Seeing that Xiao Zhou finished drinking this bowl of bitter medicine soup, Aunt Zhou did not forget to instruct: "Xiao Yuan, avoid alcohol and spicy food with this medicine. You can't drink or eat spicy food while you are taking the medicine."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhou immediately saw a row of black lines on his head. He asked a little frantically, "Mom, how many medicines did you catch me?"

Aunt Zhou stretched out a slap and turned it over. She smiled and said, "Not much, only ten sets. Mom will prepare a recipe for you after eating."

When Xiao Zhou heard the words, he said in a state of collapse, "Mom, don't you have to be so exaggerated? Actually, I don't think it's necessary to take this medicine. The big deal is that I'll read less books in the future, and I'll just take care of it."

"No!" Zhou Xilong and his wife almost unanimously vetoed.

"Then how? Eyes are a big deal. You are young. If you break your eyes, what will you do in the future?" Aunt Zhou continued.

Seeing the unquestionable expressions of his parents, Xiao Zhou's head suddenly became two big, and he said, "Mom, my eyes are a little tired during this period of time, I'll be fine if I pay attention, there's really no need to exaggerate! Besides, the medicine is three-point poisonous, aren't you afraid that this medicine will have any side effects on my body?"

"No." Father said decisively: "We have repeatedly asked the doctor, and we have shown the prescription to other doctors. This medicine is not harmful to the body at all. Not only is it not, but it has a nourishing effect. Well, you can drink it with confidence..."

Xiao Zhou was completely speechless, and could only silently erect a row of candles in his heart...

It seems that in the future, he will have to be filled with bitter medicine soup.

Although he has always been an assertive person, and he will not easily be led by the nose, but in front of his parents, he has always been filial and obedient, and rarely violated...

In the evening, the flowers came back from the studio.

As soon as she returned to her room, Xiao Zhou followed her in. After entering the door, he didn't beat around the bush, but pulled a bow and shot arrows and said straightly:

"When are you going to break up with me?"

Hua Hua was stunned for a moment, then turned to smile and said, "Tell you the good news, I have successfully persuaded my aunt that we will not be arranged to get married for the time being, so I can be your nominal daughter for a while longer. friend."

"No need!" Xiao Zhou said coldly: "I will handle my own affairs. You just need to follow our agreement and find a reason and excuse to break up with me."

"But, we didn't make an appointment. Do you want your parents to ask us to separate when we get married? Since your parents won't let us get married right now, why do you want to terminate the contract with me?" Hua Hua retorted .

Xiao Zhou said coldly: "Don't worry about this, you just need to find a proper reason to break up with me, but remember, I can't make my parents sad, after all, their second elders are so kind to you, if you make them sad, it will be too bad Too much."

Hua Hua looked at Xiao Zhou's firm eyes and said, "That old comrade Zhou, why do you have to drive me away? Are you afraid that I will depend on you? I can assure you that I will never do anything to you. It's an attempt! I just haven't got a firm foothold here for a while, and I want to wait for a while before I go, can't I?"

Afraid that Xiao Zhou suspected that his motives were impure, Hua Hua found a very appropriate excuse for himself.

In short, she just wanted to use the Zhou family's power and connections to compete for a place in the capital's art circle.

But in fact, this is not the whole idea of ​​flowers. The reason why she is not willing to move out is not only to make use of the Zhou family's connections, but also to covet the warm family atmosphere of the Zhou family, the kindness and care of Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou, and living in such an environment surrounded by love , who would be happy to choose to leave?

As for the idea of ​​taking advantage of the Zhou family's connections, Hua Hua thinks that her selfishness is not too much, and who doesn't use ready-made resources and connections!

It's human nature to change anyone else to think the same way.

Taking a step back, even if she made use of the Zhou family's connections and resources, it would not cause any loss or harm to the Zhou family, and it is even less likely that she would do anything to hurt the Zhou family, so she is only a small Just a little light on them.


Xiao Zhou stared at him, and said with burning eyes: "I already regret the stupid decision to hire you as a shield, and I don't want to continue this mistake! Therefore, our cooperative relationship must be terminated immediately! Tomorrow, you must start from This family moved out, I have already rented the house for you, your studio has also opened, and the identity of the Chinese citizen will be completed for you soon. I have already done what I promised you, and I hope you can too. Keep your promise and don't have other unrealistic ideas, lest I look down on your character."

"Hey, what's wrong with me? Are you going to look down on my character? Don't I just want to work with you for a while? If you don't want to pull it down, I'll move out tomorrow if you don't want to. You don't need to question my character! ' Flowers retorted angrily.

Xiao Zhou said: "That's good, I hope you can keep your word." After speaking, he opened the door and went out.

Hua Hua was annoyed by his aggressive attitude, stomped at the closed door and whispered: "Dead eunuch, what are you dragging? If it wasn't for the face of my uncle and aunt, my aunt would definitely ignore you. Tell the world!"

It's a pity that Xiao Zhou didn't hear this sentence. If he heard it, he would probably understand why his parents forced him to drink those bitter medicines...

The next morning, when everyone had breakfast together, Hua Hua said, "Uncle, auntie, my uncle's sister is coming to the capital today, and I plan to move out and live with her."

Aunt Zhou said in surprise: "Oh? You still have such a sister, why have I never heard of you?"

Before Hua Hua could answer, Aunt Zhou said cheerfully, "Since it's your uncle's sister, she's not an outsider, so let her come and live at home. Anyway, it's a big place to live in."

Hua Hua hurriedly said: "No, she didn't come to live here for a while, but came to join me, and was going to find a job in the capital... If she lived here for a long time, it wouldn't be a big deal if she always lived here, it's still us. Let's go out and live together."

In fact, Hua Hua's "uncle's sister" was invented by her, just to find an excuse to move out of Zhou's house. Her mother died not long after she was born, and the people from her grandma's family had long since cut off contact with her. She didn't even know her uncle, so how could she know her uncle's sister?

Aunt Zhou didn't know what to do, and warmly persuaded: "What's the inconvenience of that? Our family is so big, you can let her come. It happens that our family has few adults, and every day is dead, and there are two more young children at home. , also more lively."

Xiao Zhou put down his chopsticks and said lightly, "Mom, let her move out. The living habits of young girls are different from ours. If we force them to live in our house, they will be uncomfortable."

"Really?" Aunt Zhou asked while looking at the flowers.

The flower drooped her eyelids and hesitated: "Uh... um..."

Hearing Hua Hua's words, Aunt Zhou couldn't be too hard on others, and said with concern: "Well, just move out and live, have you found the house, where is it, what kind of house is it? Safe?"

Xiao Zhou said: "Mom, I have already arranged for her, don't worry."

"Hey, how can I let go of this? Duoduo is a girl, and she is so beautiful. The two little girls live alone outside. What if they are missed by bad people?"

Aunt Zhou talked to herself, and then told Huahua some precautions for living outside, such as going back early in the evening, you must lock the door when you sleep, and no one will open the door if you knock, don't talk to people easily, and don't easily tell others about yourself address, etc...

While listening, Huahua's eyes were hot, and she felt that she was so moved that she was about to cry.

Growing up, she had never experienced the warmth of a family. Although she was raised by her grandparents when she was a child, her grandparents were patriarchal people who loved her uncle's younger brother more than her. Grandma has never experienced love, and she grew up in a state of disgust from them.

Thanks to her tenacious character, like a thriving weed, she can always develop vigorously, no matter how hard she gets hit, she doesn't care, otherwise, if she changed Lin Daiyu's character, she would have died of suffocation.

However, although she has a carefree personality, it does not mean that she does not care about love and does not long for family affection. Just like at this moment, Aunt Zhou urged her earnestly, and every sentence showed reluctance and concern, which made her really feel When it comes to the mother's love that he has longed for for twenty-two years.

At this moment, she is like being surrounded by true maternal love, and she is so moved that she really wants to cry in the arms of "mother", and also experience the happiness of being coquettish and complaining in front of her mother...

However, she can't cry, she must be strong, she must hold on! Otherwise, this dead eunuch will definitely suspect that he has plans for him. Although he is insignificant, he must not be looked down upon by others.

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