"Jingjing, that Wang Yingming really doesn't deserve you. Think about it, you are a graduate of Tsinghua University, and now you are working in the National History Museum. You are a state cadre who eats imperial food. What about him? What is he? He's just a crappy cook on the countertop, and he's not worthy to carry your shoes, so how can he marry you?"

In a certain exhibition hall of the National History Museum, Xiaojing's mother, Xiu Hongmei, stood opposite Xiaojing, persuading her hard.

Since the death of Xiaojing's grandmother, Xiu Hongmei has been in contact with Xiaojing.

At the beginning, Xiaojing was not very willing to interact with her, but later she saw that her mother really cared about her, and she never asked her for this or that when interacting with her, and even often gave him and her delicious food. Come.

Slowly, she also began to accept her mother.

After all, her mother had no choice but to leave her back then. Even if her mother didn't communicate with her very much in these years, it was because her grandmother didn't look down on her and did not allow her to communicate with her.

Now that grandma is gone, no one is preventing her from communicating with her mother, so after her mother tried to show her goodwill for a while, Xiaojing put down her grudge and started walking with her mother.

Since the two girls had contacts, the chaos naturally couldn't be hidden from Ms. Xiu Hongmei.

When Xiu Hongmei learned that her daughter, who graduated from Tsinghua University, had found a man from a rural northeast, the man had no job, was eating a white book, and didn't have much cultural water in his stomach. She almost collapsed, shaking her head with a rattle. Similarly, it is against Xiaojing's association with Da Chao.

However, Da Chao is a person that Xiao Jing has long recognized. According to what her mother said, Xiao Jing is unshakable.

Xiu Hongmei was just as stubborn as Xiao Jing. Seeing that her daughter didn't listen to him, she kept persuading her every day, and she even blocked her work unit to persuade her.

No, as soon as Xiaojing went to work today, her mother came again and began to persuade her incessantly.

"Jingjing, Mom knows that you met him at the most difficult time, and that he has helped you a lot, but there are many ways to be grateful to a person to repay a person, so there's no need to be acquainted with each other? Marriage is a lifetime. It's a matter, if you really find such a person, you won't be able to find it if you cry in the future..."

Xiao Jing listened to her mother's words, and her ears almost froze. When her mother finished speaking, she said to her mother seriously.

"Mom, I'm not looking for Yingming just to repay my kindness. He is really good to me, and I love him sincerely. Love doesn't differentiate between high and low, as long as two people truly love each other."

"How does that work? If you're just talking about love, it's okay if you don't belong to the same family, but if you really get married and get along with each other day and night in the future, you will know that you have grown up in different environments. Personally, how painful it would be to live together, isn't Mom the best example?"

"At the time, my mother saw that he was honest and kind and from a good background. I thought that even if we didn't have a common language or common hobbies when we got married, we would still be able to live a good life. How outrageous, how uneducated a person with little education is, I don't want to mention it anymore, I don't want to count the countless small faults and shortcomings in his daily life, just his serious small farmer's thinking and stubbornness. A more temperamental character is enough to torture my mother into a life without love, really, if it weren't for you and your younger siblings, I really don't want to live anymore..."

After her husband committed suicide by jumping into a river, Ms. Xiu Hongmei remarried a worker in a kettle factory. When others introduced her, she thought the workers were honest, honest, and caring. After she got married, she realized that she was How stupid and naive.

Her husband, on the surface, seems to be honest and honest, but in fact he is full of macho thoughts, thinking that women should listen to men, and it is only natural for women to take care of men at home.

Therefore, this is also what is required of this highly educated wife.

Ms. Xiu Hongmei is a university teacher, and her mind is full of new ideas. How could she be able to withstand such a request from her husband?

When the two people's ideas conflicted, her husband beat her because of the physical advantage of a man...

Ms. Xiu Hongmei was furious. In the past, Xiaojing's father had always treated him with respect. The two were very affectionate. When looking for this worker's husband, she didn't expect him to be as knowledgeable as her ex-husband, but at least he could do it well. Treat her, love her, take care of her.

Unexpectedly, after only a few months of marriage, he was beaten.

In a hurry, Ms. Xiu Hongmei thought of getting a divorce, but at this time she found out that she was pregnant again.

In those days, the abortion technique was not as mature as it is now. People often died from abortion. Xiu Hongmei didn't want to beat the child. Plus, his man knelt down and confessed to her, slapping himself and talking to her. She promises.

Xiu Hongmei thought that it would not be easy for her to leave the family and enter the family. She had already been criticized for her remarriage. Now that she has been married for a few days and is clamoring for a divorce, the outside world must have been worse for her.

So he softened his heart and forgave the man.

However, he and she didn't know that men's domestic violence is the same as having an affair. There is a first time and a second time.

The man promised her a few months ago, and when she was pregnant in August, because she had a few disagreements with her mother-in-law, he touched her again.

That action directly caused Xiu Hongmei to give birth prematurely.

Fortunately, the baby was born prematurely and survived.

Xiu Hongmei was beaten during pregnancy and was beaten to give birth prematurely. She was really disheartened, and she filed for divorce before confinement.

However, her husband and mother-in-law were tough.

Divorce is okay, but the children belong to their family and must stay with them.

Xiu Hongmei had already left one child at her husband's house, and she couldn't do anything about leaving the second child at her husband's house.

Mainly because she knew that the first mother-in-law was a kind and educated person. Even if the child was left behind, the mother-in-law would take good care of her and educate her well.

But the second family doesn't work. His uneducated husband is just a piece of shit. He listens to his unscrupulous mother to mediate everything. If he leaves the children to them, it is not certain whether he can survive or not. , even if they survived and were raised by them, they would definitely be useless.

In desperation, she had no choice but to dispel the idea of ​​divorce and continue to live in the house in a hurry.

That family is a typical peasant family, selfish, stingy, loves to take advantage of small things, and regards money as more important than life...

Xiu Hongmei lives in such an environment, and you can imagine how she feels when she spends her days every day.

This kind of marriage between different classes almost ruined her life, so when she heard that her daughter was looking for a farmer from the northeastern countryside, she almost collapsed and firmly opposed Xiaojing and the chaos. .

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