Yaoyao was accused by her uncle, and she felt very upset, so she pouted and muttered, "You should have thought, how could I like you like this? You are self-indulgent, why do you blame me..."

"Hey, you kid, don't you admit you've done something wrong? You've learned to talk back to the adults..." Da Chao was told that he was self-indulgent, and he couldn't hang himself on his face, so he put on the profile of his elders.

Miaoyao couldn't stand Uncle Daran's arrogant manners, so she rolled his eyes at him and said angrily, "It's obviously your fault, and you blame me, I'm not ashamed..."

"Yaoyao, you are not allowed to be big or small with your uncle, that's your uncle, that's your elder." Han Mingxiu said a graceful sentence when she heard the two men arguing.

Yaoyao said unconvincingly, "Even an elder has to be reasonable. Just because he is an elder, everything he says is right. I didn't say that I like his type. He has to think so. How can you blame me? Dad, to be fair, who is to blame for this?"

Of course, Huo Jianfeng spoke to his precious daughter, and when he heard her daughter ask him, he stood in his daughter's team without hesitation.

"Da Chao is not your uncle. He is father's younger brother, so he should be regarded as your uncle."

Huo Jianfeng said that, the chaos is no longer even his uncle. Who is to blame for this? It became clear at once!

With her father backing her up, she became more confident, and she spoke in a louder voice than before. She looked at the chaos and said, "Listen, listen, my dad doesn't blame me anymore, and besides, you too Not only my uncle, but also my uncle."

When Da Chao saw his brother demolishing his own stage, his face suddenly collapsed.

"Forget it, I won't be stubborn with you. You two are in a group, and I am alone. I can't beat you alone. Please wait for your grandfather to run to death?"

As he spoke, he squinted at his daughter-in-law.

Xiaojing understood the meaning of the chaos, so she smiled and said, "What do you mean? You want me to help you? Just say it if you want me to help you, don't be embarrassed!"

The chaos pouted, "I said let you help me, can you really help me?"

Xiaojing said, "Although it can't help you fight against Yaoyao, at least it can comfort you when you are hurt, so you won't be hit too hard..."

Da Chao rolled his eyes and said, "I knew it was like this, I knew you wouldn't help me, hey, I'm so pitiful, my daughter-in-law doesn't even hurt me."

Xiao Jing looked at the chaos in her eyes and said calmly, "I don't hurt you? Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm not sure, I'm just joking!" Seeing Xiaojing's expression with a smile on his face, he was confused for a second. The original aggrieved expression was immediately replaced by a flattering expression, and he exaggerated and said loudly—

"My daughter-in-law loves me the most, look at the sweaters and wool pants on me, these are all knitted by my daughter-in-law for me, and the sweaters from my father and my mother are also bought by my daughter-in-law in the store. My daughter-in-law treats me, it can't be better, ah~ I am so happy to be able to marry such a good daughter-in-law!"

Seeing the exaggerated performance of Da Chao, everyone was amused, and Wang Haixing said with a smile, "Dog face, if you say it changes, it will change, it's 30 years old and still not in shape!"

Zhang Shuzhen said, "Although there is no formality in the chaos, what he said is true. Xiaojing is really good to him and has nothing to say."

After praising the younger daughter-in-law, she was afraid that the older daughter-in-law would pick on her, and immediately said, "Xiu has nothing to say about Jianfeng, you two brothers, you are really lucky, you are married to such a good daughter-in-law. Maybe I'm jealous of you two brothers..."

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