Xiao Wu said so much in one breath, which shows her determination not to marry.

When the people present heard her splendid remarks, although they did not agree with her point of view, they could not refute it, because what she said was the truth.

In today's society, the relationship between husband and wife is not exactly what Xiao Wu said.

Later, Aunt Gao said, "It's not all like that. Look, your brother, your sister-in-law, and us, who is not married and has a happy life? Although the situation you mentioned also exists, but It's not absolute, most couples in this world are still happy, otherwise it would be as miserable as you said, who would get married?"

Xiao Wu said, "Auntie, you are right. What I said is not absolute, but you cannot deny that it is a common fact."

"It is said that the human heart is separated by the belly. Who knows what kind of man I will meet? Since I can live well by myself, why should I risk the rest of my life?"

"How many women in this world are full of expectations and fantasies about marriage before they get married, but after they get married and have children, they are hit hard by reality. The status quo has changed.”

"In the end, I can only compromise with life and live a life of humiliation. I believe that at least half of the ten women think this way, so I will not repeat their mistakes..."

At this time, the waitress who was passing the dishes behind them suddenly interjected and said, "You're right to think so, girl, you are really a sensible person, the same as what I think! It's a pity, when I think about it. When Wei Er came, it was already too late. We already had two children. If there were no children, I would have left him 800 years ago. Women, getting married is just looking for guilt for myself. I regret it. Why can't I think about it so much, why did I marry him?"

Hearing the waiter's sigh, Xiao Wu smiled slightly and said to everyone, "Listen, I met a bosom friend. I believe that what this eldest sister said is definitely the voice of most married women comrades."

Han Mingxiu said: "If you don't want to be fettered by your family and don't want to take responsibility for your family, then of course it's better not to get married. Otherwise, if you marry for the sake of marriage, it will also cause pain to your spouse, children and yourself."

"But if you are willing to take on the responsibilities of the family, and you are willing to pay for the family, of course, it is better to get married. How can people live better when they are young, and the old age is the hardest! If you are sick and can't take care of yourself when you get old, go There is no one to take care of, and in the end, no one knows about being alone, dying of starvation and dying in a nursing home, that's really pitiful."

Xiao Wu still insisted on her own point of view, she said: "If you have children, you may not be able to support their parents. Now they are all one child in a family, and everyone is used to it like their ancestors. Count on them to support their parents! Let me see, it would be good if two or three of the ten children can support their parents.”

"Anyway, I've figured it out. When I'm old and can't take care of myself, I'll end myself with sleeping pills, so I won't lie in bed and suffer and wait to die. As for what's going on behind me..."

Xiao Wu spread out his hands and said casually, "Everyone is dead, so what are they doing?"

Han Mingxiu said: "You should wait until the day you are old to talk about it. If you still think like this when you are old, then your life will not be in vain, but if you regret it and want to temporarily I changed my mind, and I want to get married and have children again, so I don't have to rush."

"I will not regret it. I have long decided to live alone for a lifetime and enjoy my own life. I believe that my life will not be worse than yours, and my happiness will not be less than yours. ." Xiao Wu said confidently.

Sister He Li said with emotion, "I heard what you said just now. It makes sense. I don't even know who to talk to."

Han Mingxiu said: "It does make sense. There is no right answer to this question. It's just that individuals have different attitudes towards life. Whether it is to choose to get married or to choose to be single, it is a personal choice. There is no right or wrong. We should all understand and support."

When Xiao Wuyi heard this, he immediately became happy and asked Han Mingxiu, "Sister-in-law, so you support me?"

Han Mingxiu said, "Although my sister-in-law sincerely hopes that you can get married and have children, since you have decided to be single, my sister-in-law still respects your decision."

Xiao Wu said gratefully, "Thank you sister-in-law for your understanding, don't worry, I will live a happy life."

Xiaoqiu and Xiaosi still disagree with Xiaowu's decision, but seeing that their sister-in-law supports Xiaowu, they both trust her sister-in-law more than their own judgments, so after seeing her sister-in-law agree with Xiaowu's choice, the two of them no more to say...

After this topic passed, everyone focused their attention on Aunt Zhou again.

"Aunt Zhou, when will Siyuan get married? I haven't seen Duoduo for a long time, why didn't you bring her today?" Aunt Gao asked with concern.

Before, after a period of contact, Aunt Zhou recognized the daughter-in-law Hua Hua and brought her out to meet everyone, so Aunt Gao and the others knew Hua Hua and liked her very much.

When it came to flowers, Aunt Zhou couldn't help but feel depressed.

Since the girl moved out, she never came back once. She called several times, the girl always said she was busy, and she didn't know if she was really busy or if she thought her son was sick and wanted to talk to her son Huang...

However, based on her understanding of Duoduo in the past few months, Duoduo should not be the kind of person who can't share weal and woe, and has to run first if there is any difficulty...

But since he wasn't that kind of person, why did he alienate their Zhou family and refuse to come back?

She and Lao Zhou are very satisfied with Duoduo. Duoduo has a good personality, is lively and cheerful, enthusiastic and generous, and is full of positive energy. Get along with people, don't get tired!

They originally planned to marry their two children this year, but they didn't realize that their son had a problem in that regard. As a result, their wish to hold a grandson failed, not only to hold a grandson, but also to marry a daughter-in-law. Gotta slip.

For some reason, she and Lao Zhou always felt that Duoduo was going with their son Huang.

But when you think about it, it seems unlikely.

Aside from that aspect of my son's problems, the rest is top-notch in terms of education, appearance, work and ability. How many ladies and daughters in the capital want to marry into their family, but Xiao Zhou doesn't look down on them. Woolen cloth.

And Duoduo is the daughter of an overseas Chinese. There is no power or money in the family, and she herself is not very good. How could she look down on their precious son under such conditions?

Besides, my son's problem is not incurable, maybe it will be cured soon! Such good conditions, it is said that women with long brains are reluctant to be yellow.


Just in the doubts about whether the flower is going to be yellow with Xiao Zhou, Aunt Zhou is naturally not willing to answer when someone asks about the situation of the flower.

"Uh... We're not in a hurry. I guess when Cui Lianjie and Niuniu get married, they will be almost the same." She didn't know.

Aunt Gao didn't know what she was really thinking. When she heard that she wanted Xiaozhou and Duoduo to get married next year, she said, "" Cui Lianjie and Niuniu are both young, your Xiaozhou is in her early thirties, let me see , on New Year's Day, it's time to get things done. "

Sister He Li was also helping, "Yes, Xiao Zhou is really not too young, our unit Zhang Shuqi is the same age as Xiao Zhou, and now the children are all in primary school, auntie, you should get things done earlier, we are all waiting. Drinking his wedding wine, I can't wait to see it..."

Aunt Zhou twitched the corners of her mouth and said with a dry smile, "Maybe young people think differently than we do. They both said that their careers have just started, and they have no intention of getting married at the moment, thinking about waiting for their careers to stabilize. marry."

Han Mingxiu said, "That's fine. Start a career first and then start a family. Now many promising young people do this."

Aunt Gao said with emotion, "The times have really changed, it's not the same as when we were at that time. We used to focus on getting married first and then starting a career, but now it's the opposite of our time, starting a career first and then starting a family. It seems, We old guys are really going to be eliminated by society.

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