Transmigrating to the 70’s: The Military Wife As A Farmer

Chapter 529 Big Sister's Family Comes to the Capital

As for the 100 yuan that Xiaosuo gave, Gao Guangbin and his wife decided to take it temporarily, so as not to spoil the child's good intentions.

But they won't really take the child's money. Although Xiaosuo is not bad now, they don't have the heart to accept him. After all, he hasn't made any money yet. Maybe he has saved the hundred dollars for how long. I just saved up the New Year's money!

When there is a chance in the future, I must find an excuse to exchange the money for the child!

After settling to go to the capital, they began to wait for the school's winter break. The winter vacation in northern rural areas is generally held earlier and the vacation is longer. It usually starts in mid-to-late December and continues until early March of the following year.

At this time, the major colleges and universities in the capital have not yet had the winter vacation, and at least they have to study for about half a month before they can have a vacation.

Han Mingcui and his wife planned to take advantage of the time when her sister was not on vacation, and take the children to visit the capital, so that the children could learn a lot. When Han Mingxiu is on winter vacation, they will come back together.

After the plan was made, they immediately wrote a letter to Han Mingxiu, telling her that they were coming to the capital.

When Han Mingxiu heard that they were coming, of course he warmly welcomed them.

However, the eldest sister and her family have a large population, only six children, plus the eldest sister and the two of them, a total of eight people, it is not good for them to all live in Uncle Gao's house.

So, Han Mingxiu packed up the set of courtyard house he bought from Sister He Li's house and waited for the eldest sister and the family to come and live there.

On December 20th, Han Mingcui and several children were on winter vacation, and the next morning after winter vacation. The family handed over their home to Yu Guizhen, and walked to the town one by one with large and small packages...

On the way, some familiar people saw their whole family dispatched and asked them curiously, "Guangbin, what is this guy doing with his family?"

Gao Guangbin smiled and said, "Isn't it right to go to the capital? His aunt is studying in the capital. We thought that the children were on winter vacation anyway, so we took them to the capital to learn more and see his aunt by the way."

When the acquaintance heard it, he couldn't help but say enviously, "Tsk tsk, that's great, Xiudu went to the capital last year to go to university, your family is really getting better and better!"

Of course, there are also people who see their family going to the capital, and they are both envious and jealous, and they are inevitably pantothenic when they speak.

"I said Guangbin, how much do you guys pay to take a train back and forth? Tsk tsk, it's really rich. In exchange for us, even if we have relatives in the capital, we can't bear to lose the old money in a car accident."

Gao Guangbin really heard someone say this, but he didn't realize that it was pantothenic acid, so he honestly said, "It's not the ticket money we paid for ourselves, it was Xiaosuo who sent 100 yuan to Niuniu and asked us to take them with them. Going out to learn more, in fact, we didn't want to spend this money, but Xiaosuo has remitted the money, we can't return it to the child..."

"What? Xiaosuo sent you a hundred dollars?"

Hearing this sentence, all the villagers present glared at them, as if they had heard some important news.

Someone said, "He's still a child, where did he get 100 yuan for you? Did he stop studying and go out to work to earn money?"

Gao Guangbin said, "That's not it, Xiaosuo has already gone to high school, and his grades are good. This money is the New Year's money his mother gave him. Money to buy tickets, Xiaosuo took one hundred yuan from his lucky money and sent it to Niuniu, asking our family to use this money to go to the capital!"

"Yo, so, Xiao Suo is doing well now!" The person who spoke was Lao Linzi's daughter-in-law, and she was also a good friend of the table.

Gao Guangbin knew that this woman was not serious, and knew that she was friendly with Man Table, so he was not willing to pay attention to her, and only said to a few other villagers, "We are still in a hurry, so I won't talk to you."

After he finished speaking, he walked away with his wife and children.

After Lao Linzi's wife heard that Xiaosuo had remitted 100 yuan to Gao Guangbin's family, she hurried to Sun Heizi's house and yelled at the table full of firewood in the yard, "The table is full of firewood, don't do it yet. Now, let me tell you something!"

The whole table stopped and looked at her former best friend with blank eyes, "What's the matter?"

After only one or two years of work, the whole table is like ten years old, the hair is gray, the person has lost a lot of weight, and even the sharp triangular eyes have lost their original luster, just like going back again. Like Mrs. Xianglin at the owner's house, her whole person has become an empty shell without a soul.

Lao Linzi's daughter-in-law doesn't care what she becomes, she just shows off the first-hand information she got: "Didn't you always say that Xiao Suo knew that godmother was not a good person, and said she had to abuse Xiao Suo? I didn't abuse Xiao Suo, but I can still get used to Xiao Suo. Just now I saw Gao Guangbin and his family walking into town with backpacks and umbrellas, so I asked casually, and guess what?"

The table is full of numbness: "What's wrong?"

"Hey, the whole family is going to the capital, and they will stay there for a while. Guess, where did they get the money to go to the capital?" Lao Linzi's wife asked excitedly.

She has said it all here. If the table is full and she can't guess, then she is not stupid, but stupid.

She pursed her lips and said reluctantly, "Could it be...could it be...that little beast gave it?"

'Little Beast' is a nickname given to Xiao Suo by the whole table, because Sun Heizi and her two younger brothers are in prison because of Xiao Suo, and she has a brother who is crazy because of this, so she blames it all When they got to Xiao Suo's head, they thought that if it wasn't for him, their family wouldn't be as miserable as they are now.

No matter what he said, Sun Heizi was his biological father, and her younger brothers were his nominal uncles. He should not be so rebellious and sent his biological father and uncle to prison for sentencing. What he did was just pigs and dogs. No, it's a beast.

Therefore, she has always called Xiaosuo a little beast!

"That's not it!" Lao Linzi's wife patted her thigh and said in shock, "Just think about it, if he only had this hundred dollars, would he be willing to take it out for them to travel? If so, at least I have to have three or five thousand yuan, so I can be willing to give my uncle a few yuan of flowers, so it can be seen that your little lock must have made a fortune, otherwise you can’t just give one hundred yuan to give away!”

After listening to the whole table, the hand holding the axe suddenly tightened tightly, envy, jealousy, and unwillingness filled her heart.

Now, her man has been imprisoned, she is the only one in the family, a woman is the one who supports the family, and she has to pull three children. Needless to say, the difficulties and hardships among them, if she hadn't secretly followed The two old bachelors fell in love with each other, and I'm afraid the whole family would have starved to death.

It's just that those two friends don't have much money. Every time they come, they bring her a melon or two ears of corn and corn, barely enough for their mother to fill her stomach. She hasn't tasted meat for a long time. .

They lived so miserably, but he lived so well, how could he be reconciled?

Lao Linzi's daughter-in-law didn't seem to see the face on the table, and she rambled on, "Hey, if Xiaosuo can give you some money, too! Although you have been bad to him in the past, but your family The children are his own brothers and sisters. If he has money, he can give flowers to his uncle's sister, but why can't he give flowers to his own brothers and sisters? If he can show compassion to these children in your family , then your family's situation won't be so bad!"

After listening to the whole table, he twitched the corners of his mouth, and said dryly, "I don't care. Even if I die of starvation and die of starvation, I will never spend a penny on him!"

The words are very strong. In fact, if Xiaosuo is really willing to give her money, she will have to smile happily, but she knows the temperament of that little beast. If he has money, he would rather tear it apart and burn it. will give them a cent...

Oh, how irritating!


Besides, Gao Guangbin's family took the bus from the town to the county seat, then took the bus from the county seat to the city, and then took the train from the city to the capital.

They took the hard seats and were not willing to buy sleeper tickets.

These days, everyone has no money, and few people are willing to spend their own money to buy sleeper tickets, unless it is a public business trip, which can be reimbursed.

Hard seats are not as comfortable as sleepers.

The sleeper is one ticket and one bed, and the compartment is loose and wide, not crowded at all.

The hard seats were different. People in one carriage were crowded, crowded, like a can of sardines, and there was no space to turn around.

The family squeezed into the car, and after a lot of hard work, they finally found a seat.

Gao Guangbin let Han Mingcui sit and let her hold the two little treasures. He led a few daughters and stood beside him. When I was too tired to stand, I exchanged with Han Mingcui, sat down and rested for a while to relax my legs and feet. When I was hungry, I would eat the dry food I brought from home and drink the boiled water I picked up on the train.

However, in order to use the toilet as little as possible (the toilet is always in the queue), several people tried not to eat or drink. I stood abruptly in this carriage full of body odor and tobacco smell all day and night...

This way, the two Xiaobao's and Xiaomeizi were suffocated and cried. Fortunately, Gao Guangbin and Han Mingcui are both patient people. The children are not annoying when they cry, but they coax them patiently.

"Don't cry, good boy, be good, be patient. When you reach the capital, your parents will take you to Tiananmen Square."

Or: "Don't cry, be obedient. When you reach the capital, your parents will take you to eat delicious food..."

Relying on these beautiful promises, I finally got through a long day and night. At two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, the train finally arrived at the station.

Gao Guangbin and Han Mingcui each carried a child, each carrying a large pocket.

Niuniu leads Xiaomeizi, Xiaoying and Xiaoli hold hands.

Each of the three sisters also carried a big pocket on their backs. In the pocket are the changed clothes they wore, as well as the dried vegetables, bean buns and rice cakes prepared by their parents for my aunt...

The family got off the train in large packages, as if they were fleeing from the desert.

After getting off the bus, they stood blankly outside the station, each one a little confused.

The capital's station is really big, so big that they can't find the north, south, east, and west. In such a big place, where can they go to find Han Mingxiu?

"Cui'er, Xiu'er said she didn't say she came to pick us up?" Gao Guangbin asked calmly.

Han Mingcui looked at the people coming and going, and swallowed hard, "Say... I've come, but I'm afraid of delaying her class, so I didn't... let her come."

Knowing that the Capital Station is so big and crowded, it might be better to let her come. This sentence, Han Mingcui said in his heart.

When Gao Guangbin heard what his daughter-in-law said, he was very annoyed. But he was reluctant to blame his daughter-in-law, so he insisted on saying, "Then your mothers, stand here and don't move, I'll go and find out."

Han Mingcui hurriedly called the children to his side, waiting for Gao Guangbin to inquire.

Among them, the cowardly and small, Gao Guangbin can go out and do something.

So, Gao Guangbin hugged the old and the young and followed the way out of the station when he got off the bus. He found the ticket inspector who was checking the tickets at the exit. He leaned over to accompany him with a smile and said, "Comrade, I want to inquire with you..."

Before he could finish speaking, the ticket inspector stabbed him with a knife and said in a shrill voice, "Don't you see that I'm busy? Why don't you go to someone else to ask, you have to ask me who is busy?"

Gao Guangbin touched the dust of his nose, so he had to shut up embarrassingly, and went to inquire elsewhere with the child in his arms.

The service industry in this era is not as thoughtful as later generations, and there is no such thing as "customer is God". In this era, this person in the service industry is the iron job of the public, and the people are the gods. Ordinary flat-headed people are a bunch of turtles in the eyes of these people. Find the boss.

If there are people who don't have long eyes and they conflict with them, the superiors will definitely protect them, and they will clean up the turtles that don't have long eyes!

Gao Guangbin inquired about two more people, and the two were also arrogant, ignoring Gao Guangbin at all. Later, the old man who was still sweeping the floor looked at Gao Guangbin in a hurry, and kindly told him Daoer...

Besides Han Mingcui, Gao Guangbin just left when Han Mingxiu came to pick them up.

"Oh, I'm late, can you wait?" Han Mingxiu said breathlessly.

She clearly had a good time, but just now her bicycle belt got angry in the middle of the road. She hurriedly found a bicycle repair place and put the car there. She was trotting all the way, so she was late. .

Seeing Han Mingxiu, Han Mingcui seemed to have a backbone all of a sudden. She hurried up to meet her and said in surprise, "No rush, Xiu'er, why are you still here? Didn't I tell you not to come? Look, it's worth it. We made you miss an afternoon of class."

Although the eldest sister complained in her mouth, she was actually very happy in her heart. The fact that my sister can ask for leave to pick them up proves that her sister is still very important in my sister's heart and has a lot of weight. Can she be unhappy?

Han Mingxiu took the big bag from the eldest sister, kissed the treasure in her arms, and then bent down to hug Niuniu, Xiaoying, and Xiaoli one by one, and then said to Han Mingcui:

"It's the first time you enter the capital, can I not come to pick you up? The capital now is no better than the first two years. There are so many people and cars pulling the ground. I don't worry about letting you go by yourself."

After saying that, he looked around again and said, "Eh? Where's the elder brother-in-law? And where are your family members?"

Han Mingcui said, "Your brother-in-law went out to inquire about Dao, and the old and young also told him to take him away. I guess he will be back soon."

Han Mingxiu said, "Then let's wait for a while. When my eldest brother-in-law comes back, let's go together."

Not long after he finished speaking, Gao Guangbin came back with a tangled face.

Although the old man just told him how Han Mingxiu's house had gone, he was confused.

The way in the capital is much more complicated than that in their village. Inquire in the village, at most, go straight forward from here, turn left (or right) for how long, and then how, and then there is.

However, the roads in this capital turned a few times, and they turned left on the road they walked, turned right after a few meters, and passed through a hutong after a few meters, and then what...

His head was so big when he heard it, how could he remember so much? Just remembering the first two sentences is hard work, not to mention so much content.

It's just that he couldn't remember, and he couldn't ask others anymore, because the old man was still in a hurry to work, so he couldn't delay his work!

I was about to ask someone else to inquire, when I saw Han Mingxiu.

Seeing Han Mingxiu, Gao Guang, like his daughter-in-law, suddenly seemed to have found the backbone, and he was immediately happy to smile.

Han Mingxiu saw that Gao Guangbin came back with the old and the young, and hurried over to pick up Xiaobei, hugged him in his arms and recognized each other.

"Xiaobei, Gao Jiabei, I'm your auntie, just smile at my auntie..."

Xiao Bei was still young and had raw eyes. When he saw an unfamiliar aunt hugging him, he immediately turned his little mouth like a clam, and the tip of his little nose was red, and he was about to cry.

When Han Mingxiu saw it, he quickly returned the child to Gao Guangbin. Led them all the way back to the courtyard, talking and laughing.

On the way, Han Mingcui's family followed Han Mingxiu closely, smearing everywhere as they walked. Looking at the prosperity and prosperity of the capital, with people coming and going, eyes are not enough.

Niuniu smacked her lips tightly and said, "Tsk, this capital is really good, much better than our county town!"

Han Mingxiu said, "That's right, this is the capital and the heart of the motherland. How can a county compare to this?"

Niuniu clenched her fists and said, "I will also be admitted to Capital University in the future, and strive to stay in the capital and be a capitalist."

"That's good, it's rare that you have this ambition. If you can really get what you want, my aunt will definitely reward you well." Han Mingxiu looked back at Niuniu.

I haven't seen her for a few years, and Niuniu has become more and more beautiful. Moreover, I learned from the correspondence with the eldest sister that Niuniu's grades have always been very good. When Xiaosheng took the first exam, she took the seventh place in the township. Although it was not as good as Xiaosuo's original results, the seventh place in the township was also very good.

In contrast, Xiaoying is much inferior.

Xiaoying is an honest child, with a personality very similar to the eldest sister, and the gentle one is a little cowardly, but although the eldest sister is timid, at least she is good-looking and good-looking.

Xiaoying can't do it anymore, the longer she grows, the more she looks like the Pharaoh's family. The beautiful genes of the old Han family were not inherited from her at all. Not only is he mediocre in appearance, but his intelligence is also low-medium. According to the letter from the eldest sister, although this child studies very hard, her academic performance has not been good.

Fortunately, this child is kind-hearted and filial. Although study is not good, work is a good hand. The eldest sister is busy at get off work, and she is also busy taking care of Jiabao and Jiabei after work. Almost all the housework at home is covered by Xiaoying, such as laundry, cooking, feeding the animals...

He is rushing to do all the dirty work, it can be seen that this child is still very good!

Xiao Li's appearance and academic performance are better than Xiaoying, but not as good as Niuniu.

Xiaomeizi is still young and has not gone to school yet, so she still doesn't know what it is like. However, in terms of appearance, she looks better than Xiaoying and Xiaolijun, and her personality is stronger and more cheerful than the two older sisters, but I don't know what it will be like when she is older.

Jiabao and Jiabei are both okay, so far I can't see what's going on, I can only see that these two children are quite honest, and they may have followed their parents...

All in all, these children of the eldest sister are very good. Although they are not outstanding, they are all kind and filial children. Generally speaking, if you have a few kind and filial children, you are considered lucky, and those who can give birth to children like dragons and phoenixes are very few, after all, eldest sister. It is already very happy and very lucky to have such a few children with my elder brother-in-law...


The courtyard is not far from the station, and it takes less than 20 minutes to walk there.

After arriving at the courtyard, Han Mingcui's family opened their mouths in surprise when they saw that the courtyard was so beautiful and imposing.

Han Mingcui stood in the middle of the courtyard, looking at the quaint courtyard, and stammered, "Xiu'er, this house... did you borrow it or rent it?"

She never thought that this house would belong to Han Mingxiu. After being brought in, the first feeling was that Han Mingxiu borrowed it.

Or, rent it.

Anyway, I never thought that Han Mingxiu bought it.

Han Mingxiu said with a haha: "Don't worry about it, anyway, as a couple of you, just live here in a down-to-earth way, and take this place as your home, don't be polite, and don't show it outside. "

Han Mingxiu had already prepared the bedding for the eldest sister's family. Before I went to pick them up at the station today, I even set the house hot, and even prepared rice, noodles, oil, vegetables, meat and fish for them.

"Come on, put everything down, put the child on the kang, and you can rest."

While greeting everyone, Han Mingxiu went into the kitchen, took out a few cups, poured hot water for them, and asked them to drink some hot water to warm their bodies and quench their thirst.

Han Mingcui and her family were afraid of going to the toilet on the train, so they basically didn't eat or drink all day and night. Seeing the steaming hot water that Han Mingxiu handed over, he couldn't help feeling dry in his throat. Not being polite, he picked up the cup and drank.

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