Over the years, the three children have been practicing martial arts with Aunt Xiaofu, and they have never stopped. Over the years, the three of them have cultivated good skills, and the big pair is even more powerful. Been gesturing for a while.

Of course, Da Shuang is still a child. Whether it is physical or height, he is much different from his father. Therefore, he can only have a few moves with his father. Basically, within ten moves, he will be crushed by his father. .

Sons are different from daughters. Boys will take responsibility for the whole family in the future, so Huo Jianfeng is very strict with his sons. Every time he tries to make a deal with his son, he will give them some pain.

Xiaoshuang is relatively smooth and knows that his father is strict with them, so every time he fights with his father, he refuses to confront him. Basically, he will automatically lose to his father within five moves, so as not to suffer.

But Da Shuang's temperament is very hard. He belongs to the kind of character who would rather bleed than cry. Although he knows that he can't beat his father, he will still attack with all his strength every time he has a fight with him.

In the end, of course, he was beaten and repaired by his father. Every time he finished the move, his body would be blue and purple. The taste of his father's iron fists, not to mention how sour and refreshing...

Hearing his father threatening him, Dashuang's bones and muscles throbbed in reflex, but there was no discomfort on his face, and he even said calmly, "Okay? When? Practice, I can do it anytime."

Huo Jianfeng likes his son's unremarkable look of joy and anger, and he also likes his son's cool and dragging momentum very much.

He patted his son on the shoulder and said, "Okay, when we return to the capital, our grandfather will go back to the practice room of our villa to make a gesture..."

At this moment, he has forgotten about forcing his son to admit that he is not old, he is young and handsome, and he is thinking about how to train this excellent son after returning...


Sijiawazi village is very close to Xiaodongshan village. In just a few minutes, the van took their family back to Sijiawazi village and back to the village chief's house.

At this moment, the village chief's house was crowded with villagers who came to visit. The uncle was sitting on the head of the kang and was describing the life in the capital to the villagers with a red face.

These villagers all listened quietly, with envious and yearning expressions on their faces, especially those young people who even looked in awe when they looked at their uncle.

The uncle, sitting in the middle of a group of villagers, spoke with impassioned saliva.

In my impression, the uncle has always kept a low profile in the village, and he has never spoken so loudly, nor has he ever delivered a speech in front of so many people.

However, time has changed, and today's uncle is no longer the lame Wang who was looked down upon and bullied by others in the past, but a native of the capital who climbed out of this poor ravine, with a higher status than the village chief. , of course, qualified to sit here and talk about it!

In another room, a group of women sat on the kang. Auntie, Hai Xing, and Xiao Jing also sat on the kang, chatting with the women in the village.

"Sister-in-law Emma, ​​you two are really lucky. Look at your two daughters-in-law, you can't find them even with a lantern..."

"Why not? It's not just that the two daughters-in-law can't find the lantern. Look at Hai Xing's son-in-law, he is also a good guy who can't find the lantern. Those who earn money and work, we have all these girls married in the village, who would dare to find them?"

When Wang Haixing heard her neighbor's aunt's compliment to her man, she quickly said modestly, "Auntie, you've won the prize, how can he be as good as you said..."

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