Thinking about the eldest sister's pocket money, Qian Ming, Qian Yali, and Qian Yanan began to walk with their eldest sister.

Xiao Jing has a gentle temperament and doesn't have any malice towards people. Seeing her younger brothers and sisters walking around with her, she readily accepts their friendship.

However, this family relationship has not been maintained for a long time, and it has gradually changed in quality.

Qian Ming and Qian Yali and Qian Yanan are both greedy people. They don't know the truth of using long lines to catch big fish. After walking with Xiaojing for a while, they can't wait to reveal their greedy nature and start to reach out to Xiaojing. money.

Qian Ming was the first to start.

He complained in front of Xiaojing that he didn't have a watch. He didn't even have a watch when he went to school on weekdays, which was extremely inconvenient.

Qian Yali, on the other hand, is much more euphemistic than him. Qian Yali always praised Xiaojing's clothes with envy, and sighed that she was poor and couldn't afford it...

Qian Yanan's heart is not as good as her sister and brother's, and she doesn't have those twists and turns in her stomach. She thinks that she recognizes Xiaojing's sister, and Xiaojing should give her sister's money.

She directly reached out to Xiaojing to ask for money, saying that she wanted to buy review materials, but in fact, buying review materials was just an excuse, she just wanted to cheat some pocket money.

The siblings asked Xiaojing for money, and they all did it behind each other's backs, so as not to imitate each other.

If everyone cares about the eldest sister asking for money, then the chances of asking for money will be greatly reduced, and maybe it will cause the eldest sister to be disgusted, and they will not give them a penny!

It is precisely because they are carrying each other behind their backs, so they don't know that they have already spoken to the eldest sister, and they all think they can make a fortune.

However, what surprised them was that this eldest sister, who seemed to be gentle and had no temper, was very stingy with money. People of their age opened their mouths, but they were all rejected by the eldest sister.

What she wants, she refuses outright, and she pretends not to understand what she wants.

Because in Xiaojing's heart, these younger brothers and sisters are just familiar strangers, and he hasn't gotten close enough to them that he can spend money on them.

Xiaojing has also survived the hard days. I think when she lived with her grandmother, in order to earn some living expenses, her mother set up a stall outside in the cold and cold weather, lit lamps and boiled oil to burn matchboxes, and also Picking up coal cores from burned cinders with iron hooks...

She knows the hardships of life and the hard-earned wealth, so she has always been careful with money. She doesn't spend a cent of money that shouldn't be spent, and she will never give away a cent to those who shouldn't give it.

Sister Qian Ming has been attached to this eldest sister for several months, and spent a lot of emotion and energy, but in the end they didn't even get a hair, they were all angry, and they often scold them that this eldest sister was ruthless at home.

After scolding at home like this, they realized that each other had already asked the eldest sister to ask for money, so they complained to each other again, thinking that if they didn't care about the eldest sister asking for money, and only asked for it themselves, the eldest sister might give it...

Xiu Hongmei also learned the way through the quarrel between her children. Knowing that they were taking care of Xiaojing and asking for money behind her back, she was furious. And warned them not to harass the eldest sister again.

Immediately, she went to Xiaojing herself and explained the matter to her ashamed.

After Xiaojing heard her mother's explanation, she just smiled lightly and said nothing.

But since then, she has gradually alienated her mother, Xiu Hongmei.

It's not that she has a problem with Xiu Hongmei, but she thinks that if she walks too close or too often, it will inevitably make those cheap younger siblings feel something they shouldn't have, so it's better to have less contact. Okay, so I don't get angry when I get to...

Except for being harassed by a few cheap brothers and sisters, the rest of the time, Xiao Jing lived happily and sweetly.

The chaos is really good for her. She is afraid of falling when she holds it in her hand, and she is afraid that it will melt when she holds it in her mouth. He never wanted to let her do a little housework. He would pick her up on a motorcycle every day to go to work.

I really doted on her, and it hurts to the core!

Xiaojing is not coquettish either, Da Chao loves her, and she returns the same love to him. This is because her character is relatively quiet, and she does not show all her emotions like Da Chao does. Her love for Da Chao is mostly It is not so obvious at all times.

For example: she would never take the initiative to kiss Da Chao, nor would she take the initiative to say "I love you" to Da Chao, but she would secretly knit a sweater for him in the office, and would often bring Da Chao back to the courtyard to visit her parents-in-law, She rushed to help her in-laws and mother-in-law with laundry and cooking, and she was as close as a mother and daughter to her mother-in-law.

She is not good at talking and communicating, but for the sake of chaos, she is willing to change herself, and she is willing to take the initiative to please her in-laws and get along well with his relatives...

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