"Well, since you don't have time, I can find someone else!"

Han Mingxiu said something meaningful, turned around and left.

The reason why she walked so confidently was because she was sure, she was sure that the tall and thin man had to come out with her.

She studied psychology in college, and she didn't believe that he could hold back when she left such a suggestive sentence!

Sure enough, as she expected, just after walking out of the yard not long ago, she heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from behind, and the tall and thin man really followed.

"Hey, you, stop!"

The tall and thin man stopped her and said rudely, "I'm out, just say what you have to say!"

Han Mingxiu looked around and saw that there was no one around, then lowered her voice and said, "Comrade, I am looking for you to do business with you."


The tall and thin man stared cross-eyed, "You say it again?"

These days, the word 'doing business' is taboo. As a young man with a progressive mind, he hates this kind of opportunistic behavior the most. This little girl dares to say such a thing to him. Looking for death?

Han Mingxiu ignored his staring eyes, took out a pearl necklace from his pocket (space), and whispered, "If I give you this necklace, can you spare the two old people in the room?"

The tall and thin man looked at the string of plump, round and huge pearls, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and his temper was gone, "What do you mean?"

Han Mingxiu said simply, "It's very simple, as long as you promise to let the old couple go and don't bother them again in the future, this necklace will be yours."

"Of course, you can also not accept it, but it's just a pearl necklace, how can it catch the eyes of a progressive youth like you?" Han Mingxiu said deliberately.

The tall and thin man's eyes rolled around, as if he was checking to see if anyone saw them nearby. After confirming that no one was there, he lowered his voice and said, "Uh... Uh, where did you get this chain from? of?"

Han Mingxiu said: "You don't have to worry about it. Anyway, it's my own thing, so you can give me a happy word, do you want it or not?"

"Yes, of course."

At this moment, the tall and thin man couldn't care about his arrogance, he stretched out his big claws and said decisively: "Give me the necklace, I'll let them go!"

"Okay, let's make an agreement." Han Mingxiu readily handed the necklace to him and watched him go in.

In fact, that pearl necklace was brought back to Han Mingxiu by a colleague in her previous life when she traveled to Dalian. The cultured pearls were not valuable at all. She had some valuable platinum and diamond jewelry before, which her mother also kept for her. A lot of gold and platinum jewelry, but they were all sold when she was raising money and stocking up. Now there are a few jewelry in the space, all of which are worthless junk, not souvenirs brought back by friends and colleagues when they traveled. , that is, the decorative chain she bought to match her clothes, is the same grade as the pearl necklace that fooled this Red Guard. If you put it in the modern era, it can only be used to fool the old antiques of this era.

However, what was worthless in Han Mingxiu's eyes was priceless in the eyes of this tall and thin man.

The tall and thin man is a poor son of a poor worker and peasant. He has never seen such a luxurious thing as pearls, and he has only heard of them in books. He knows that pearls are precious, and this string of pearl necklaces is of good quality. Yes, it will definitely sell for a good price in the future.

Of course, in the future, not now.

At this stage, the living standard of the country is still very low, and the vast majority of ordinary people can't even eat enough to eat, let alone buy luxury things like pearls. Therefore, he has to keep this treasure first, and when the national economy develops and everyone has money, he can sell this string of pearls.

Putting the pearl necklace in his trousers pocket, the tall and thin man returned to the room with a righteous face, and said to a few of his companions who were beating the old couple, "Forget it, stop beating, they won't do anything like this, look. There's really nothing left."

"Zhigao, didn't you say that even if you kill them today, you have to dig out something? Why have you changed your mind?" a companion asked inexplicably.

The tall and thin man said, "That's what you said, but you can't really beat people to death during the Chinese New Year. If something happens, it won't affect us well? Forget it, or withdraw."

He waved his hand and motioned for a few of his subordinates to come with him.

The boss gave the order, and a few people dared not to obey, so they had to follow.

When they got outside, the young man who jumped the most and wanted to search for something looked at Han Mingxiu who was waiting in the distance, and suddenly said, "Zhigao, what did that girl tell you just now?"

The tall and thin man walked in the opposite direction of Han Mingxiu and said casually, "Don't mention it, I reported Qiangzi to me, saying that he was speculating on selling grain. I have warned her not to talk nonsense."

"That's it, Qiangzi is real, he knows how reckless he is all day long. Several people have reported him this month. If he is like this, we will not protect him. We will give us some food for a month, and we have to call him. Let's rub his ass behind his ass, it won't hurt!"

"That's right, unless you give us five more pounds of cornmeal noodles every month..."

From a distance, Han Mingxiu saw the group leave, and hurried into the house to see the old couple.

When she entered, the old couple was even worse than the first time she came in. One of the old man's eyes was swollen and could not be opened. The old lady was sitting on the ground crying in despair, and the old man hugged her. While comforting her, he comforted her with kind words.

Even though he was beaten so badly that his nose was blue and his face swollen, he still tried to calm his wife by pretending to do nothing. Han Mingxiu was moved by this feeling, this feeling that is more precious than gold.

She walked over and said softly, "Master and Aunt, they're all gone, it's all right, do you two care? Do you need me to take you to the hospital to have a look?"

"Thank you girl!"

The old man raised his face and said with a wry smile, "I'm fine, but my wife is seriously injured, why don't you help me take her to the hospital!"

"Need not!"

When the old lady heard that she was going to be taken to the hospital, she hurriedly wiped her eyes, "It's all skin injuries, it's fine, it'll be fine in a few days, besides, how can we still have money to go to the hospital? Go, which doctor can treat us without money?"

"Otherwise, I'll go to Lao Zhou's place to see if he has it?" the old man said.

"Don't go, Lao Zhou's place is similar to us. You went to embarrass others." The old lady insisted not to agree.

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