"Duoduo, you can stay in this room in the future. Auntie didn't know you were coming, and she didn't prepare anything for you in advance. You can see if there is something missing, but don't be polite and tell Auntie. what……"

After returning home, Aunt Zhou arranged the flowers in the room next to Xiao Zhou on the second floor, and asked Aunt Cai to prepare a new quilt for her to settle this "prospective daughter-in-law".

Seeing this comfortable room, Hua Hua happily walked around the room and said to Aunt Zhou happily.

"Thank you auntie, I won't meet you."

"That's good, that's good, we're a family now, if you meet your auntie, you'll be a stupid child..." On Thursday, I heard the "prospective daughter-in-law" saying that she would not meet her In addition, happy to see the teeth out of sight.

"Well, auntie won't bother you anymore. You've been on the plane for so long, and you've been on the car for so long. You must be exhausted. Take a rest, and auntie will bring you fruit later."

Aunt Zhou said as she walked out the door with a smile on her face.

When passing by her son's room, she also gave him a secret wink, as if she arranged the flowers for him to provide him with convenience.

Xiao Zhou looked at his mother's scheming appearance, dumbfounded, speechless.

Damn, this is crazy thinking about my grandson. It must be so, so that I don't even care about the moral etiquette that I used to care about most.

If this had been put on hold ten years ago, if he had brought a girl home, his mother would have carefully interrogated her with a stern face, and she would not have given up without asking the girl's ancestors for eighteen generations.

Moreover, his mother will never let girls stay overnight at his house, so as not to be misunderstood by others.

But now, in order to get him off the list as soon as possible, my mother doesn't care about the bottom line of any principle...

Unfortunately, my mother's wish will never come true.

Because - the flower is not his girlfriend at all, he is hired to stop his parents from forcing the marriage.

However, not long after hiring this woman, Xiao Zhou regretted it.

Although this woman is beautiful and highly educated, she meets the standard requirements of parents for daughter-in-law. But her character is really disgusting. She fights against him all day long, thanks to Xiao Zhou's good temper. If she changed her temper, she would probably be mad at her.

But he couldn't help it, because he couldn't find a girl who could meet his parents and would be willing to cooperate with him for a while, so he had to reluctantly hire her and bring her back to the capital.

Zhou Xilong and his wife didn't know the tricky relationship between their son and Huahua at all, especially Aunt Zhou, who saw Huahua's young and lively, lovable personality, beautiful appearance and high education, they liked her very much.

No, after showing her around the room, he went to the kitchen to cut a plate of fruit and called Xiao Zhou to send it to her.

Xiao Zhou is one hundred people who are not willing to serve that woman, but in order not to be suspected by his mother, he has to do it reluctantly.

When he pushed the door in, Hua Hua was changing his pajamas. Xiao Zhou pushed the door coldly and walked in. Hua Hua was startled, he hurriedly pulled up the sheets to cover his body, and said angrily, "Are you polite? Don't you know you have to knock on the door before entering someone else's room?"

Xiao Zhou walked in without anyone else, put the fruit plate on the table, and said lightly, "If I remember correctly, this is my home. Do I need to knock on the door when I enter my own home?"

"Even if it's your home, isn't this room where I live now? Since it's me, you should knock on the door. Don't forget, there are differences between men and women. If you come in so suddenly, it will make me suspect that you come in. Motivation?" Hua quickly tidied up her clothes, threw the sheets on the bed, and questioned imposingly.


Xiao Zhou raised his eyebrows, "What motive can I have? You don't have any state secrets or valuable treasure. What motive can I have?"

Hua Hua gritted her teeth and said with her hands on her hips, "Although I have no state secrets and no treasure on my body, I am a woman, a beautiful woman, who knows if you will be jealous?"

"Seeing the color? Hehe...hehehe..."

As if he heard a big joke, Xiao Zhou smiled at her and said, "I will have a crush on you? Excuse me, where is your sex? Where do you get your confidence?"

Hua Hua was so mercilessly attacked by him that she didn't care at all. She flipped her hair and put on a charming pose, and said, "Are you blind at such a young age? I'm so sexy and charming, how can you actually Can't see?"

Xiao Zhou snorted and said, "Sexy and charming? Are you sure you are talking about yourself? To be honest, the reason I hired you at the beginning was because you were more down-to-earth, vulgar and vulgar, like a peasant woman. Although you don't like your looks, you are liked by old people, don't you see, my mother likes you very much!"

Hua Hua was pissed off by Xiao Zhou's words. She glared at Xiao Zhou viciously. Her face, which was already full of baby fat, became more and more puffed up, like a squirrel.

"Why am I being so vulgar again, you'd better apologize to me immediately, otherwise our contract will be terminated immediately, I'll pack up and go back to the United States, and then we'll see how you deal with your parents who are eager to hold their grandchildren. "

As she spoke, she turned around and threw her empty suitcase on the bed, ready to pack up.

Seeing that she was really leaving, Xiao Zhou coughed and said, "Well, I'm not trying to belittle you, really, I mean, your appearance doesn't fit my aesthetic at all, I swear, I will never You have other ideas, really, if you don't have ideas for me, I'll thank you."

"I will have an idea for you?" Hua Hua paused for the movement in her hand, and looked back at Xiao Zhou, her already big eyes were round and round.

"Uncle, don't you have paranoia? I will have thoughts about you? Hahaha... It's so funny, this is definitely one of the funniest jokes I've heard this year. I said uncle, you are such a crazy person Where does your confidence come from? Say it and let me hear it!”

After being eliminated by her, Xiao Zhou's face was darkened. He has always been a golden bachelor pursued by many celebrities in the upper-class circle of the capital. Many women dreamed of marrying him, trying to get close to him and please him.

Over the years, he has become accustomed to being flattered and cared for by many women, and being so disliked and attacked suddenly, seriously... not suitable!

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