"Gu, I'm leaving, you stay, don't give it away..." Huo Jianfeng said to his aunt on his own.

As for Xiao Guoping's sour words, Huo Jianfeng didn't pay her any attention, and didn't even give her a look, as if she was air, not worth his nonsense at all.

In fact, Huo Jianfeng really thought so, what is Xiao Guoping? In Huo Jianfeng's eyes, a selfish and calculating rural shrew is simply not a good thing, and he doesn't bother to talk nonsense with her, it's too cheap.

Han Mingxiu thought the same as him. After Huo Jianfeng mentioned that he was leaving, she immediately gestured to a few children with her eyes, and then the family walked out of the door.

The aunt sent them to the door. The eldest uncle, cousin, the two sons of the cousin's family, and Ya Dan also came out and sent them off together. Only Xiao Guoping didn't come out. I guess he was angry for the graceful words. .

When they got outside, when Huo Jianfeng and his family got into the car, Ya Dan said attentively,

"Uncle, auntie, you don't have to worry about my milk. When I have time, I will bring my milk to your house to visit..."

Hearing this, Han Mingxiu paused as he got into the car.

What? Did she hear it right? This nasty girl is going to their house?

The thought of such a shabby thing coming to the house made Han Mingxiu feel bad.

Huo Jianfeng didn't feel any better than her, so he simply said, "If you want to go, just let your milk go by yourself, you are so old, hurry up and find something serious to do, don't idle around all day and travel east. Wandering west."

This is a very serious word. If a girl who has a face, will be embarrassed to hear her elders say that about herself.

It's just—Ya Dan doesn't belong to the category of girls who want to be shameful. After hearing Huo Jianfeng's words, he said with a smile, "Uncle, I don't wander around all day, I'm planning to learn two-person play, when I finish learning it. , I'll sing the duo for you."

Hearing this, the corner of Huo Jianfeng's mouth twitched, and his heart was like thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past.

This girl... she's actually going to learn the two-person turn!

There is no artistry at all when the two of them turn this kind of local drama. They are all playing tigers. A girl from a good family, who learns that stuff? Will I be able to find my husband's family in the future after learning that stuff?

Besides, they will be looked down upon by the people of the Tunli!

Huo Jianfeng couldn't help but roll down the window and said to his cousin, "Did you let your child go to learn two-person transfer?"

Seeing his cousin's serious expression, Sui Zhenye blushed and said, "No... I didn't let her go. Isn't that the child still at home?"

Huo Jianfeng narrowed his eyes and wanted to say a few more words, but Han Mingxiu coughed and motioned him not to say anything.

The dick is so big, and she has long been determined. Huo Jianfeng can't break her frivolous and vain temper even if she says it, so don't say it, so as not to waste her words and thank you.

Besides, Ya Dan is not one of their people, so I can't afford to waste my words for her...

In the end, Huo Jianfeng said nothing, signaled the driver to drive, and the family quickly left.

After the car drove away, Yadan excitedly said to Aunt Huo, "Mother, didn't my uncle let you go to the capital? When are you leaving? I'll go with you."

Aunt Huo said, "What are you going to do in the capital? People are just polite, do you take it seriously? Besides, how much did you pay for the last trip to the capital? We don't have the spare money in our family, don't think about whether it's the same... "

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