion with facts and telling him that it was not the four-year-long conspiracy and the clever tricks of Captain Qin that made him fail. Calculate.

It's Bai Xia Xia.

They were crushed.

"Qin Xiao, as you said, Qiu Yu gave you medicine in order not to reveal your identity. After sending you to the hospital, the effect of your medicine has not expired, how did you wake up and how did you find it? Those who went to the abandoned factory area and successfully infiltrated the team of Zheng Yi's thugs?"

Qin Xiao's testimony was modified, and he didn't want Qiu Yu to be punished.

So, from the beginning, other reasons were used to erase the details that could expose Qiu Yu's dangerous thoughts.

Qiu Yu didn't get things done, he doesn't really care about the punishment. But Qin Xiao has lied. If he tells the truth, he will hurt Qin Xiao.

He had no choice but to hide.

& nbsp; Find a place? !

Qiu Yu: Remembering Vengeance.jpg

Qin Xiao's voice was indifferent: "I went to Tongcheng and brought Xiaobai, a golden eagle, two crows, a peregrine falcon, and a kingfisher."

"The golden eagle, the crow and the peregrine falcon followed Xiaobai, and he left the kingfisher to accompany me. Later, he woke me up in the hospital and showed me the way."

Yao An sneered. Next to him, Zheng Yi twitched the corners of his mouth in shock or contempt.

—You can find the reason for this fairy tale.

How dare you say it?

Yao An and Zheng Yi didn't wait for Xin Lishen to get angry and question, on the contrary, Xin Lishen nodded earnestly: "Comrade Xiaobai, is what Captain Qin said true? Is it true?"

"Meow~" the cat solemnly said: "The kingfisher is still there, you can call me."

The kingfisher is not a bird of prey after all, and it doesn't like to stay with birds of prey like the golden eagle.

Although it came along, it was still far away from everyone and disappeared most of the time.

Yao An's eyes widened and saw Xin Lishen nodded slightly: "Okay."


Hey you big guy!

Are you crazy? Do you believe in such unreasonable excuses? !

Yao An frowned, he was trained in interrogation.

He knows all kinds of interrogation routines very well. In this job, he has become vigilant and suspicious that Xin Lishen is acting for him with Qin Xiao and the others.

What medicine is sold in this gourd?

Tell him the Book of Heaven? and then? He wouldn't be stupid enough to confess.

I was woken up by the kingfisher and took Qin Xiao to the abandoned factory.

Why don't you just say that God entrusts you with dreams?

That could be even more amazing!

Yao An retracted his surprised expression, tried to restrain his emotions, and his brain was running at a high speed-do these guys want to dig a hole for him, or for Zheng Yi?

Next, Team Leader Xin asked several questions about the case, all of which were related to Ling Hai's transaction that day.

But Qin Xiao's answers were all related to animals, and in the end, everything turned to Bai Xiaxia.

Listen and listen, even Zheng Yi began to be confused.

Reacted sluggishly - acting? Do you want to play them?

It doesn't seem to make sense.

Yao An and Zheng Yi seemed to be playing a small theater in their heads, wildly guessing Xin Lishen's intentions.

But Xin Lishen seemed to have ended his questioning to them, and only occasionally interspersed with a few innocuous questions, not caring what Yao An and Zheng Yi thought.

The investigation team focused their attention and turned to Qin Xiao and the others.

Yao An watched secretly, frowning gradually, an incredible thought popped up—could it be... is it true?

The truth of that day was as these people said, not what he imagined at all?

After all, even if Xin Li was acting, he shouldn't be doing such a scene.

There is no pit to dig for him to jump in, and there is no way to hide any traps.

Instead, he will be alerted by bizarre, even unbelievable stories.

There seems to be only one reason for Xin Lishen to do this - he is really just investigating the process of the day of the inquiry, restoring the truth and recording every detail.

This, this... Yao An's head slammed, as if it was about to explode.

He is a very proud and intelligent man.

Although, he fell into Zheng Nanping's pit and was controlled by him.

But he is also very intelligent, otherwise, Zheng Nanping would not be able to tolerate him until now.

The more intelligent and proud, and the brighter the past, the more intolerant of their own failures.

In other words, it is okay to fail, but there must be a stronger person to defeat him.

He can endure Qin Xiao's deliberate actions against him.

He doesn't care.

Even if Qin Xiao's ultimate goal is Zheng Nanping, he can still admit defeat if he is caught off guard.

But now, he was caught by the Persian cat.

In particular, the cat dangled in front of him for three whole days!

He had countless opportunities to choke the cat and fall to his death.

I thought it was just a cat.

He even laughed at Qiu Yu at the time, who was crazy and stupid when he ran with a burdensome cat.

He only thought that the cat was more alert than humans and could bring Yu Sanjiu some help.

Not much thought.

He should think more!

Yao An stared at the cat that seemed to sense his gaze, raised his paws and swayed, his lips twitched and his palms trembled.

—no, no way! This must be a game set up by Xin Li, trying to deceive him!

Xin Lishen didn't seem to see Yao An's unpredictable face, and his neck with blue veins faintly collapsed, he smiled and said to Bai Xiaxia: "Comrade Bai, you are the one who turned the tide and made this happen. The two suspects brought it back. Why don't you take the opportunity and tell them a few words?"

The cat rolled her eyes - okay, okay, since you gave me a big bag of snacks, I'm reluctant to help you.

The snow-white Persian cat gracefully jumped off the table, slowly walked the kitten to the opposite side of the two, smiled and waved its claws like a lucky cat: "Hi~"

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